Trends in landbouw en voedsel

Potato Cyst Nematode
september 17, 2014

Fungi identified to combat potato cyst nematodes

Researchers of the Institute of Ecology (INECOL) in Mexico have identified a fungus capable of feeding on nematodes. Combining this biological control with other methods in an integrated management system reduced the golden nematode population by up to 90 percent in two years.
Private potato breeder Andre Gagnon at work at his research facility in Quebec.
september 14, 2014

Canadian potato breeders want a bigger say

Canada's private potato breeders are calling for a bigger say in how new varieties are developed in Canada.
The FAO Food Price Index fall to its lowest level since September 2010
september 11, 2014

The FAO Food Price Index falls to its lowest level since September 2010

The <strong>FAO Food Price Index</strong> averaged 196.6 points in August 2014, its lowest level since September 2010. In August, the index registered its fifth consecutive monthly decline, down 7.3 points (3.6 percent) from July and 7.9 points (3.9 percent) from August 2013.
US Potato Exports Hit New Records In Both Value &amp; Volume (expanded)
september 11, 2014

US Potato Exports Hit New Records In Both Value & Volume (expanded)

The value of all U.S. potato exports reached $1,755,544,515 for the recently completed July 2013 – June 2014 marketing year. This is an expanded version of an earlier publication.
HZPC assigns Rungis as exclusive distributor for Perupas in the Netherlands
september 10, 2014

HZPC assigns Rungis as exclusive distributor for Perupas in the Netherlands

HZPC has entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with Rungis for its Perupas specialty potatoes.
PEI Potato Growers Are Rooted In Their Communities This Fall
september 10, 2014

PEI Potato Growers Are Rooted In Their Communities This Fall

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board, on behalf of all Island potato growers, is proud to be rooted in our community through support of a number of exciting events this September and October.
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Apple Pay coming to McDonald's United States in October
september 09, 2014

McDonald's announces Apple Pay is coming to all US restaurants

McDonald’s Corporation today announced it will accept Apple Pay in all of its U.S. restaurants following today’s launch of the mobile payments service.
National Potato Council (US) hires Steve Holton as the Director of Corporate and Public Relations
september 08, 2014

National Potato Council (US) hires Steve Holton as the Director of Corporate and Public Relations

The National Potato Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Holton as the Director of Corporate and Public Relations.
Food Standards Agency (FSA)
september 07, 2014

Food Standards Agency publishes acrylamide and furan survey results of Foods in the United Kingdom

The FSA (Food Standards Agency) has published the results from its latest study looking at levels of the process contaminants acrylamide and furan in a wide range of UK retail foods.
Potatoes are an important dietary source of Potassium
september 06, 2014

Eating Potassium-rich Foods Cuts Stroke, Death Risk among Older Women

Postmenopausal women who eat foods higher in potassium [such as potatoes; PotatoPro] are less likely to have strokes or to die from any cause than women who eat fewer potassium-rich foods, according to data from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI).
Potato professionals from all over the world visit PotatoEurope 2014
september 06, 2014

Potato professionals from all over the world visit PotatoEurope 2014

Around 10,000 potato professionsals from more than 60 countries visited PotatoEurope 2014 at the Rittergut Bockerode estate near Hanover.
McDonald&#039;s Japan to offer purple sweet potato McShake
september 04, 2014

McDonald's Japan to offer purple sweet potato McShake this fall

According to the Japanese food website McDonald's Japan will offer this fall for a limited time a purple sweet potato milkshake.
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Live aerial pesticide application at Jim Coombs Farms
september 04, 2014

New Jersey Potato Growers host EPA Tour

During the week of August 26, the National Potato Council (NPC) led a delegation of 19 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff on a crop tour of New Jersey’s potato growing region.
Great Big Idaho Potato Truck nominates Florida Dept. Of Citrus, Washington Apples and Gerorgia Peaches to accept ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
september 04, 2014

Great Big Idaho Potato Truck takes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Showing its support for one of the most popular fundraisers ever, the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) Great Big Idaho® Potato Truck nominated the Florida Department of Citrus, Washington Apples, and Georgia Peaches to accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
world water week
september 03, 2014

PepsiCo Unveils New Water-Modeling Tool at World Water Week

Today at the Stockholm International Water Institute's annual World Water Week, PepsiCo announced the company's latest Water Report and unveiled Hydro-BID, a tool that estimates the availability of freshwater in water-scarce regions.
US Potato Exports Hit a New Record both in Value and Volume
september 03, 2014

US Potato Exports Hit a New Record both in Value and Volume

The value of all U.S. potato exports was $1,755,544,515 for the recently completed July 2013 – June 2014 marketing year. This is a 7% increase over the previous record set in 2012/13.
Kim Breshears Joins USPB Staff as Marketing Programs Director
september 03, 2014

Kim Breshears Joins USPB Staff as Marketing Programs Director

The United States Potato Board (USPB) is pleased to announce Kim Breshears has joined its staff as Marketing Programs Director in the Denver office. She started her new role August 18, 2014.
Productores colombianos quieren disminuir la huella hídrica de la papa con agricultura de conservación
september 02, 2014

Productores colombianos quieren disminuir la huella hídrica de la papa con agricultura de conservación

Representantes y técnicos de organizaciones de productores de papa y leche en Cundinamarca que agrupan a más de 800 familias campesinas participaron de manera activa en un taller teórico-práctico convocado por FUNDESOT, el CIAT y el MADR.


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