Trends in landbouw en voedsel

 Pesticides spraying in potato field
maart 31, 2009

McDonald's to take steps to cut potato pesticides

McDonald's Corp, the largest purchaser of potatoes in the United States, has agreed to take preliminary steps to reduce pesticide use in its domestic potato supply, shareholder groups said on Tuesday. Following the agreement, the Bard College Endowme...
maart 27, 2009

Menu-labeling bill withdrawn in Maryland

Doyle Niemann, a delegate in the Maryland General Assembly, agreed Thursday to withdraw his menu-labeling bill after it failed to draw much support from lawmakers. The Restaurant Association of Maryland, which actively opposed the measure, praised Niem...
maart 26, 2009

Conagra Foods reports higher sales at Lamb Weston in 3Q (Nov 22-Feb 22)

ConAgra Foods, Inc. today reported results for the fiscal 2009 third quarter ended Feb. 22, 2009. Overall sales grew 6%. Diluted EPS from continuing operations was $0.43 for the quarter, an increase of 26% from prior-year levels of $0.34. Excluding $0...
maart 26, 2009

Why 7-Eleven is selling its own potato crisps

Supermarkets in the US are more reliant on branded products than their counterparts in Europe, which have bigger selections of private label goods. But the recession is being treated by US retailers as a chance to have another go with private label.
 Organic Trade Association (OTA)
maart 26, 2009

Organic Trade Association praises talks on organic equivalency agreement between U.S. and Canada

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) today expressed support and encouragement for the Canadian and U.S. governments in their efforts to reach an organic equivalency agreement. Progress on the Canadian-U.S. talks was announced yesterday at OTA’s Policy ...
 Conagra Foods
maart 25, 2009

ConAgra Foods presents its first Corporate Responsibility Report

ConAgra Foods announced today its inaugural Corporate Responsibility Report is now available.  The report captures the facts and data behind ConAgra Foods’ commitment to improving not only the food it makes—such as Healthy Choice meals, Chef Boyardee p...
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maart 25, 2009

KFC Offers to Fill Up the Nation's ... Potholes

Kentucky Fried Chicken today announced its own urban renewal program. The chicken chain has offered to fill up the potholes in five major U.S. cities to promote its “fresh” brand positioning. Giving back has become a trend for marketers, including Star...
 Lamb Weston Sweet Things (Sweet Potato Battered Tri-Cut Dices)
maart 24, 2009

Sweet Potato Fries boost sweet potatoes in Foodservice

Three words can sum up the increasing popularity of sweet potatoes in the foodservice industry: sweet potato fries.They’re stars on restaurant menus across the country, and some fine dining establishments are pursuing different fresh-cut angles and co...
 United States Potato Board (USPB)
maart 23, 2009

United States Potato Board Elects New Leadership during 2009 annual meeting

The United States Potato Board (USPB) grower membership elected new leadership during its Annual Meeting held in Denver, CO, March 10-13. The News release lists the leadership for the coming year by section.
maart 23, 2009

US Consumer spending plunges in early March

Restaurateurs looking for signs of an economic recovery will not see it in a recent survey that found consumer spending down markedly across all income groups in early March.Even as government officials suggested that consumer spending might have stabi...
 National Potato Council (NPC)
maart 22, 2009

National Potato Council - US frozen potato exports to Mexico will decline after truck funding elimination

The National Potato Council (NPC) is calling on the Obama Administration and Congress to either reinstate the funding required to continue the pilot program allowing Mexican trucks into a limited area within U.S. border states or to quickly develop an ...
maart 19, 2009

Fries face competition in Tennessee school cafeterias with $1.4M veggie grant

French fries and pizza may soon have more competition in school cafeterias in Tennessee.Grants worth $1.4 million in public dollars are being used to spur fresh vegetable consumption at some Tennessee public schools next school year. Priority will be g...
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maart 19, 2009

Salt replacements could be deadly, say renal specialists

Renal specialists have called for clear labeling on products that use potassium chloride as a salt replacer because it could pose a hidden risk for dialysis patients. Potassium chloride has been seen as a potential candidate for salt replacement becaus...
maart 18, 2009

Restaurants may catch a break with falling costs

After suffering from cost inflation nearly all of last year, relief from sky-high commodity and energy costs is here, and restaurant bottom lines should stand to benefit from deflated prices by the second half of this year, said UBS Securities analyst ...
maart 18, 2009

University of Maine cooperative extension program saves potato farmers 17 million

Maine potato growers are thriving thanks to a late blight spraying advice offered by the University of Maine's cooperative extension program.
 United States Potato Board (USPB)
maart 17, 2009

US Potato industry faces export challenges

Competition and market access are the two biggest issues facing the potato industry as it tries to expand exports.“We had been benefiting from having a weak dollar, but that has also made the cost of international programs higher,” said Bart Connors, ...
 Fast food chains threat to casual dining
maart 16, 2009

Fast Food Chains Cut Into Casual-Dining Market With High-End Offerings at Lower Prices

As if unemployment rates, home foreclosures and the deepening recession weren't enough, the beleaguered casual-dining industry has to fend off new, formidable competition: fast-food chains. As consumers increasingly trade down to fast food, several pla...
maart 16, 2009

Wal-Mart Gives Its Store Brand a Makeover

Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) has completely overhauled its oldest and biggest store brand, a move likely to send shock waves through the ranks of branded grocery manufacturers around the globe. For the past year, Wal-Mart has worked with suppliers and consu...


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