Trends in landbouw en voedsel

 Potato Breeding
september 09, 2012

British potato breeding changing focus

The days of a few big varieties dominating the potato market are over, with breeding programmes becoming more focused on delivering sustainable varieties for specific markets.
 Seed Industry Event 2012
september 05, 2012

Britain's seed potato community to come together at Seed Industry Event in November

GB’s seed potato community will be coming together to keep up-to-date on plant health and variety breeding at this year’s Seed Industry Event at Crieff Hydro near Perth, Scotland on November 20.
 North West Potato Event
september 02, 2012

Top speakers to attend first North West Potato Day in Britain

Potato growers are invited to the first North West Potato Day to be held at Aston Grange, Aston, Runcorn, Cheshire on September 18 to discuss with the experts some of the challenges they have faced this year.
Farmer with i-crop
augustus 30, 2012

Pepsico UK introduces smartphone app to predict potato yields;i-crop trial results revealed

Smartphone App to predict potato yield PepsiCo and Cambridge University have joined forces to introduce mobile technology to crop planning, with a new smartphone app that will help farmers predict future harvests.
augustus 28, 2012

Technical in-field workshops to be held at North of England Potato Day

Damage awareness is one of the key topics to be discussed at the North of England Potato Day to be held at Headley Hill Farm, Tadcaster, Yorkshire on September 4.
La primer máquina auto expendedora para niños que ofrece exclusivamente snacks saludables
augustus 21, 2012

La primer máquina auto expendedora para niños que ofrece exclusivamente snacks saludables

Se ha presentado la primera máquina expendedora para niños en el Reino Unido, una vending que ofrece exclusivamente snacks saludables, batidos y bocadillos, en total doce productos diferentes que los más pequeños podrán elegir. Como se aprecia en la fo...
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augustus 21, 2012

El consumidor comerá más snacks pese a seguir dudando de su salubridad, según reciente estudio

El mercado de los snacks alcanzará los 4.800 millones de euros hacia el 2016 en el Reino Unido, según el informe de mercado de Mintel. No obstante, y a pesar de los buenos augurios, el público sigue manteniendo ciertas ideas preconcebida alrededor de...
 chocolate cookie
augustus 20, 2012

How packaging convinces you food tastes better

Supermarket food packaging doesn't just tempt you into putting it in your basket - new Which? research reveals that the packaging actually increases how tasty you perceive a product to be. To test the power of packaging, we asked two groups of people ...
 Alan Burgess
augustus 17, 2012

Food Industry expert Alan Burgess joins Spice Application Systems

Experienced food industry professional Alan Burgess has joined Spice Application Systems (SAS) as a director, taking on responsibility for sales and marketing, project development and day-to-day operations. The move will see Peter King, founder and ma...
Jerry knox
augustus 14, 2012

Jerry Knox to speak of lessons from the wettest drought at East of England Potato Day

Jerry Knox from Cranfield University will discuss the lessons learnt from the wettest drought in history at the East of England Potato Day
augustus 14, 2012

New British app allows potato chip bags to predict the weather

It is probably hard to go wrong with a promotion based on the British obsession with the weather. That is why packets of Walkers crisps, as the Brits call potato chips, will feature augmented reality weather forecasts using an app from Blippar.
 Potato Week
augustus 09, 2012

Potato Council calls on industry to highlight potato diversity in Potato Week

In the run up to Potato Week (1-7 October 2012), Potato Council is turning to growers and farm shops to help spread the message that there is more to potatoes than meets the eye. To coincide with the launch of its high profile consumer campaign that w...
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augustus 06, 2012

Crisps: an icon for the British Consumer

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Case study: How to build a potato storage facility
augustus 05, 2012

Case study: How to build a potato storage facility

A new 2,700 tonne potato storage facility – constructed and equipped as a ‘turnkey’ project by Crop Systems Ltd - is helping Shropshire growers J M Bubb and Son hit and beat exacting targets for both energy and CIPC usage.
 Potato Europe 2012
augustus 02, 2012

Potato Council invites you to Potato Europe

Potato importers and growers looking to import high quality seed potatoes are warmly invited to visit the Potato Council pavilion at Potato Europe (Villers-Saint-Christophe, France, September 12-13). This is an ideal opportunity for potential importer...
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McDonald’s and the IOC banned other french fries from Olympics

Because of an exclusive sponsorship deal with McDonald's, none of the other 800 food retailers on the grounds of 40 Olympic sites will be allowed to sell 'chips or french fries'during the fortnight of the Games.
juli 07, 2012

Londres 2012: la guerra de las papas fritas

McDonald's, uno de los major sponsors de los JJOO, dejará de tener el monopolio para vender el producto más pedido en las instalaciones. Sin embargo, la liberación no es total El personal que trabaja sin descanso para tener todo listo de cara a la cer...
juli 03, 2012

Search is on for prestigious potato industry award winner in Britain

otato Council is seeking nominations for this year's British Potato Industry Award.


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