Trends in landbouw en voedsel

 United States Potato Board International Seed Symposium
september 19, 2011

USPB Conducts Largest Ever International Seed Symposium

The United States Potato Board (USPB) held its largest ever International Seed Potato Symposium in Denver, CO, August 1, 2011. This year’s seed symposium included buyers from Brazil, Burkina Faso, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Nicaragua, Egypt, Uruguay, Hondur...
september 19, 2011

US Agricultural research supported by tax-exempt donations?

Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to allow tax-exempt donations to support agricultural research as a means to help keep American agriculture on the forefront of food production breakthroughs. The Charitable Agriculture Research Act (...
september 15, 2011

McDonald's has started the roll out of its healthier Happy Meals

McDonald's has started rolling out its new, healthier Happy Meals in some markets. By the end of this week, the offering will be on the menus of McDonald's restaurants in the New York Tri-State and a number of markets in California.
september 15, 2011

FDA Seeks Public Comment on Approaches to Reducing Sodium Consumption

On September 13, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with several key initial partners, launched Million Hearts, an initiative that aims to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes over the next five years. As one component of ...
 Michelle Obama at GMA
september 15, 2011

Michelle Obama makes headway calling for Healthy Foods

Calorie by calorie, first lady Michelle Obama is chipping away at big portions and unhealthy food in an effort to help America slim down. In the year and a half since she announced her campaign to curb childhood obesity, Mrs. Obama has stood alongside...
 FDA Core network
september 14, 2011

FDA establishes foodborne illness outbreak response network

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today a streamlined, integrated approach to effectively and rapidly respond to human and animal foodborne illness outbreaks: the FDA Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation (CORE) Network. The...
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 Kitchen Innovations Awards
september 14, 2011

The NRA is looking for cutting edge kitchen equipment for the 2012 Kitchen Innovations Awards

The National Restaurant Association is calling on foodservice equipment manufacturers to apply for its 2012 Kitchen Innovations Awards. Selected by an independent panel of experts, the award recipients represent the most groundbreaking equipment on the...
 Maine Potato Harvest
september 13, 2011

Maine Potato Board says initial crop quality good, despite rain, tornadoes

Although it has been one of the tougher years for potato growers in Aroostook County (Maine, US) with crop damage from three tornadoes and excessive rainfall, officials with the Maine Potato Board are downplaying rumors of extensive crop loss. Don Fla...
september 13, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission generated over 4 billion Media impressions

The Idaho® potato is certainly living up to its “Famous Potato” slogan. During the action-packed 2010-2011 fiscal year the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) generated a record number of media impressions -- almost 4.1 billion to be exact -- for America’s f...
 Wireworm feeding on potato
september 13, 2011

New Potato Varieties Withstand Destructive Wireworms

Wireworm feeding damage is easy to spot, says Rich Novy, an Agricultural Research Service plant geneticist seeking to shore up America’s $3.3 billion potato crop. The damage resembles a nail hole that has been punched into the spud, pitting its surface...
 Gusano alimentándose en un tubérculo
september 13, 2011

Nuevas variedades de papa con resistencia a daño por gusanos

El daño causado por el gusano de alambre en la papa es fácil de detectar, según Novy Rich, un genetista del Servicio Americano de Investigación Agrícola (ARS, por sus siglas en inglés). Se asemeja a un agujero dejado por un clavo en la superficie del t...
september 12, 2011

Fat reduction does not affect food preferences of kids

Manipulating the amount of fat in children’s foods could help to reduce energy consumption without reducing taste preferences or liking, according to new research. The study, published in the journal Appetite, reports that reducing the fat contents of ...
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september 12, 2011

La reducción de grasa no afecta el gusto de los niños por los alimentos

Manipular la cantidad de grasa en alimentos para niños ayudaría a reducir el consumo de energía sin disminuir las preferencias o gusto por el sabor, cita un estudio. El estudio publicado en la revista científica Appetite, reporta que reduciendo el con...
september 10, 2011

Washington potato growers to continue marketing order

Washington potato growers have voted in favor of continuing their federal marketing order program. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said 80% of growers representing 52% of participating volume voted in favor of the marketing order. The continuance ...
Potatoes Goodness Unearthed
september 10, 2011

'Potatoes Goodness Unearthed' controversy addressed at Idaho Grower Shippers Association convention

The 83rd annual Idaho Grower Shippers Association convention, held here Aug. 31-Sept. 2, featured a plethora of educational sessions and networking opportunities as well as a dose of controversy, as the top officials of two leading potato organizations...
september 09, 2011

McDonald's global comparable sales up 3.5% in August 2011

McDonald's Corporation (NYSE: MCD) today announced global comparable sales growth of 3.5% in August. Performance by segment was as follows: U.S. up 3.9% Europe up 2.7% Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa down 0.3% "August marks our 100th cons...
september 09, 2011

US: School lunch potatoes still in limbo

The legislative fight over to what extent potatoes can be served at schools in the United States is not over yet. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, has delayed an amendment that would challenge the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s proposal to limit potatoe...
PepsiCo Named Top Food and Beverage Company in 2011 Dow Jones Sustainability Index
september 09, 2011

PepsiCo Named Top Food and Beverage Company in 2011 Dow Jones Sustainability Index

PepsiCo, Inc. (NYSE: PEP) today announced its inclusion in the 2011 Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI). PepsiCo is ranked as the number one company in the DJSI Food and Beverage Supersector, the only company based in the United States to earn a t...


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