Trends in landbouw en voedsel

Fruit Logistica 2013
februari 01, 2013

Fruit Logistica: Helping growers meeting food chain requirements

At Fruit Logistica 2013 next week (Berlin, 6-8 February) Syngenta will unveil key elements of the company’s integrated business of seeds and crop protection – a world first for new innovation and crop solutions.
januari 18, 2013

Protestors face court for destroying GMO potato field in Belgium

The trial of eleven protesters who in 2011 destroyed a field of genetically modified potatoes started before Dendermonde magistrates on Tuesday.
 Impression of the Interpom primeurs 2012 record number of visitors
december 11, 2012

Interpom | Primeurs 2012 welcomes a record number of visitors

The 16th edition of INTERPOM | PRIMEURS in Kortrijk Xpo shot past the record-breaking number of visitors at the last event: with an amazing 17 678 visitors this year, INTERPOM | PRIMEURS clocked up a spectacular 25.7% more visitors.
 Logo de la nueva web de la Asociación Europea de Transformadores de la Patata
december 02, 2012

EUPPA lanza nueva web sobre cómo cocinar mejor las papas fritas

La Asociación Europea de Transformadores de la Patata (EUPPA) lanza web sobre cómo cocinar mejor las papas fritas. Destinada a profesionales y consumidores.
Belgapom supports Conpapa potato project in Ecuador
november 26, 2012

Belgapom supports Conpapa potato project in Ecuador

On the occasion of the opening of Interpom Primeurs, its biennial international trade fair in Kortrijk Xpo, Belgapom, the professional association of the Belgian potato trade and processing sector, launched its corporate social responsibility project.
november 21, 2012

Europatat, the European potato trade association celebrates 60th anniversary

On Wednesday 14 November Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, celebrated its 60th Anniversary with a policy event in Brussels Museum of Natural Sciences.
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november 12, 2012

Agrometius highlights solutions for precision agriculture at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Agrometius highlights solutions for precision agriculture at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012
Schouten Box tipper
november 12, 2012

Schouten at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Schouten Sorting Equipment BV highlights a range of potato handling solutions at the Interpom | Primeurs.
 Van Antwerpen milieutechniek BV
november 12, 2012

Water treatment technology by Van Antwerpen Milieutechniek BV at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Van Antwerpen Milieutechniek BV showcase their water treatment technology at the Interpom | Primeurs.
 Groupe Euro Direct
november 12, 2012

Groupe Euro-Direct offers Potato Handling solutions at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

The French machinery manufacturer and equipment integrator Group Euro-Direct shows a range of potato handling solutions at the Interpom| Primeurs.
 Interpom 2012
november 09, 2012

Interpom | Primeurs 2012 sold out

The 16th edition of INTERPOM PRIMEURS will be held from Sunday 25 to Tuesday 27 November 2012 in Kortrijk Xpo (Belgium). With the new record number of 255 exhibitors and the entire filling of the exhibition complex at Kortrijk Xpo, INTERPOM PRIMEURS ...
Belgapom potato price now over TEN times the price last year
november 08, 2012

Belgapom potato price now over TEN times the price last year

The Belgapom price for potatoes for processing (Bintje) established weekly in Belgium last friday hit its highest level of this year. The price was over ten times the price last year. "The Belgapom quotation is the most frequently used price obs...
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 McCain Foods agrees to buy potato division of PinguinLutosa
oktober 24, 2012

How McCain Foods became the preferred buyer of Lutosa

Last week McCain Foods and PinguinLutosa announced an agreement on the sale of the PinguinLutosa potato division. The Belgian Newspaper 'De Standaard' reveals how McCain Foods ended up the preferred buyer instead of Conagra Foods Lamb Weston.
oktober 24, 2012

Acrylamide intake linked to low birth weight

Intake of foods high in acrylamide during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight and smaller head circumference. This was revealed in an international study of the diet of 1,100 pregnant women and newborns from Denmark, England, Greece, Norway...
 European Food Safety Authority
oktober 23, 2012

Acrylamide levels in food largely unchanged states EFSA’s latest report

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published its annual update report on acrylamide levels in food in 25 European countries. Acrylamide is a chemical contaminant produced during food processing. The report covers the monitoring period 2007-2...
 McCain Lutosa
oktober 19, 2012

McCain Foods picks up PinguinLutosa potato division

Contrary to what many in the Belgian media had suggested, it is McCain Foods picking up the potato division of the Belgian Frozen Food manufacturer PinguinLutosa and not Conagra Foods Lamb Weston.
European potato field. Courtesy: European Potato Processors’ Association (EUPPA)
oktober 10, 2012

European Potato Processors Association (EUPPA) elects new board

The European Potato Processors Association (EUPPA) general assembly has approved yesterday new statutes and elected a new board at its meeting in Brussels earlier this week. The EUPPA member companies actively process potatoes in Austria, Belgium, Fra...
 Marleen Vaesen
oktober 09, 2012

Marleen Vaesen appointed CEO PinguinLutosa

As from the 1st of November onwards Marleen Vaesen (1959) will be appointed as CEO of PinguinLutosa. She will take over the position of Hein Deprez, who was CEO of PinguinLutosa to date. Hein Deprez will subsequently, as president of the Strategic Com...


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