Trends in landbouw en voedsel

 Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC)
juni 02, 2010

HPMC in batter helps make crispier, healthier fried products

Adding the hydrocolloid HPMC to a batter can reduce the uptake of oil during frying and enhance the ‘crunch’ on eating the crispy crust, says new data from Europe. Scientists from TI Food and Nutrition, Spain’s CSIC, and TNO Quality of Life examined th...
mei 31, 2010

Belgie: Marktaandeel aardappelen binnen thuisverbruik stabiel, ondanks daling in volume

De warme en droge zomer van 2009 leidde tot een daling van het thuisverbruik van maaltijdbegeleiders. Zo ging het thuisverbruik van verse aardappelen er met 4% op achteruit. Ook het thuisverbruik van verwerkte aardappelen, droge rijst, droge deegwaren,...
 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
mei 18, 2010

EFSA: Acrylamide levels in 2008 published

EFSA has published a summary of acrylamide levels in different types of food sampled in 2008. The report is based on over 3,400 results provided by 22 European Union Member States and Norway. The highest average levels of acrylamide were reported in t...
mei 11, 2010

PinguinLutosa and CECAB Group begin negotiations to combine their european deepfrozen vegetable activities

PinguinLutosa and the CECAB Group have started exclusive negotiations in order to integrate the activities of D’Aucy Frozen Foods (deep-frozen vegetable branch of the CECAB Group) into PinguinLutosa, number two in Europe in the deep-frozen vegetable se...
 Potato Council
mei 06, 2010

Euro Potato: Early Potato Crop developments;Maincrop Market roundup

Heavy rain and frequent frost during the winter in most Mediterranean, Northern European and Middle Eastern countries has had a large effect on early potato production.Imports to European markets are later and lighter in volume than in most recent seas...
 European Snacks Association (ESA)
april 29, 2010

European Snacks Association pledges to change advertising to children

The European Snack Association (ESA) joins the EU pledge initiative.The EU Pledge is a commitment by leading food and beverage companies in Europe to change food and beverage advertising on TV, print and internet to children under the age of 12 in the ...
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 Potato Council
maart 17, 2010

Euro Potato: Early Potato Crops in Europe

Throughout Northern Europe early potato growers and traders, as well as new crop importers and exporters, are looking with interest at markets ahead. Most though remain uncertain regarding the likely availability of supplies and prices. Greater wastag...
 BASF's Amflora starch potato
maart 03, 2010

Amflora approval is a hot potato in GM debate

The European Commission’s approval of BASF’s GM Amflora potato for cultivation in the EU could mark the end of European deadlock over genetic modification, and has been celebrated and decried with equal measure by commentators on both sides of the deba...
februari 24, 2010

Gentse onderzoekers proberen acrylamide in friet te verminderen

Onderzoekers van de vakgroep Voedselveiligheid en Voedselkwaliteit van de UGent hebben innovatieve technieken ontwikkeld om het acrylamidegehalte in frietjes te verminderen. Acrylamide is een vermoedelijk kankerverwekkende stof die in meerdere voedings...
 Potato Council
februari 24, 2010

Euro Potato Special: The cost of potato production

The significant changes to cost of potato production for UK producers in the period 2007-2009, has left many potato growers questioning the pricing structure in North West Europe. Also, the ability of producers in France, Belgium and the Netherlands to...
februari 23, 2010

Carrefour to cut jobs, close stores in Belgium

Carrefour, the world's No. 2 retailer, said it would cut jobs and close stores in Belgium to restore profitability in the country amid intense competition from local rivals.The plan calls for cutting 1,672 jobs and closing 21 stores in Belgium by end-J...
januari 28, 2010

Salt Reduction Initiatives across Europe

Salt reduction initiatives are underway in all the EU member states under the EU framework, but public awareness raising and reformulation are patchy. The EU framework for national salt initiatives was adopted in 2008 by the High Level Group on Diet, P...
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januari 28, 2010

Euro Potato: Wintry weather affects european potato markets

The start of 2010 brought wintry conditions across Northern Europe. As a result, potato markets in all the Northwest European Potato Growers (NEPG) 5 countries, firmed during early January.Supplies tightened as many growers were reluctant to open store...
 Potato Council Limited
november 19, 2009

Update on the Northern European potato market (Euro Potato)

The 2009/10 potato season may still have progress to make, according to representatives of the Northwest European Potato Growers (NEPG).This report looks at current situations, including the latest production estimate from Belgium, which could provide ...
 Stootblauw in aardappeloogst 2009 Source: PCA
november 03, 2009

Blauwverkleuring van aardappelen, een kwaliteitsprobleem maar geen ziekte

Belgapom, Belgische aardappelhandel en verwerkende industrie, wenst te reageren op de berichten in de media dat de prijs van diepvriesfrieten de hoogte zou ingaan door een ziekte. De 'blauwverkleuring' , waarnaar verwezen wordt in deze artikels, is abs...
 McCain Foods
oktober 20, 2009

McCain Foods Belgium transfers Ready Meal activities to FRIMO NV

Today the management of McCain Belgium signed a transfer of its ready-meals branch activities in Ostend with Mrs. Isabelle Nojac and Mr. Abdelhaq Belhaj, two French entrepreneurs specialising in mass retailing and industry. The sale takes place within ...
 Slendesta potato protein
september 15, 2009

Kemin's Slendesta Potato Protein awarded Global Weight Management Ingredients New Product Innovation Award

The 2009 Frost &Sullivan Global Weight Management Ingredients New Product Innovation Award is presented to Kemin Health. Kemin Health's Slendesta is the only appetite suppressant in the weight management ingredients market to be sourced from pota...
Ammoniaklek bij Farm Frites Lommel gedicht
augustus 06, 2009

Ammoniaklek bij Farm Frites Lommel gedicht

Een ammoniaklek bij het aardappelverwerkend bedrijf Farm Frites op het industrieterrein Maatheide in Lommel is afgelopen nacht gedicht. Dat liet de brandweer van Lommel weten. Het duurde enkele uren, omdat de locatie volgens de brandweer bijna niet te ...


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