Statistiek, handel en prijzen

Potato Production India might be up 25-30 % over last year
december 23, 2014

Rabi Potato Production India might be up 25-30% over last year

Domestic potato production in India in the present Rabi season is likely to be 25-30 per cent higher over last year on account of good weather conditions.
McDonalds Japan to only sell small fries
december 15, 2014

McDonalds Japan to only sell small fries

McDonald's Japan is to only sell small portions of fries starting December 17, in response to the french fry shortage in the country.
Potato harvest India (Courtesy Pepsico)
december 15, 2014

Potato prices in India plunge on early harvest

After earning high profits last year, potato growers in India are selling the crop at a small margin this year.
Japanese Restaurants Are Airlifting 200 Tons Of French Fries To Ease A Shortage
december 10, 2014

Japanese Restaurants Are Airlifting 200 Tons Of French Fries To Ease A Shortage

Restaurants in Japan are rushing to secure supplies of french fries after shipment delays from the US, with one chain readying to airlift 200 tons of fries.
Potato market in Rwanda (Musanze); Courtesy Rwanda New Times
december 07, 2014

Deal between Rwanda potato farmers and traders to stabilize prices

Prices of Irish potatoes in Rwanda are likely to stabilise following a new agreement between farmers and City of Kigali traders to establish mutually beneficial cooperation.
Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities
december 07, 2014

Despite large potato crop in North-Western Europe, producers are finding opportunities

The total ware potato harvest in the five North-Western European Potato growers (NEPG) countries - Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain - in 2014 is estimated at more than 28 million tons.
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Potato production grows by almost five per cent
december 07, 2014

Potato production Prince Edward Island grows almost five per cent

Prince Edward Island potato production has grown by almost five per cent this year following a good growing year and successful harvest.
The potato variety Red Pontiac (Courtesy
november 30, 2014

Fiji looking to source suitable potato variety

The Ministry of Agriculture of Fiji has plans to source potato seed materials for the Red Pontiac variety from Australia as it continues its efforts to boost local production.
South Australian potato industry chips away at South East Asian markets
november 16, 2014

South Australian potato industry chips away at South East Asian markets

The South Australian Government is partnering with Potatoes South Australia to gain export access and expand the state’s seed and fresh potato industry within the growing international markets of Thailand and Malaysia.
BB Aloo Tikki (Courtesy: BB Foods)
oktober 28, 2014

Indian potato processing companies urge government to waive import duty on potato

Indian Potato chip, fries and flake manufacturers have urged the government to waive the 30% import duty on potato to improve supplies and check soaring prices at home.
Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI), Shimla, HP
oktober 25, 2014

India: ban on import of seed potatoes lifted

Farmers and cold storage owners in India (Agra, UP) have lauded the decision to lift the ban on import of seed potatoes.
Potato Fields in Rwanda (Courtesy ICRA, 2004)
oktober 23, 2014

Rwanda potato farmers count losses as prices drop

Rwanda potato farmers have decried the low farm-gate prices currently being offered by dealers.
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New Zealand Potato Production 2014
september 14, 2014

New Zealand Potato Production 2014

New Zealand Potato production in 2013, at 525,000 metric tons, was marginally (5%) ahead of 2012 production. t is likely planted areas in 2014 will be similar to 2013, with production in the range of 500,000 to 550,000MT.
US Potato Exports Hit New Records In Both Value & Volume (expanded)
september 11, 2014

US Potato Exports Hit New Records In Both Value & Volume (expanded)

The value of all U.S. potato exports reached $1,755,544,515 for the recently completed July 2013 – June 2014 marketing year. This is an expanded version of an earlier publication.
Sri Lanka Minister Rajapaksa visiting potato market
september 07, 2014

Sri Lanka suspends potato import

The Sri Lanka Government has decided to suspend the import of potatoes as of last night, according to the Colombo Gazette
US Potato Exports Hit a New Record both in Value and Volume
september 03, 2014

US Potato Exports Hit a New Record both in Value and Volume

The value of all U.S. potato exports was $1,755,544,515 for the recently completed July 2013 – June 2014 marketing year. This is a 7% increase over the previous record set in 2012/13.
Bart Nemegheer, Aardappelhoeve: "Surplus everywhere in Western Europe"
augustus 28, 2014

Bart Nemegheer, Aardappelhoeve: 'Surplus everywhere in Western Europe'

In the potato market, growers and traders live from day to day. 'It's very unpredictable at the moment', Bart Nemegheer of the Aardappelhoeve laments. 'Demand is good, but prices are far below par.'
West Bengal halts potato export again; Odisha says enough stock
augustus 27, 2014

West Bengal halts potato export again; Odisha says enough stock

Potato supply from West Bengal was disrupted again with the authorities of the neighbouring state re-imposing transport restrictions from today (August 24, 2014), a week after Trinamool Congress (TMC) government there relaxed movement of this vegetable variety to Odisha.


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