Statistiek, handel en prijzen

Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates
april 24, 2019

Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the upcoming area for
consumption potatoes in 2019 will increase between 1 and 2 % towards almost 604.000 ha in the 5
main production countries.
Will added North American potato processing capacity lead to increased acreage?
maart 25, 2019

Will added North American potato processing capacity lead to increased acreage?

North American potato processors either have or will be bringing at least 1.3 billion pounds of new processing capacity online between October 2018 and December 2019. In Potato Country, Bruce Huffaker of NAPMN discusses the impact.
Lage opbrengst leidt tot een goed financieel jaar voor pootaardappelhandelaar HZPC Holland
maart 10, 2019

Lage opbrengst resulteert in een prima financieel resultaat voor pootgoedleverancier HZPC

Pootaardappelhandelaar HZPC Holland B.V. heeft de prognoseprijs voor oogst 2018 vastgesteld en verwacht haar Nederlandse pootgoedtelers de recordprijs van € 41,- per 100 kilo te betalen.
Potato export from Egypt to Europe already at 200.000 tonnes
maart 07, 2019

Potato export from Egypt to Europe already at 200.000 tonnes

Egypt has succeeded in opening new markets for agricultural crops, including potatoes.
Belarus looking to export potatoes to the European Union
februari 27, 2019

Belarus looking to export potatoes to the European Union

Belarus plans to get domestic potato producers certified for compliance with the EU requirements, according to Aleksei Bogdanov, Head of the Central Office for Foreign Economic Activities of the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry
Bangladesh intends to export surplus potatoes
februari 26, 2019

Bangladesh intends to export large surplus of potatoes

Commerce Minister of Bangladesh, Tipu Munshi on Saturday said Bangladesh has a surplus production of potato after meeting domestic demand. Bangladesh intends to export the surplus.
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Belgapom brings James Bint and Belgian Fries to Mexico, a growing export market
februari 19, 2019

Belgapom brings James Bint and Belgian Fries to Mexico, a growing export market

As the export of frozen Belgian Fries to Mexico skyrockets, Belgapom took the ambassador of Belgian Fries - James Bint - on a recent economic mission to this growing export market
AHDB working to develop export markets for GB Seed Potatoes
februari 06, 2019

AHDB working to develop export markets for GB Seed Potatoes

After spending 2018 opening the doors to new markets for British seed potatoes, the AHDB Exports team will focus in 2019 on strengthening relationships with existing markets.
Registrations now open for Europatat Congress in Oslo
januari 31, 2019

Registrations now open for Europatat Congress in Oslo

The Norwegian Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (NFGF) and Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, are pleased to announce the opening of registrations for the upcoming annual Europatat Congress that will take place in Oslo, Norway.
East Idaho Potato growers barely break even, according to University of Idaho report.
januari 29, 2019

East Idaho Potato growers barely break even, according to University of Idaho report.

Idaho potato farmers are getting paid about the same amount for their spuds as they're investing in raising them, according to a University of Idaho Extension agricultural economist's report, presented during the Idaho Potato Conference.
Azerbaijan is Russia's second largest potato supplier
januari 28, 2019

Azerbaijan is Russia's second largest potato supplier

In the period between January and November 2018, Azerbaijan stood second in the ranking of Russia's largest potato suppliers, as revealed by the Russian Exports portal.
United States Potato Industry hopes to export to China
januari 27, 2019

United States Potato Industry hopes to export to China

Oregon Potato Commission CEO Bill Brewer told the Washington-Oregon Potato Conference in Kennewick, Washington, that US industry leaders hope negotiations will open China to fresh potatoes.
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China wants to buy cherries, potato and wheat from Pakistan
januari 13, 2019

China wants to buy potatoes from Pakistan

China is keen on building stronger socio-economic ties with Pakistan and is interested in importing more from the country, said Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing, including potatoes
Growth in potato market welcomed
januari 07, 2019

Northern Ireland growth in potato market welcomed

The size of Northern Ireland’s retail potato market value has increased by 2.2%, or £1.0m, for the 12 months ending November 30th 2018.
Colombia produce la papa que consume
januari 05, 2019

Colombia produce la papa que consume

Entrevista de Caracol Radio al gerente general del Fondo Nacional de Fomento de la Papa (Fedepapa), Germán Augusto Palacio Vélez.
Potato Growers Pakistan concerned by false rumors of Export Ban, Duties
december 29, 2018

False Rumors of Export Ban, Duties cause unrest among Potato Growers in Pakistan

There have been rumors that the government of Pakistan banned potato export or levied duties on the export of potatoes. The Ministry of National Food Security & Research condemned these rumors and stated they are entirely false and fictitious.
North-western European Potato Growers recap: 2018 harvest 18% lower than last year
december 28, 2018

North-western European Potato Growers recap: 2018 harvest 18% lower than last year

After Great Britain published its potato statistics earlier this month, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) created the overview for their entire region: an 18 percent lower total harvest
Potato cooperative Agrico reports progress to its memebers
december 23, 2018

Potato cooperative Agrico reports progress to its members

Last week, potato collective Agrico held its central general members’ meeting. At this well attended meeting, the annual report 2017/2018 was presented and new board members were appointed.


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