Statistiek, handel en prijzen

First new potatoes on Malta harvested
maart 25, 2020

First new potatoes on Malta harvested

Kees Schouten, from Altena Potatoes: 'The question is how the market will respond to new potatoes in these turbulent times'.
Vrije markt voor aardappelen ingestort door coronavirus
maart 24, 2020

Vrije markt voor aardappelen ingestort door coronavirus

De coronacrisis heeft de vrije markt voor de aardappelen volledig doen instorten. Zowel de PCA/Fiwap- als de Belgapom-prijsnotering werd geschorst omdat er een gebrek aan transacties was op de vrije aardappelmarkt.
El coronavirus convulsiona la campaña de patata
maart 23, 2020

El coronavirus convulsiona la campaña de patata

Desde la Asociación de Productores se llama, una vez más, al escalonado de las siembras para evitar el colapso del mercado en el momento del arranque.
Irish Farm Center Potato Market Update for March 2020
maart 23, 2020

Ireland: potato demand retail soars, food service drops

With the COVID-19 situation developing over the past week demand across all sectors has been mixed. Demand from retailers this week has soared and is reportedly as high as the Christmas period when trade normally peaks.
La patata se paga a menos de la mitad que el año pasado
maart 20, 2020

La patata se paga a menos de la mitad que el año pasado

Mercado estable en una semana sin novedades en el mercado de la patata Agria, que repite a 18 céntimos de euro por kilo. Pese a esta repetición de las cotizaciones en origen, si se compara con la misma semana del año anterior.
Suministro de papas está garantizado en Panamá
maart 16, 2020

Suministro de papas está garantizado en Panamá

Gracias a un aporte entre importadores y productores locales de papas, se puede garantizar el suministro de este rubro en todo el país para lo que resta del año.
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Europatat’s position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement
maart 16, 2020

Europatat's position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement

Following the Council’s green light to the opening of negotiations for a new partnership with the UK, Europatat has sent a position paper to the EU-UK negotiation team, as well as to the relevant officials in DG AGRI and DG SANTE.
El Parlamento pide que se reduzca la importación de papas entre mayo y septiembre
maart 16, 2020

El Parlamento de Canarias pide que se reduzca la importación de papas entre mayo y septiembre

El pleno del Parlamento de Canarias ha aprobado este miércoles por unanimidad una proposición no de ley de Sí Podemos Canarias por la cual se insta al Gobierno regional a llegar a acuerdos con importadores y distribuidores.
West-Bengal potato farmers make a killing as weather turns bad
maart 13, 2020

West-Bengal potato farmers make a killing as weather turns bad

As weather in West-Bengal, India turns unfavourable, output falls sharply and potato prices shoot up.
World Revised Figures Show Halt in Rise in Potato Production
maart 10, 2020

World Revised Figures Show Halt in Rise in Potato Production

The increase in world potato production stalled in 2018 and failed to recover significantly in 2019. World output slipped by 1.5% to 368.247 million tonnes in 2018 figures just released by the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation show.
Potato Retail Sales Steady for Q2
februari 14, 2020

US Potato Retail Sales Steady for Q2

IRI data for the second quarter of the marketing year (October through December 2019) showed success with dollars and a decline in volume for total potato sales at retail in the United States.
Haith talks Post-Brexit Plans at Fruit Logistica
februari 11, 2020

Haith talks Post-Brexit Plans at Fruit Logistica

Haith Group, a leading designer and manufacturer of potato handling equipment, used the Fruit Logistica (5-7 February) to ramp-up its post-Brexit preparations as the company looks to continue its excellent European export levels.
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Una Papa más, Sí Importa
februari 03, 2020

Una Papa más, Sí Importa

Celfia Obregón, quien lidera el CITE papa, acaba de publicar un importante estudio sobre el uso y destino de la papa importada en el Perú. El estudio menciona que importamos 50 mil TM de papa procesada, de ellas 33 mil TM corresponden a papa pre-cocida...
India's Prime minister Narendra Modi to address the Global Potato Conclave at Gandhinagar, Gujarat
januari 27, 2020

India's Prime minister Narendra Modi to address the Global Potato Conclave at Gandhinagar, Gujarat

India's Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced today that he will be addressing the 3rd Global Potato Conclave at Gandhinagar, Gujarat through remote video conferencing tomorrow i.e 28th of January 2020.
Argentina (Buenos Aires): Costo de Producción de Papa Spunta. Enero 2020
januari 20, 2020

Argentina (Buenos Aires): Costo de Producción de Papa Spunta. Enero 2020

La producción de papa es una actividad intensiva que requiere de una importante inversión por unidad de superficie y que tiene un impacto significativo en las economías regionales donde se produce.
Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever
januari 16, 2020

Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever

Last December, Agrico held its annual central members' meeting. The annual figures 2018/2019 were discussed in this well-attended meeting.
The National Potato Council Welcomes the Signing of a Phase One Agreement between the US and China
januari 15, 2020

National Potato Council Welcomes Signing US-China Phase One Agreement

Today the National Potato Council welcomed the signing of the Phase One Agreement reached between the United States and China by President Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He at the White House.
In Ireland, 5% of the potatoes is still to be dug.
januari 14, 2020

In Ireland, 5% of the potatoes is still to be dug

The Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) estimates that 5% of the potato crop across the country remains in the ground. That said some farmers have a lot more acres remaining than others, depending on the weather they were greeted with in the past few months.


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