QSR ketens / restaurants

maart 28, 2008

McDonalds Restaurants Sustainable Packaging

McDonald's provided consumers an update on sustainable packaging enhancement they have been making and enacting worldwide. The update was posted on the company's corporate social responsibility blog, Open for Discussion and features a Youtube video. T...
maart 27, 2008

Bill opposing menu labeling goes to governor of Georgia

Local counties can't require restaurants to post nutrition information about their menu items under a bill that easily passed the (Georgia) Senate Thursday. The bill, which sailed through the House earlier this session, now goes to the governor's desk...
maart 26, 2008

For restaurant chains, buying local food still is a long journey

When Chipotle Mexican Grill executives decided to begin serving local pork from one of the most famous farmers in America, they did the opposite of what most big companies would do when jumping on the latest trend. They said nothing. "We wanted ...
maart 25, 2008

Millionaire lottery winner goes back to job at McDonald's...

Luke Pittard, 25, won £1.3million on the National Lottery 18 months ago. He celebrated in the usual way, buying a new home and splashing out on a lavish wedding and holiday in the Canary Islands. Then he realised that he really missed his job. So he ...
maart 24, 2008

Trans fats ban in Baltimore restaurants signed into law

Baltimore City Mayor Sheila Dixon signed a bill Thursday that bans restaurants from serving foods make with trans fats. The mayor's anticipated signature makes the bill a law. The Baltimore City Council unanimously voted March 18 to approve the bill,...
maart 23, 2008

Yum! Brands registra incremento del 30% en ganancias en China en 2007

Yum! Brands Inc, el mayor operador de cadenas de comida rápida del mundo, registró un alza del 30 por ciento en sus beneficios en el mercado chino durante el año pasado.   El volumen de negocios del operador de los establecimientos de KFC, Taco Bell y...
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 French Fries
maart 21, 2008

Kartelvorming fritesfabrikanten onderzocht

Fritesfabrikanten maken geen prijsafspraken en vormen geen kartel. Dat is de conclusie die vicevoorzitter Hans Hus van de sector Fastservice trekt uit een onderzoek naar de prijsvorming van frites.   De prijsvorming van frites is onderzocht naar aanl...
maart 21, 2008

Yum! Brands reports 30% profit jump in China last year

Yum! Brands Inc, the world's largest fast food chain operator, realized a 30 percent profit increase in the Chinese market last year. The operator of KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut stores in China registered 21.5 billion yuan (about 3 billion U.S. dollar...
maart 21, 2008

Traffic light scheme advances onto menus

The UK Food Standards Agency has reported its traffic light scheme - intended for food manufacturers - will be used in restaurants to use on menus, indicating progress in raising awareness for the healthier eating message. The scheme was developed for ...
maart 19, 2008

Foreign Firms Seek a Bite of India's $90bln Food Market

Getting a foothold in India's processed foods market, estimated to be worth $90 billion, requires persistence and a willingness to adapt products to suit culinary and cultural preferences, experts say.Rising incomes, more working women, modern stores a...
maart 18, 2008

Bemora Restaurantketens halen meer omzet met minder klanten

De Belgische restaurantketens die onder de koepel van beroepsvereniging Bemora vallen, hebben hun vergelijkbare omzet vorig jaar met 4,7 procent zien toenemen, maar kregen bijna een procent minder klanten over de vloer.De gemiddelde ticketbesteding (zo...
maart 18, 2008

Utrecht controleert op vetafscheiders

De gemeente Utrecht gaat de komende maanden horecaondernemers in de binnenstad controleren op het bezit van een vetafscheider. Deze is verplicht, maar niet alle horecazaken in de Utrechtse binnenstad hebben er één, weet de gemeente.   Volgens de Wet M...
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maart 17, 2008

Global Initiative Launched To End Junk Food Ads

More than 50 consumer groups have launched a worldwide campaign to reduce the marketing of unhealthy food to children. Among other things, the new voluntary code calls for tight restrictions on both television and Internet advertising, prohibits the ma...
maart 17, 2008

Canadian Foodservice market share shrinks in 2007

The foodservice industry’s share of the total food dollar dipped to 39.4% in 2007 from 39.7% in 2006 due to weakness in Central and Atlantic Canada.   Since 2000, the foodservice industry’s market share has slowly eroded from 40.5% – the result of slo...
maart 14, 2008

Trans Fat Banned in Boston Restaurants

Boston has joined others cities in banning artery-clogging trans fats from food served in restaurants and grocery stores. Businesses, as well as schools and hospitals, will have to stop using oils and spreads that contain trans fats. Prepackaged foods...
maart 14, 2008

Restaurants Feel the Bite Of Stay-at-Home Moms

Restaurants, which have been slumping for two years because of a slew of short-term factors, are waking up to a worrisome long-term trend: The number of harried working moms isn't growing the way it was. For decades, the steady increase of working wom...
maart 14, 2008

Daling Franse aardappelexport

De Franse aardappelsector heeft in de maanden augustus tot en met december vorig jaar 635.900 ton aardappelen uitgevoerd. Dat is 60.000 ton ofwel bijna 9% minder dan een jaar eerder. De grootste afnemer, Spanje, nam met 203.100 ton bijna 20% minder Fr...
maart 14, 2008

Yum! Brands Appoints Sam Su to Board of Directors

Yum! Brands, Inc today announced that Sam Su, 55, has been appointed to the Board of Directors as Vice Chairman, maintaining his position as President of the China Division. He will continue to reside in Shanghai in this capacity for the long-term


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