Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

 The Finnish Seed Potato Center Ltd
november 02, 2011

The Finnish Seed Potato Centre Ltd boosts production with aeroponics

The Finnish Seed Potato Centre Ltd has developed a new method for seed potato production. The method takes advantage of the aeroponic growing system. The method, created during a two and a half year project, is highly efficient, as it may increase the ...
 Fortuna (BASF)
oktober 31, 2011

BASF expects market introduction of GM table potato Fortuna in 2014/15

BASF Plant Science applied today for EU approval for Fortuna, a genetically optimized table potato.Fortuna has a wild potato’s natural protection to late blight, a disease causing severe problems in agriculture.
 Mylnefield research services
september 23, 2011

Potato companies sign potato breeding deal with Mylnefield Research Service

Two Potato companies - Taylor Food Group and QV Foods - have signed a five year deal with the James Hutton Institute's Mylnefield Research Service (MRS) subsidiary to continue a potato breeding programme that originally started in 2005. Taylor Food Gr...
The Potato Company (TPC) verwacht veel van Monte Carlo
september 06, 2011

The Potato Company (TPC) verwacht veel van Monte Carlo

Gaby Stet van The Potato Company in Emmeloord staat deze week op Potato 2011 in België, waar hij met name het nieuwe ras Monte Carlo onder de aandacht van de aardappelwereld brengt. "We gaan kijken hoe graag boeren de Monte Carlo willen hebben'',...
Markies potato variety
augustus 08, 2011

Introducing the Top Ten potato varieties in Great Britain in 2011

The Potato Council has produced provisional estimates of planted area for the top ten varieties grown in Great Britain. These varieties account for approximately 55% of total GB plantings. Areas in hectares of top ten potato varieties in GB in 2011...
 EAPR 2011
juli 25, 2011

Solynta presenteert doorbraak in aardappelveredeling tijdens EAPR

Op het EAPR congres dat vandaag begint in Oulu, Finland, presenteert Pim Lindhout, Solynta: A new paradigm in potato breeding. Het bedrijf Solynta is er in geslaagd om in nauwe samenwerking met de Wageningen Universiteit inteeltlijnen van aardappel te ...
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EAPR 2011
juli 25, 2011

Solynta presents breakthrough potato breeding technology

At the conference of the European Association of Potato Research (EAPR) starting today, the Dutch company Solynta will present their breakthrough in potato breeding.
Protest against GM Potatoes in Norwich
juli 25, 2011

Protest against GM Potatoes in Norwich

Dozens of campaigners against genetically modified food have staged a protest in Norwich city centre. Passers-by were offered chips made from non-genetically modified potatoes before the protest moved on to the John Innes Institute on the outskirts of...
mei 29, 2011

Anti-GM potato protest leaves 18 injured in Belgium

Environmental activists stormed a field of genetically modified potatoes in Belgium Sunday, breaking through a security cordon in a raid that left police and protesters injured, authorities and organisers said.
 Algemeen Boerensyndikaat
mei 26, 2011

Pootgoedfirma's azen op kwekersrechten Belgische boeren

De voorbije vier jaar betaalden Belgische aardappeltelers geen kwekersrechten op meer dan 11.000 ton pootgoed.
 Breeders Trust
mei 25, 2011

Breeders Trust demands breeders’ licence fees for 11.000 tonnes of Belgian seed potatoes

Breeders Trust has written to more than 130 Belgian arable farmers on the basis of crop data obtained by way of a court order against the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC).
 Neiker Tecnalia
mei 10, 2011

Neiker-Tecnalia chosen as EU technological centre to identify new varieties of potato

The Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development, Neiker-Tecnalia, has been commissioned to undertake technical identification examinations for registering new varieties of potato in Spain
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mei 09, 2011

Improving drought tolerance of the potato feasible

In the future, plant breeders may be able to develop potato varieties that are better able to withstand long drought spells than the currently grown varieties.
 Neiker Tecnalia
mei 06, 2011

El Instituto Neiker-Tecnalia de España fue elegido para identificar nuevas variedades de papa en la UE

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, Neiker-Tecnalia, se encargará de realizar los exámenes técnicos de identificación para el registro en España de las nuevas variedades de patata que provengan de la Unión Europea
Aardappeloogst 2011 Vlaanderen: 5% stijging areaal, minder Bintje (PCA enquete)
april 15, 2011

Aardappeloogst 2011 Vlaanderen: 5% stijging areaal, minder Bintje (PCA enquete)

Begin april lieten 125 PCA-leden weten welk aardappelareaal en welke rassen ze telen in 2011. Dezelfde telers gaven ook in 2010 hun areaal en rassenpakket door. Met deze gegevens kan een schatting gemaakt worden van het aardappelareaal 2011 en kan een...
Bintje nog niet ten dode opgeschreven
april 14, 2011

Bintje nog niet ten dode opgeschreven

Aardappelras Bintje moet bij de consumptieteelt in België steeds meer terrein prijsgeven.
Breeders Trust commences legal proceedings against Belgian government
april 08, 2011

Breeders Trust commences legal proceedings against Belgian government

Breeders Trust, an organisation looking after the interest of potato breeders, is taking the Belgian Federaal Agentschap voor de Veiligheid van de Voedselketen (FAVV;Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain) to court.
 Neiker Tecnalia
april 04, 2011

Producing high quality potato starches with new genetic tools

Neiker-Tecnalia (the Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development) is realising a project for obtaining high quality starch in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum) using new molecular and genetic tools.


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