Perú y Bolivia trabajan para mejorar productividad de agricultura familiar de la papa .
juni 21, 2021

Perú y Bolivia trabajan para mejorar productividad de agricultura familiar de la papa

Se busca socializar iniciativas para fortalecer ciclo de producción de cadena de valor en ambos territorios.
Catalyzing a greater supply of seed potato in Kenya
juni 21, 2021

Catalyzing a greater supply of seed potato in Kenya

As a food security crop and cash crop, potato is a source of income for farmers, traders and sellers. In Kenya alone, potato creates employment for 2.5 million people along the value chain amounting to an estimated annual worth of USD 480 million.
Kenya: Potato imports by fast-food firms to attract 30pc duty.
juni 21, 2021

Kenya: Potato imports by fast-food firms to attract 30pc duty

Major fast-food joints rely on imports from as far as Egypt and South Africa for the potatoes they use for French fries.
Potato of Bologna PDO.
juni 17, 2021

Italy: High temperatures and continuous irrigation for the Potato of Bologna PDO

This year the cultivation area of the Bologna PDO grew by 17 percent, from 419 to 489 hectares, also thanks to the good prices obtained in the last two years.
US Sales of Fingerlings, Gourmet Varietal Potatoes Continue to Climb.
juni 17, 2021

US Sales of Fingerlings, Gourmet Varietal Potatoes Continue to Climb

As shoppers stock up for the summer grilling season, new national sales data indicates US sales of fingerlings and smaller-sized gourmet varietal potatoes, both popular for backyard cookouts, remain on a solid, upward ascent.
La papa Yungay celebra sus 50 años.
juni 15, 2021

La papa Yungay celebra sus 50 años, una variedad creada en honor a víctimas del terremoto

La papa Yungay, una de las variedades más apreciadas del entrañable tubérculo andino por su calidad y sabor, lleva ese nombre en honor a las víctimas del devastador terremoto de 1970.
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EE.UU., Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de la patata peruana.
juni 15, 2021

EE.UU., Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de la patata peruana

Estados Unidos, Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de las exportaciones de patata peruana, que este año se espera que alcancen las 18.000 toneladas, a pesar del impacto de la pandemia de la covid-19.
Europatat Congress 2021: A special and successful virtual event for the potato sector.
juni 13, 2021

Europatat Congress 2021: A successful virtual event for the potato sector!

On 10 June the European potato community virtually gathered for the Europatat Congress 2021. Under the slogan 'Stay
connected – new strategies for the potato sector'
Big demand for import potatoes in the Netherlands.
juni 13, 2021

Big demand for import potatoes in the Netherlands

It's a good season for import potatoes in the Netherlands. More people are cooking at home. That's undoubtedly contributing to this, as are the 'old' potatoes deteriorating quality.
Belgian retail Chain Colruyt evaluates hyperspectral imaging to detect bruising in unpeeled potatoes
juni 12, 2021

Belgian retail Chain Colruyt evaluates hyperspectral imaging to detect bruising in unpeeled potatoes

It's easy to see a bruise on a person. Not so, on a potato. The bruises are under the product's skin and so not easily detected during processing. Science, however, has found a solution that gives the Belgian Colruyt Group a peek under potatoes' skins.
La Interprofesional de la Patata reclama usar los mismos antigerminantes que el resto de la UE 'para no tener las manos atadas'.
juni 11, 2021

España: La Interprofesional de la Patata reclama usar los mismos antigerminantes que el resto de la UE 'para no tener las manos atadas'

El mayor problema al que se enfrenta la patata española es no poder emplear los mismos antigerminantes que otros países de la Unión Europea, lo que sitúa al sector en una posición de debilidad.
Union Surveys Potato Growers Ahead of Levy Board Changes
juni 11, 2021

Scottish Farmers Union Surveys Potato Growers on AHDB activities ahead of changes

NFU Scotland is urging its potato growers to complete its survey to identify what functions carried out by the industry’s statutory levy body – AHDB Potatoes - are most valued ahead of body being wound down.
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Potato harvest in Iraq and the Kurdistan region has started
juni 11, 2021

Potato harvest in Iraq and the Kurdistan region has started

The potato harvest in Iraq has started. Staff of the Beirut Erbil Potato Processing Company (B.E.P.P. Co) - known in Iraq for their potato chips brands Mito and Mr, Krisper, but active throughout the entire potato supply chain - are working hard in various regions of Iraq from Karbala to Diyala to Al-Rabiah, Dohuk, Erbil, and beyond.
Nominations Open for 2022 Potatoes USA Board Members
juni 09, 2021

Nominations Open for 2022 Potatoes USA Board Members

Potatoes USA announces nominations are now open for new Board Members for the 2022-2025 term.
Northern Ireland: £2 million Covid support scheme announced for potato growers
juni 08, 2021

Northern Ireland: £2 million Covid support scheme announced for potato growers

Northern Ireland Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots has announced more information on the £2 million financial support package for potato growers.
Azerbaijan starts growing a new potato variety, 'Murovdag'
juni 08, 2021

Azerbaijan starts growing a new potato variety, 'Murovdag'

A new variety of potatoes named ‘Murovdag’ has begun to be grown in Azerbaijan, according to Elmar Allahverdiyev, director of the Research Institute of Vegetable Growing under the Ministry of Agriculture.
España: La patata de Cartagena quiere una figura de calidad.
juni 08, 2021

España: La patata de Cartagena quiere una figura de calidad

La pretensión de los productores y comercializadores de patata del Campo de Cartagena de obtener una figura de calidad diferenciada, contará con el respaldo del Gobierno murciano.
Global Sustainability Report Sets McCain on Path to a Greener Future
juni 07, 2021

McCain Foods commits to regenerative agricultural practices for all its potatoes by 2030

As part of today’s release of McCain’s 2020 Global Sustainability report Together, Towards Planet-Friendly Food, the company is pledging that it will be implementing regenerative agricultural practices across 100 per cent of its potato acreage by 2030.


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