
CêlaVíta bewijst in bushokje dat aardappelpartjes snel klaar zijn
november 21, 2010

CêlaVíta bewijst in bushokje dat aardappelpartjes snel klaar zijn

Lekker, gezond én snel klaar. Die boodschap draagt CêlaVíta wel heel letterlijk uit.
november 21, 2010

Aardappelverwerking in oktober 2010 4% hoger dan vorig jaar

De Nederlandse aardappelverwerkende industrie verwerkte in Oktober 2010 blijkens data van de Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie 307 300 ton aardappelen.
november 21, 2010

BBSRC researchers develop new approach to beat Phytophthora

Researchers funded by the BBSRC Crop Science Initiative have made a discovery that could instigate a paradigm shift in breeding resistance to Phytophthora infestans
november 21, 2010

Potato Prices in West Bengal inch up on crop failure in India's Southern States

Potato price in West Bengal inched up by more than Rs 200-250 a quintal over the last few days on account of a crop failure in the southern markets.
november 21, 2010

Potato Council to increase levy 3%

The Potato Council has confirmed that it is increasing its levy for 2011/2012 by 3%.
november 19, 2010

Potato Production Canada harvest 2010 down 4%

The preliminary production estimate for the 2010 Canadian potato crop is 97,279,000 hundredweights (4 412 575 tonnes).
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november 18, 2010

Aardappeloogst Zeeland rampzalig

De aardappeloogst in West-Zeeuws-Vlaanderen en Walcheren is door de hevige regenval van de laatste weken mislukt. Die uitspraak durft loonwerker David de Looff uit Nieuw- en Sint Joosland aan.
november 18, 2010

Industry responds as one in three UK shoppers want waste reduction prioritised

Nearly a third of UK shoppers want food and grocery retailers and manufacturers to focus on reducing waste.
november 18, 2010

Agriculture machinery makers bullish on Indian market

A growing shortage of farm hands and smaller land holdings are forcing many farmers to mechanise their farms, allowing multinational agri implement companies to tap into Indian market.
november 18, 2010

Potato traders in Northern India expect a price drop

Consumers of potatoes in the east and south of India will probably have to shell out more than his counterpart in the north, at least for the next two months.
 New Brunswick
november 17, 2010

New Brunswick introduces mandatory PVY testing of seed potatoes as part of a commitment to improve quality

In consultation with the New Brunswick Potato Industry, the New Brunswick Regulation 82-70 of the Potato Disease Eradication Act has been amended to include Mandatory Post-Harvest Laboratory Testing for Potato Virus Y (PVY)
 Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
november 17, 2010

Canada to develop tool to reduce disease threats in the potato sector

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has established a Potato Sector Biosecurity Advisory Group (PSBAG), which will guide the development of a voluntary National Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard for the Potato Sector.
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 Frequency of different potato forms in independent US foodservice
november 17, 2010

Potatoes account for 44% of all carbs on independent restaurant menu's

On independent restaurant menus, potatoes of all kinds account for 44% of all carbs, according to MenuMine.
 Potato Council
november 17, 2010

Great Britain potato production 2010 down 6.1%

The Potato Council’s provisional estimate of Total Production in Great Britain for the 2010 crop year is 5.817 million tons, down 6.1% from 2009.
november 16, 2010

Nedato zegt geen nee tegen Agricotelers

Coöperatie Nedato laat weten geen nee te zeggen tegen telers die van Agrico over zouden willen stappen naar Nedato.
november 16, 2010

Zeeland: Nog 3 % van de aardappelen in de grond

Op de Zeeuwse eilanden hebben ze afgelopen week weer veel regen voor de kiezen gekregen. In totaal viel er 50 tot 60 mm. Ondertussen zijn de telers aardig aan de nattigheid gewend en laten ze zich door regen niet meer tegenhouden.
 Wateroverlast: Belgische velden onder water
november 15, 2010

Wateroverlast Belgie vernielt de nog niet geoogste aardappelen

Door het slechte najaar werd de oogst van heel wat teelten vertraagd, waardoor meer percelen dan normaal, nog niet geoogst zijn.
 United States Department orf Agriculture
november 15, 2010

Idaho Potato production down 14%

Idaho’s potato production is expected to total 114 million cwt, down 14 percent from last year’s 133 million cwt and 2 percent below the 2008 crop.


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