
 Guinness Book of records: World's Largest potato
september 15, 2011

Nottinghamshire gardener grows world's heaviest potato

A potato grown by an amateur gardener in Nottinghamshire has been confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records as the world's heaviest. The 11lb (4.99kg) spud was grown by Peter Glazebrook in his garden at Halam, near Newark in Nottinghamshire. The prev...
Bayer CropScience CEO Presents New Strategy
september 15, 2011

Bayer CropScience CEO Presents New Strategy

Bayer CropScience today revealed a new, four-pillar strategy for future growth at the company's annual press conference in Monheim, Germany. Sandra E. Peterson, CEO of Bayer CropScience, outlined the company's commitment to drive business growth by foc...
september 15, 2011

Ecuador produce papa todo el año

Artículo publicado por la Revista El Agro en su edición No. 181 de 2011. El texto completo se encuentra en esta página
september 14, 2011

Potato growers invest in machinery after tough harvest

Potato equipment manufacturers are in an upbeat mood following one of the best years on record, writes Steven Vale from Potato Europe. German potato machinery specialist Grimme is enjoying one of the best years ever, with overall sales up on its 2008 ...
 Kitchen Innovations Awards
september 14, 2011

The NRA is looking for cutting edge kitchen equipment for the 2012 Kitchen Innovations Awards

The National Restaurant Association is calling on foodservice equipment manufacturers to apply for its 2012 Kitchen Innovations Awards. Selected by an independent panel of experts, the award recipients represent the most groundbreaking equipment on the...
 United States Potato Board
september 14, 2011

US Potato exports at record high

US potato and product exports were a record $1,350,213,480 and 1,366,649 metric tons for the July 2010–June 2011 fiscal year. This is a 15 percent increase in value and 11 percent increase in volume. On a fresh weight equivalent basis, this represents ...
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september 14, 2011

Floods destroy potato crop at Sterman Masser potato farm

Pennsylvania State officials headed to a farm Wednesday for a look at the damage done by the flood.  Entire crops have been wiped out, leaving farmers looking for help which may be available through FEMA.  Devastation pretty much sums up the potato cr...
september 13, 2011

India: Agra growers in distress as potato goes cheap

Farmers in India's potato-growing belt of Agra region, which accounts for more than 30 percent of the country's yield, are in peril as market prices continue to fall below the cost of cultivation. A bumper summer crop has not helped as they are under p...
 Floods and Frost result in potato chips shortage in South Africa
september 13, 2011

Floods and Frost result in potato chips shortage in South Africa

Potatoes South Africa reported that the potato industry in South Africa had lost at least 60.000 tons of potatoes this year, largely due to flooding and frost. As a result of a history of poor harvests, chip maker Simba (Pepsico/Frito-Lay) has adopted...
 Maine Potato Harvest
september 13, 2011

Maine Potato Board says initial crop quality good, despite rain, tornadoes

Although it has been one of the tougher years for potato growers in Aroostook County (Maine, US) with crop damage from three tornadoes and excessive rainfall, officials with the Maine Potato Board are downplaying rumors of extensive crop loss. Don Fla...
september 13, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission generated over 4 billion Media impressions

The Idaho® potato is certainly living up to its “Famous Potato” slogan. During the action-packed 2010-2011 fiscal year the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) generated a record number of media impressions -- almost 4.1 billion to be exact -- for America’s f...
 Wireworm feeding on potato
september 13, 2011

New Potato Varieties Withstand Destructive Wireworms

Wireworm feeding damage is easy to spot, says Rich Novy, an Agricultural Research Service plant geneticist seeking to shore up America’s $3.3 billion potato crop. The damage resembles a nail hole that has been punched into the spud, pitting its surface...
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september 13, 2011

Danish Potato grower organisation fined for price fixing

A Danish potato growers organisation (Dansk Kartoffelproducent-forening) was fined for fixing the price of potatoes. In 2009 the Danish potato grower organisation called a meeting and asked its members to leave the potatoes in the ground. The Potato...
 Gusano alimentándose en un tubérculo
september 13, 2011

Nuevas variedades de papa con resistencia a daño por gusanos

El daño causado por el gusano de alambre en la papa es fácil de detectar, según Novy Rich, un genetista del Servicio Americano de Investigación Agrícola (ARS, por sus siglas en inglés). Se asemeja a un agujero dejado por un clavo en la superficie del t...
 Potato Psyllid
september 12, 2011

Zebra chip disease hits potatoes in Oregon and Washington

Zebra chip, a disease that annually costs Southwest U.S. potato growers millions of dollars in crop loss, has been found in Washington and Oregon. A USDA scientist and an Oregon State University plant pathologist confirmed zebra chip in tuber samples ...
september 12, 2011

Latfood: good potato harvest in 2011

Potato chip manufacturer Latfood evaluates this season's potato harvest as good, forecasting a 30 ton pick per hectare, Latfood Agro-Service Director Ilgvars Krumins informed Nozare.lv. "The average crop capacity index this year is 30 tons from o...
september 12, 2011

Kazakhstan to import potatoes from Belarus

Kazakhstan is interested in large supplies of Belarusian potato, Belarus Premier Mikhail Myasnikovich told media on 9 September. According to him, the Belarusian delegation led by Vice Premier Valery Ivanov has returned from Kazakhstan when it took pa...
september 12, 2011

"Zwaartepunt AGF-handel zou op de lange termijn in Azië kunnen liggen"

De Van Rijn Groep is inmiddels al een jaar of tien actief in China. De handelsrelatie begon met de import van Fuji-appelen en peren, wat nog altijd de belangrijkste importlijn is. Sinds drie à vier jaar verzorgt Van Rijn ook de aanvoer van agf-producte...


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