Plantación de patatas en Galicia.
mei 02, 2023

Galicia, España: La sequía amenaza con encarecer aún más la patata

La semana 14 del año, la primera de abril, ha dejado una marca histórica en el precio en origen de la patata en España: 0,66 euros el kilo, un 65% más de los 0,4 euros por kilo de la misma referencia en 2022.
Spud sentiment in the media continues to improve
mei 02, 2023

Spud sentiment in the media continues to improve

The widespread popularity of potatoes as America’s favorite vegetable naturally leads to their frequent appearance in the press. However, occasional misinformation can jeopardize the potato’s reputation.
Cultivos de papa en Villahermosa
mei 01, 2023

Colombia: Emisión de ceniza quema los cultivos de papa y enferma a las familias en Villahermosa

La comunidad en Villahermosa ha reportado a la oficina de agricultura que se encuentran trabajando a pérdidas, teniendo en cuenta que la ceniza del volcán Nevado del Ruiz se encuentran quemando la papa, arveja y cultivos de frijol.
Hijos de Rivera con la Universidad de A Coruña
mei 01, 2023

Patatas que crecen junto a los eucaliptos en A Laracha, el nuevo proyecto de Hijos de Rivera con la Universidad de A Coruña

El proyecto de la Cátedra de Hijos de Rivera junto con la Fundación Galicia Sustentable en Montemaior experimenta con el aprovechamiento de los suelos afectados por la explotación intensiva de este árbol para producir alimentos.
Bosch BASF Smart Farming is now ONE SMART SPRAY
mei 01, 2023

Bosch BASF Smart Farming is now ONE SMART SPRAY

Bosch BASF Smart Farming, the joint venture between Bosch and BASF Digital Farming to globally market and sell smart farming technology, announced its new brand name: ONE SMART SPRAY.
A quality mark for potato seeds in India
mei 01, 2023

A quality mark for seed potatoes in India

After extensive deliberations with different stakeholders including government officials, Haryana State Seed Certification Agency (HSSCA), and seed producers, the Government of Haryana with support from the CIP team launched the Har Aloo potato seed quality certification system.
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Grimme UK repeating one-to-one Exacta demos for potato growers
april 30, 2023

Grimme UK repeating one-to-one Exacta demos for potato growers

Following the success of last year’s demonstration programme, GRIMME UK is once again giving people a chance to see the GL 420 Exacta potato planter in operation.
'Surprise' discovery could help protect potato and tomato crops against late blight
april 29, 2023

'Surprise' discovery could help protect potato and tomato crops against late blight

In 2014, Charlottetown-based research scientist Bourlaye Fofana was looking for a way to make plant products healthier by adding the antioxidant selenium.
BMGF USD 30mn grant recognizes importance of RTB crops to African food and nutrition security+
april 29, 2023

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation boosts African breeding research of RTB Crops with USD 30mn grant

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation committed USD 29,668,667 to CGIAR for the breeding of improved Root, Tuber, and Banana (RTB) crops that lie at the heart of many African agri-food systems.
Farmers urged to check the efficiency of protected urea fertilisers
april 28, 2023

Farmers urged to check the efficiency of protected urea fertilisers

In light of the new rules in the United Kingdom on the use of inhibited urea, announced on 22 March, farmers are being encouraged to check levels of efficiency when purchasing urea, to maximise their investment when complying to new regulations.
Better Potatoes, Better Planet McCain Farm of the Future Africa set to transform potato farming in South Africa
april 27, 2023

Better Potatoes, Better Planet: McCain Farm of the Future Africa set to transform potato farming in South Africa

McCain Foods Limited, one of South Africa’s leading frozen food manufacturers, has officially opened its Farm of the Future Africa in Lichtenburg, North West, the second of three locations planned by 2025.
Minister tells Thomson Seed Potato Exports to Northern Ireland to resume in autumn
april 26, 2023

Seed Potato Exports from Scotland to Northern Ireland said to resume in autumn

Gordon MP Richard Thomson has been advised by DEFRA that new requirements which will allow quality Scottish seed potatoes back into their Northern Irish markets are expected to be in place for autumn this year.
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New Portable Device Uses Smartphone-Based Spectroscopy to Detect Late Blight Disease in Potato Crops
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New Portable Device Uses Smartphone-Based Spectroscopy to Detect Late Blight Disease in Potato Crops

The device has the potential to transform the way that farmers detect and manage plant diseases, leading to more efficient and sustainable agriculture practices.
Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease
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Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease

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Europatat Congress 2023 – Main speakers confirmed!

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El gusano de alambre, principal enemigo de la patata andaluza
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El gusano de alambre, principal enemigo de la patata andaluza

Andalucía encara, aunque con bastante retraso provocado por las heladas, una campaña de patata nueva que será, a priori, «buena» pero que sufre la falta de productos fitosanitarios, señala Javier Boceta, director general de Meijer, empresa obtentora de variedades y líder en las patatas más sembradas y más demandadas por la industria nacional.
Call for Expressions of Interest for the 14th World Potato Congress in 2028
april 23, 2023

Call for Expressions of Interest for the 14th World Potato Congress in 2028

The World Potato Congress Inc. is now calling for proposals from parties interested in hosting the 14th World Potato Congress to be held in 2028.


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