
Hongos provocan infección y extinción de especies
april 12, 2012

Hongos provocan infección y extinción de especies

La investigación, encabezada por Matthew Fisher, académico de la facultad de Salud Pública del Imperial College de Londres, y en el que también participó la Universidad de Oxford, revela que los hongos han estado presentes en 70% de los casos de extinc...
april 11, 2012

Con el celular, productores de papa controlarán gastos y producción

Es común que los cultivadores de papa tengan pérdidas por no llevar cuentas claras y constantes. Una aplicación para teléfonos móviles comenzó a cambiar sus costumbres. En el campo, la memoria es la mejor aliada del agricultor: muy poco de lápiz y pap...
april 11, 2012

The FAO Food Price Index in March nearly unchanged from February

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 216 points in March 2012, virtually unchanged from 215 points in February. Among the various commodity groups, only oils prices showed strength, compensating for falling dairy quotations, while the indices of ce...
april 11, 2012

Specialty Potato Alliance celebrates 5 years of growth

Specialty Potato Alliance (SPA) announced that their alliance is strong and continues to grow.
april 11, 2012

Potatoes New Zealand: connecting kids to food

Potatoes New Zealand is coming under the international spotlight for its groundbreaking initiatives promoting healthy eating choices to children and young people.
april 11, 2012

Diversifying diets to improve nutrition and incomes in Bangladesh

Working in partnership with the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC), Worldfish, and Bangladeshi partners, CIP recently launched a bold program to raise incomes and improve nutritional health through greater use of potato, sweetpotat...
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april 11, 2012

Egypt threatens retaliation over Russia's potato import ban

Egypt threatened on Tuesday to take retaliatory measures against Russia if it keeps a ban on Egyptian potato imports.
april 11, 2012

Seed Potato chronological age affects potato production

With potato planting under way, how many growers are aware that the age of the seed they have planted could have a marked impact on profitability?
 Baked Potato
april 10, 2012

Aroma of baked potato evokes happiness, researchers found

The smell of a baked potato can actually make us feel happier. Scientists in the UK discovered that the aromas given off during the cooking process can trigger positive memories in the brain.
 Late blight in Potato
april 10, 2012

New blight strain shouldn't alarm British potato growers

The very early discovery of a new potato blight strain in Britain doesn't mean that spray programmes will have to change this year, agree researchers and agronomists.
april 10, 2012

Website helps predict volunteer potato survival in Michigan

Volunteer potatoes in Michigan are surviving winters in increasing numbers, providing a bridge for late blight from one season to the next.
 Papa genéticamente modificada (Fortuna) con resistencia a phytophthora
april 10, 2012

BASF realizará ensayos de campo en Europa con papas genéticamente modificadas

La empresa BASF va a realizar este año, nuevamente, ensayos de campo en Europa con patatas modificadas genéticamente que están en proceso de autorización en la UE. Los ensayos se realizarán en ciertas zonas de Alemania, Suecia y Holanda. Se ensayarán l...
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april 10, 2012

Zoete én zoute Zeeuwse aardappelen

Water genoeg in Zeeland. Zowel zout als zoet. Voor de landbouw wordt vooral het zoete water gebruikt. Aardappelveredelings­bedrijf Meijer uit Rilland onderzoekt of de aardappel ook op zilte grond kan gedijen.
april 09, 2012

Bolivia: INIAF alista cosecha de 1.555 variedades de papa

El Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal (INIAF) alista para el próximo 28 de abril la cosecha y evaluación de 1.555 variedades de papa, en el Centro de Referencia de Cultivos Alto Andinos de Toralapa-Cochabamba (Estación Experimental de Toralapa), según información divulgada en el portal de la entidad que depende del Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural.
april 09, 2012

Empresarios de EE.UU. buscan tecnología de punta en Balcarce

Empresarios vinculados a la comercialización de semilla de papa, especialidades y a la producción y multiplicación de papa de Estados Unidos visitaron la Unidad Integrada Balcarce interesados en conocer la tecnología de última generación que se aplica dentro del proyecto PROPAPA cuyo responsable es Marcelo Huarte.
april 09, 2012

Corn acres exceed potatoes in Idaho, but spuds still cash cow

Idaho may always be famous for its potatoes, never to be confused as a Corn Belt state. For the past two years, however, Gem State growers have planted more acres of corn than spuds. That trend will continue in 2012, unless potato growers increase planting from last year by more than 30,000 acres.
april 08, 2012

Spaans areaal vroege aardappelen stijgt met 7%

Het areaal van vroege aardappelen neemt volgens het Spaanse ministerie van landbouw met 7% toe tot 13.000 ha.
 Fortuna GM potato with resistancy against phytophthora
april 05, 2012

BASF continues field trials with GM potatoes in Europe

BASF Plant Science will again conduct field trials this year with genetically optimized potatoes which are undergoing the EU approval process.


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