
april 29, 2012

Bogra (Bangladesh) sees a bumper potato production

Farmers in Bogra (Bangladesh) could produce huge quantity of potato this year and they are also getting good price for it. The bumper production of potato as well as its good price has encouraged the farmers to go for more production next season. Pot...
Mountain Rose in the White House kitchen garden
april 28, 2012

Colorado State University potatoes well represented in White House Garden

You say potato. I say Colorado. When First Lady Michelle Obama and a passel of schoolchildren recently planted vegetables in the White House kitchen garden, three of five potato varieties plunked into the soil were developed by Colorado State University.
 World potato congress
april 28, 2012

Speaker programme for World Potato Congress now complete

Practical solutions for efficient potato storage and maximising marketable yields will be some of the topics on the agenda at World Potato Congress 2012 (May 27-30, Edinburgh).
april 27, 2012

Pakistani potatoes rescue Indian consumers

With potato prices at Rs 20 a kg in retail in the domestic market, traders from northern India have started to import Pakistani potatoes that are 20% to 40% cheaper.
Bacterial ringrot
april 27, 2012

Ring Rot discovered at 8 potato farms in the Netherlands

The Dutch agency nVWA, responsible for phytosanitary inspections has discovered the potato disease ring rot at 8 potato farms in the South of thne Netherlands (Zuid Holland and Zeeland). The infected lots are identified and the potatoes are removed fro...
april 27, 2012

Pakistani potatoes 'rescue' Indian consumers

With potato prices ruling at Rs 20 a kg in retail in the domestic market, traders from Jammu and Kashmir have started importing potato from the two Line of Control (LOC) trade posts of Srinagar and Poonch.
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april 27, 2012

Venezuela: Productores de papa se declararon en emergencia

Productores de papa de los estados Mérida y Carabobo se declararon en emergencia ayer luego de que el Tribunal Primero Agrario, en la ciudad de Barquisimeto, declarara inadmisible un recurso de amparo que introdujeron el viernes pasado ante esa instancia en rechazo a la importación que hizo el Gobierno de 3.150 toneladas del rubro desde Ecuador.
april 27, 2012

Florida potato grower accused of labor trafficking

A Florida potato grower and its labor contractor have been accused of labor trafficking and taking advantage of drug-addicted workers
 Baked Potato
april 26, 2012

Potato consumption not associated with obesity, Type 2 diabetes or systemic inflammation, concludes new study

Preliminary Research presented today at The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Conference in San Diego demonstrates that habitual consumption of white potatoes (baked, boiled and mashed) is not associated with obesity, ty...
 Retail potato prices India
april 26, 2012

Potato prices rising in India due to lower supplies

After plummeting to a record low two months back, the retail price of potatoes has risen sharply due to lower supplies.
Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA.
april 26, 2012

Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA

En esta primera temporada de evaluación, los mejores rendimientos en la variedad Puyehue-INIA se obtuvieron con una densidad de plantación de 53.000 plantas por hectárea
april 26, 2012

United Potato Growers of Canada developing acreage recommendations for 2012 crop

At this time of year the United Potato Growers of Canada is refocusing its attention from last year’s crop towards planning for this year’s upcoming crop.
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april 26, 2012

New research into the control of Alternaria in potatoes

According to independent potato specialist of Root Crop Consultancy Howard Hinds, Alternaria has become much more of an issue in UK potato crops, with severe infections being experienced in susceptible varieties such as Markies.
AVR acquired Underhaug potato planter activities from TKS group
april 26, 2012

AVR acquired Underhaug potato planter activities from TKS group

AVR bvba, manufacturer of agricultural machinery for potato production, recently announced that negotiations between AVR and TKS led to an agreement whereby AVR acquired the potato planter activities from Underhaug / TKS as of April 10, 2012. AVR is...
 Fenmarc Produce Rudolph Potato Brand
april 26, 2012

Produce supplier Fenmarc shortlisted for Packer of the year

Fenmarc, one of the leading fresh produce suppliers in the UK, has been shortlisted for Packer of the Year in the Re:fresh awards.
New quad potato planter by Standen-Pearson
april 25, 2012

New quad potato planter by Standen-Pearson

The success of Standen-Pearson ‘QUAD’ potato planters for the establishment of salad crops is well recognised around the world.
april 24, 2012

Emergency action on potato pest Epitrix

Emergency action has been taken by a European Commission committee to stop the spread of a beetle which has the potential to damage British potato production.
april 24, 2012

Algeria: Potato prices to normalise in May

Over the past two weeks, the price of potatoes in Algeria tripled from 40 to 120 dinars as snow coverage has affected crops and speculators have exploited the situation.


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