
juni 05, 2012

National Potato Council met with Mexican Ambassador to discuss market access

Last week, National Potato Council (NPC) Executive Vice President and CEO John Keeling met with Mexico's Ambassador to the United States Arturo Sarukhan to discuss access to the Mexican potato market for fresh U.S.
juni 04, 2012

Cheaper to grow potatoes overseas, Australian study finds

A study of potato farming has found that it costs up to double the amount to grow spuds in Australia than it does overseas.
juni 04, 2012

McCain works towards Woolworths deal in Australia

Supermarket chain Woolworths is in talks with McCain Foods for it to supply potatoes to a new line of frozen home-brand products.
juni 04, 2012

Karnataka announces special package for potato growers

The Karnataka Government has announced a Rs 17.5-crore special package for potato growers of seven districts, who have suffered crop loss due to destruction by pests.
juni 04, 2012

Market led potato growers will maximise returns

Growers have been urged to think more about promotion and place to drive demand for differentiated potato products, instead of focusing on product and price.
juni 04, 2012

Wet weather heightens slug risk in British potato crops

British potato growers are being warned of a potential increase in slug numbers as soil temperatures rise sharply following the recent rainfall across parts of the UK.
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juni 04, 2012

North Dakota State University Potato Blightline to Operate in 2012

The Plant Pathology Department at North Dakota State University will again be providing the potato Blightline service at no charge to the potato industry of North Dakota and western Minnesota in 2012.
juni 01, 2012

Tuber blight added to Zampro DM fungicide label in the UK

The blight fungicide containing Initium and dimethomorph, Zampro DM, has had reduction of tuber blight incidence added to its label, in addition to the control of late foliar blight.
juni 01, 2012

Wet weather forcing Florida farmers to rush potatoes out of fields

Heavy rains recently have increased risk of rot in some areas of Florida's potato fields.
mei 31, 2012

FPSA Foundation Awards Career Development Scholarships

The Foundation of the Food Processing Suppliers Association (FFPSA) is pleased to announce the recipients of ten $3,000 Career Development Scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year. Winners of these ten scholarships include family members of employe...
mei 31, 2012

US processors reject spuds treated with Bayer fungicide

J.R. Simplot Co. and Lamb Weston have informed potato growers in Idaho that they will not be accepting produce that has been treated with Bayer CropScience's Luna Tranquility.
mei 31, 2012

Better demand helps Britain's potato prices improve

Potato prices in Great Britain continue to rise as more new crop supplies come to the market.
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mei 31, 2012

Demonstrations and discussions at the West Midlands Potato Day in the UK

This year’s packed agenda at the Midlands Potato Day will include practical in-the-field discussions on topics such as soil compaction, fertiliser application and the opportunity to see the George Moat Tillerstar on the land.
 International Potato Processing & Storage Convention 2012
mei 31, 2012

IPPSC 2012 Update

With the 2012 International Potato Processing and Storage Convention just over a month away, more top-class speakers have been added to the programme to ensure the event will offer added value to delegates. Opening proceedings on the speaker programme...
mei 31, 2012

Perú es el mayor productor de papa en Sudamérica

El Perú produce el 26.6 % de toda la papa de Sudamérica, ubicándose como el mayor productor de la región por encima de Brasil (25.1%), Colombia (14.8%) y Argentina (14.0%), informó la Consultora Maximixe. En cambio, en el ámbito mundial la producción ...
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mei 30, 2012

NDSU Names Boerboom Extension Director

Chris Boerboom is the new director of the North Dakota State University Extension Service. "As you know, this is a critical position, not only for Extension, but also for NDSU and the state,"says Ken Grafton, NDSU's vice president for Agric...
mei 29, 2012

Productores de papa piden al consumidor tico comprar la papa producida en Costa Rica

Los productores de papa piden al consumidor tico comprar la papa producida en Costa Rica. La importación de ese producto procesado, les roba mercado, y el gobierno está atado de manos para frenarla. La importación de papa prefrita que viene de Canadá...
mei 29, 2012

Scottish potato seed exports at record high

Scottish seed potato exports are at record high, the Scottish Government’s Rural Affairs secretary Richard Lochhead has told delegates to the World Potato Congress in Edinburgh. Mr Lochhead revealed that with another month of the season still to go, e...


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