Farmers of Tajikistan expect to harvest 1.1 million tons of potatoes in 2023
juli 23, 2023

Farmers of Tajikistan expect to harvest 1.1 million tons of potatoes in 2023

According to the long-term plan, about 1.1 million tons of potatoes will be harvested in Tajikistan in 2023, Khovar reports with reference to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan.
juli 18, 2023

Producción de papa en peligro por Fenómeno de El Niño: advierten escasez y alza de precios en mercados

Las proyecciones climáticas generan alerta en los productores. La sequía en el sur, el exceso de lluvias en el norte y la aparición de plagas amenazan la siembra y provocarán disminución de hasta el 30% en la producción agrícola.
Paving ways to a robust and vibrant potato seed sector in Tanzania
juli 18, 2023

Paving the way for a robust and vibrant seed potato sector in Tanzania

Tanzania and the Netherlands have agreed to collaborate on developing a joint roadmap for the thriving seed potato ecosystem.
China: Average Wholesale Prices of Fresh Potatoes (RMB/kg) (Figure 1)
juli 18, 2023

China: Frozen French Fry Exports Exceed Imports

Fresh potato production for MY 2022/23 (September to August) is forecast at 93 million metric tons (MMT), a small decrease from the estimated 95 MMT produced in MY 2021/22 owing to reduced acreage.
juli 17, 2023

Patatas Arrebola invierte 9 millones de euros en sus nuevas instalaciones en La Rinconada Natalia Ortiz

Más de 50 años de trabajo consolidan a Patatas Arrebola como uno de los principales nombres en el sector de la patata. La compañía, de carácter familiar, trabaja para ser el proveedor de referencia para la gran distribución, y la distribución tradicional, en el sur de la Península.

Egyptian potato exports to EU to reach at least 3-year high in 2023
juli 17, 2023

Potato export from Egypt to the European Union is up in 2023

This year Egyptian potato exports to the EU market are expected to reach at least three-year high.
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Freshly harvested potatoes
juli 16, 2023

United Kingdom Potato volumes expected to be low despite good growing conditions

The UK potato sector has been going through a better spell this year, but it did take a long time for the potato shortage to feed back to growers as there was still crop from the previous year on the market and the prices didn’t increase until around mid-May.
India to Continue license-free Potato Import from Bhutan for Another Year
juli 16, 2023

India to Continue license-free Potato Import from Bhutan for Another Year

The extension of the existing import policy for potato between India and Bhutan brings clarity and eliminates the need for additional documentation.
juli 14, 2023

La Comisión Europea autoriza una ayudas de 5 millones de euros para apoyar a los productores de patatas franceses en el contexto de la guerra en Ucrania

La Comisión Europea ha autorizado un régimen de ayudas francés por valor de 5 millones de euros para apoyar a los productores de patata de fécula en el contexto de la guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania.
The 30th anniversary of Farm Frites Poland Dwa
juli 13, 2023

The 30th anniversary of Farm Frites Poland Dwa

On June 29 potato processor Farm Frites Poland Dwa celebrated its 30th anniversary by organizing the conference '1993-2023-2053. Past-Present-Future of agriculture in Poland'.
Raw Purple sweet potato
juli 13, 2023

Egypt is strengthening its position in the Dutch sweet potato market

Egypt continues to hold the position of the second biggest supplier of sweet potatoes to the Dutch market and is increasing its export of sweet potatoes to the Netherlands year after year.
Canadian Potato Storage Holdings Reports July 2023
juli 12, 2023

Less potatoes left in storage in Canada: Potato Storage Holdings Reports July 2023

As of July 1, 2023, total Canadian Potato Storage Holdings are reported to be down 34.9% over 2022 numbers for the same period, and lower than the 3-yr. average.
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Researchers from Aarhus University are comparing greenhouse gas emissions from a conventional potato crop rotation on drained peat soil with the cultivation of reed canary grass for biomass production on undrained or poorly drained peat soil.
juli 12, 2023

Peat soils in Denmark: Stop drainage and cultivate reed grass instead of potatoes, says agricultural emissions study

Drained peat soils in Denmark account for about one-third of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.
Veg of Lund’s potato based drink DUG®
juli 10, 2023

Veg of Lund signs letter of intent to sell its DUG potato based dairy alternatives in China

Veg of Lund has signed a Letter of Intent with Haofood Shanghai Food Technology Co., Ltd. The companies will cooperate with the common goal of selling, marketing and distributing Veg of Lund’s products - potato based dairy alternatives - under the DUG® brand in China early in 2024.
juli 10, 2023

United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) crop update per July 6, 2023: Optimism everywhere

The potato crop in Canada is in varying stages - from emergence to touching between rows. Potato growers everywhere are optimistic for the good growing conditions needed to move this crop in its early life stages.
Jianmin Xie, International Advisor at World Potato Congress Inc.
juli 09, 2023

World Potato Congress Inc. welcomes Jianmin Xie as International Advisor.

The World Potato Congress Inc. Board Of Directors announced Mr. Jianmin Xie in a key role as an International Advisor.
Delhi High Court dismisses PepsiCo's appeal against order revoking potato variety registration
juli 08, 2023

Delhi High Court dismisses appeal by Pepsico against order revoking potato variety registration

The potato variety FL-2027 (commercial name FC-5) used for the production of potato chips was registered by PepsiCo India Holdings in India and the registration was granted in February 2016 under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001, but the registration was revoked in 2021.
juli 08, 2023

Potato acreage in North-western Europe up 2 to 3 percent. Questions about total production remain

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimate the area of ware potatoes has increased by 2 to 3%. This is slightly higher than the record in 2020, when it was 522.000 ha for the EU-4 (NL, BE, DE, FR).


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