
 Entrega de premio a Papa Andina e INCOPA
november 05, 2012

El CIP y sus programas Papa Andina e INCOPA reciben premio de FONTAGRO

El Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (FONTAGRO), conjuntamente con sus patrocinadores el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), acaban de otorgar al Centro Internacional...
november 05, 2012

Irish potato chip company launches 'SpudNav'

The Keogh farming family have been growing potatoes in north county Dublin for over 200 years. The city of Dublin has grown around the farm over the years.
november 04, 2012

Bengal cold storages threaten strike

With potatoes from Punjab expected to reach Bengal only in December, state cold-storage owners are planning to make use of the projected supply crunch from mid-November.
november 03, 2012

Potato equipment innovation on show at ADAS Syngenta Potato Conference and Exhibition

Many of the leading potato machinery manufacturers will be exhibiting their latest developments at the ADAS Syngenta Potato Conference and Exhibition in Britain in November, with technological innovations covering the whole growing season - from seed t...
 Banana tree
november 03, 2012

Investigadores sostienen que los plátanos podrían reemplazar al cultivo de la papa debido al calentamiento global

El cambio climático puede variar la temperatura, cambiar los paisajes y, al parecer, también la dieta de las personas. Un grupo de expertos del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial investigo el impacto del cambio climático de los 22 commodities m...
PepsiCo Alimentos contribuye con el desarrollo de la producción de semilla certificada de papa en Venezuela
november 01, 2012

PepsiCo Alimentos contribuye con el desarrollo de la producción de semilla certificada de papa en Venezuela

Con el fin de contribuir con el desarrollo nacional de semilla y como parte de su compromiso para fortalecer constantemente el desarrollo agrícola de Venezuela, PepsiCo Alimentos, ha iniciado desde Noviembre 2011 un proceso de multiplicación de semilla.
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 El Salón Internacional Agroalimentario (SIAL)
november 01, 2012

Empresa hondureña presenta sus ‘snacks’ de plátano, papa y yuca en feria de Francia

Las únicas dos compañías de Honduras, procedentes de la Costa Norte, Industrias Sula y Frozen Foods, mostraron sus productos en el SIAL , situado en el Parque de Exposiciones de Villepinte, localizado en el norte de París. Industrias Sula promocionó en...
 Banana Tree
oktober 31, 2012

Bananas could replace potatoes in warming world

Climate change could lead to crops from the banana family becoming a critical food source for millions of people, a new report says.
oktober 25, 2012

Solynta wint Food Valley Award 2012 @Food Valley Expo

“Het winnen van de Food Valley Award is geweldig. We zijn nu in een fase beland dat het zo goed gaat dat we op zoek zijn naar partners en daar helpt het winnen van zo’n prijs enorm”, aldus Pim Lindhout, hoofd Research &Development Solynta.
oktober 25, 2012

Poor potato crop in Finland could cause shortage

This year’s potato harvest in Finland could be smaller than expected thanks to the rainy summer. In recent years Finland has exported a large surplus, but that is unlikely to be possible with this year’s reduced yields.
 Ontario Medical Association
oktober 25, 2012

Canadian doctors call for junk-food tax, warning labels

Doctors in the Canadian province Ontario are calling for a heightened tax and graphic warning labels on junk food to combat childhood obesity.
 Specialty Potato Alliance Potato Collection
oktober 25, 2012

Specialty Potato Alliance Gears Up For PMA Fresh Summit

Specialty Potato Alliance is ready for the PMA in Anaheim. “It’s a new deal this year,” commented Richard Leibowitz the Alliance’s director, “we will have more space to show our Family of Products and hopefully have more time to visit with the attendee...
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Netherlands: Despite high price there is a lot of demand for potatoes.
oktober 24, 2012

Netherlands: 'Despite high price there is a lot of demand for potatoes'

The mood in the Dutch potato market still remains good, according to potato exporter Altena: "Despite the high prices, there is still a good demand,"says Kees Schouten of Potato Wholesale Altena.
 Potato Council
oktober 24, 2012

Potato harvest in the UK in a 'potentially disastrous situation'

In yesterday's Potato Weekly the Potato Council describes the lifting procgress of the 2012 potato crop: the potato harvest in the United Kingdom is still three weeks behind last season.
 National Potato Council
oktober 24, 2012

POTATO EXPO 2013 Tradeshow showcases cutting-edge products and services

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Potatoes with higher levels of carotenoids developed by ARS scientists
oktober 24, 2012

Potatoes with higher levels of carotenoids developed by ARS scientists

Potatoes with higher levels of beneficial carotenoids are the result of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) studies to improve one of America's most popular vegetables.
oktober 24, 2012

Acrylamide intake linked to low birth weight

Intake of foods high in acrylamide during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight and smaller head circumference. This was revealed in an international study of the diet of 1,100 pregnant women and newborns from Denmark, England, Greece, Norway...
oktober 24, 2012

AUSVEG reports on Senate Inquiry into import concerns New Zealand potatoes

AUSVEG CEO Richard Mulcahy today said that an Inquiry held this morning by the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee is validation of concerns raised by AUSVEG about the biosecurity risks to the Australian potato industry of fresh p...


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