Tracy Mattock, Marketing Manager (left) and Kate Wright, Category Insight Manager (right)
juni 10, 2014

Greenvale Adds some Girl Power to Strengthen its Customer Understanding

Leading UK potato supplier, Greenvale is strengthening its marketing team with the appointment of two new members of staff, Tracey Mattock who takes on the role of Marketing Manager, and Kate Wright who is the new Category Insight Manager.
2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award winner
juni 10, 2014

Justin Della Zoppa wins 2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award

Riverland potato producer Justin Della Zoppa has been named the 2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award winner.
Russia's potato ban 'won't affect Ukraine'
juni 10, 2014

Russia's potato ban 'won't affect Ukraine'

Russia`s temporary blockade imposed on imports of Ukrainian potatoes is unlikely to have a major impact on trade, says analyst.
Bagged Potatoes on pallets (Courtesy Itar-Tass)
juni 10, 2014

Russia places temporary ban on import Ukrainian potatoes

Russia’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) has issued a temporary import ban on potatoes from neighboring Ukraine.
Potato Blight warning issued in Northern Ireland
juni 10, 2014

Potato Blight warning issued in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and CAFRE, Greenmount Campus has issued the first potato blight warning for 2014.
El tercer boletín de la Iniciativa Chirapaq Ñan ya está disponible
juni 09, 2014

El tercer boletín de la Iniciativa Chirapaq Ñan ya está disponible

La iniciativa Chirapaq Ñan fue lanzada en 2012 para monitorear la alta diversidad de papas nativas y el estado de conservación de las variedades a lo largo del tiempo y en su ambiente natural (in-situ) en los Andes. Aquí su tercer boletín.
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Potato and Tomato affected by late blight
juni 09, 2014

Univ. Florida Research: Late blight pathogen originates from Mexico

A University of Florida scientist has pinpointed Mexico as the origin of the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish Potato Famine, a finding that may help researchers solve the $6 billion-a-year disease that continues to evolve and torment potato and tomato growers around the world.
Potato Cultivation In Tajikistan (2004; Courtesy CIP)
juni 09, 2014

Russian company ready to supply elite and super elite potato seeds to Tajikistan

Tajikistan intends to increase potato production and Russia’s Closed Joint-Stock Company (CJSC) Kolnag is ready to provide local farming units with elite and super elite potato seeds
Mexico said to block US potato imports
juni 09, 2014

Mexico said to block US potato imports

Mexican authorities have closed the country’s borders to U.S. potato imports citing phytosanitary issues as the reason for the ban, reports
España: Diseñan biofertilizantes específicos para papas
juni 08, 2014

España: Diseñan biofertilizantes específicos para papas

El IRNASA desarrolla biofertilizantes basados en microorganismos endófitos para mejorar la producción sin utilizar fertilizantes químicos tradicionales.
Ian Evison
juni 08, 2014

Tong Peal appoints new after sales manager

Tong Peal has appointed Ian Evison in a newly created after sales position at its national headquarters.
Aviko-Snow Valley
juni 05, 2014

Aviko invests in Chinese Fries Factory Snow Valley

Aviko has acquired a majority interest in a fries factory in the north-east of China, which will be renamed Aviko-Snow Valley. The company plans to expand french fry production and add manufacturing of potato flakes.
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Aviko investeert in Chinese fritesfabriek Snow Valley
juni 05, 2014

Aviko investeert in Chinese fritesfabriek Snow Valley

Aviko neemt een meerderheidsbelang in een fritesfabriek in het noordoosten van China, die nu Aviko - Snow Valley zal gaan heten. Het bedrijf verwacht de produktie capaciteit fors uit te breiden en een vlokkenlijn toe te voegen
Cómo influyó el uso del celular en la comercialización de papa de tres comunidades bolivianas
juni 03, 2014

Cómo influyó el uso del celular en la comercialización de papa de tres comunidades bolivianas

Conocer cómo ha influido el teléfono móvil en las actividades de producción y comercialización de papa de tres comunidades bolivianas, fue uno de los objetivos del trabajo de Investigación que realizó Andrea Alemán Andrade para optar el título de Licenciatura en Sociología de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón de Cochabamba.
Simplot Australia products on freezer shelf
juni 02, 2014

Potato growers Simplot Tasmania reluctantly accept price rise

Prices for potato crops grown for Simplot's north-west Tasmanian factory are set to rise by AU$20 a tonne.
El mercado de la papa en Chile: Proyecciones y escenarios
mei 29, 2014

El mercado de la papa en Chile: Proyecciones y escenarios

Artículo con información actualizada sobre producción y precios de la papa. Algunas proyecciones se incluyen al final.
Bolivia lidera el camino para reconocer a los agricultores como custodios de la agrobiodiversidad
mei 29, 2014

Bolivia lidera el camino para reconocer a los agricultores como custodios de la agrobiodiversidad

Reconoció a los agricultores custodios de la agrobiodiversidad como contribuyentes claves para la conservación de la biodiversidad, la seguridad alimentaria y los ingresos, tanto en el presente como en el futuro, para sustentar y cuidar del planeta.
Lady Rosetta (Meijer Potato)
mei 29, 2014

Poor crop in India has raised potato prices, leaving snack-makers in a spot

Fries, chips and flakes manufacturers in India are concerned over firm prices of potato, which has seen a jump owing to poor crop this year. Companies assure that an increase in retail price was unlikely to take place in the short run.


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