Ryan Holterhoff
januari 05, 2015

Washington-Oregon Potato Conference: a regionally popular, prominent event

Once again, the Washington State Potato Commission and Oregon Potato Commission have joined forces in the planning and execution of the 2015 Washington/Oregon Potato Conference, Jan. 27-29.
Herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para el manejo del tizón tardío diseñada para el uso de agricultores de subsistencia
januari 05, 2015

Herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para el manejo del tizón tardío diseñada para el uso de agricultores de subsistencia

Resumen de la ponencia que sobre el tema se presentó en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado recientemente en Bogotá.
International Potato Sales Albert Bartlett taking off.
januari 04, 2015

International Potato Sales Albert Bartlett taking off.

The company which owns the Albert Bartlett potato brand has increased its profits by more than 31 per cent in spite of small fall in turnover. The company shows remarkable growth in international sales and 40% growth in its Scotty Brand business.
Fire Destroys Potato Storage buildings of Norman Crooks Farms
januari 04, 2015

Fire Destroys Potato Storage buildings of Norman Crooks Farms

Nearly 20 fire departments responded to flames at a Montcalm County potato farm (Michigan) Wednesday, but none of the potato storage buildings, housing farm equipment and millions of potatoes, could be saved
Cavendish Farms Plant in New Annan
januari 04, 2015

Cavendish Farms again finds needles in potatoes - not from Linkletter Farms this time.

Late December, Potato Processor Cavendish Farms detected again sewing needles stuck in potatoes processed at its New Annan plant on Prince Edward Island.
Romain Cools during the Interpom-Primeurs at the Inno Potato Award Ceremonies
januari 04, 2015

Romain Cools (Belgapom) sees bright spots in the potato market

Romain Cools, secretary of the Belgian Potato Processors Association Belgapom expresses his views on the free potato market.
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Nyandarua (Kenya) to introduce potato varieties suitable for processing
januari 04, 2015

Nyandarua (Kenya) to introduce potato varieties suitable for processing

The Nyandarua government is partnering with the National Potato Council and German organisation GTZ to introduce varieties of potatoes suitable for processing
Colombia: Estado de emergencia fitosanitaria por el virus del amarillamiento de la papa
januari 02, 2015

Colombia: Estado de emergencia fitosanitaria por el virus del amarillamiento de la papa

Tras detectar el incremento de la enfermedad debido a la diseminación y aumento de las poblaciones de su vector la 'mosca blanca de los Invernaderos', el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) declaró el estado de emergencia fitosanitaria en los cultivos de papa.
Fisiología y manejo de tubérculos semilla de papa
januari 02, 2015

Fisiología y manejo de tubérculos semilla de papa

Factores y condiciones necesarios para producir tubérculos semilla con el estado de brotamiento adecuado al momento de siembra.
Atributos valorados por los consumidores de papas frescas producidas con bajo impacto ambiental
december 23, 2014

Atributos valorados por los consumidores de papas frescas producidas con bajo impacto ambiental

Resumen de la ponencia que sobre el tema se presentó en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado recientemente en Bogotá.
West Coast Labor Dispute is Hurting Idaho Potato Industry
december 23, 2014

West Coast Labor Dispute is Hurting Idaho Potato Industry

Port disruptions on the West Coast due to labor contract negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) are hurting Idaho agriculture and Idaho’s exporters.
Gary Linkletter, general manager of Linkletter Farms
december 23, 2014

Linkletter Farms back up and running

Linkletter Farms is finally back up and running after two months of being at the centre of a large-scale food tampering incident that reached across Atlantic Canada.
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Potato Production India might be up 25-30 % over last year
december 23, 2014

Rabi Potato Production India might be up 25-30% over last year

Domestic potato production in India in the present Rabi season is likely to be 25-30 per cent higher over last year on account of good weather conditions.
South Australian potato growers disappointed with sale of McCain Penola facility to beef company
december 23, 2014

South Australian potato growers disappointed with sale of McCain Penola facility to beef company

In South Australia, McCain has sold its former potato processing factory at Penola to a meat processor, to the dismay of some local growers.
Potato Cooperative Agrico presents its members excellent results
december 16, 2014

Potato Cooperative Agrico presents its members excellent results

Potato cooperative Agrico reported that its 2013/2014 financial year was a good potato year, in which Agrico made good payments to its members for both seed and table potatoes.
Perú: Aparece una nueva variedad de papa que rinde 40 toneladas por hectárea
december 15, 2014

Perú: Aparece una nueva variedad de papa que rinde 40 toneladas por hectárea

Se trata de tubérculo Inia 325–Poderosa. Tiene alto contenido de micronutrientes.
Bulk potato storage United States (Courtesy IVI)
december 15, 2014

Major US Potato States held 263 million cwt in stock per December 1, 2014

The 13 major US potato States held 263 million cwt of potatoes in storage December 1, 2014, down 3 percent from 2 years
Agrico presenteert uitstekende resultaten aan haar leden
december 15, 2014

Agrico presenteert uitstekende resultaten aan haar leden

Vorige week werd tijdens de ledenraad van Agrico de jaarrekening voor 2013-2014 vastgesteld. Dit aansluitend aan de centrale ledenvergadering, die als voortvloeisel van het nieuwe bestuursmodel voor het eerst in deze vorm is gehouden.


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