Dewulf and Miedema continue dealer restructuring in France
juli 22, 2015

Dewulf and Miedema continue dealer restructuring in France

With the dealer restructuring in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany complete, Dewulf & Miedema continue their dealer restructuring in Western Europe with the North of France.
Potato field in Washington (Courtesy: Norm Nelson Inc. / The Packer)
juli 22, 2015

Washington and Oregon Potato Growers Nervous about Hot and Dry Conditions

Fresh-market potato growers in Washington and Oregon may not know what their 2015-16 crop will look like until they start harvesting, which should be a week or two earlier than usual.
Tamas Houlihan, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association
juli 19, 2015

Wisconsin researchers reveal dozen new potato varieties

In an effort to stay a leader in potato production, researchers in Wisconsin are hard at work to develop the best potatoes for your table.
Rwanda potato farmers in Nyabbihu ready to take the produce to the market (Courtesy: The New Times)
juli 19, 2015

Potato Growers in Rwanda will benefit from new distribution system

In Rwanda, a new potato wholesale market in the capital Kigali and collection centres in areas where potatoes are grown are part of a plan to modernize the value supply chain for the potato crop.
Argentina: El cultivo de la papa incorpora la agricultura de precisión y da un salto productivo
juli 18, 2015

Argentina: El cultivo de la papa incorpora la agricultura de precisión y da un salto productivo

Formagro, una empresa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, especializada en imágenes satelitales, desarrolló un manejo diferencial según la aptitud de los suelos; lo está aplicando la multinacional McCain en el país y apunta a instalarlo en otras partes del mundo.
El invernadero más moderno de América Latina para producir semilla de papa fue inaugurado en Ecuador
juli 17, 2015

El invernadero más moderno de América Latina para producir semilla de papa fue inaugurado en Ecuador

El presidente Rafael Correa inauguró el jueves un invernadero inteligente para producir semillas de papa de alta calidad. Tal avance permitirá incrementar la producción de 8 a 20 toneladas métricas por hectárea, aumentar los ingresos de pequeños campesinos, sustituir las importaciones y eventualmente exportar el tubérculo.
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Perú será sede del próximo Congreso Mundial de la Papa
juli 16, 2015

Perú será sede del próximo Congreso Mundial de la Papa

Este 30 de julio, en Beijing, China, una delegación oficial del Estado peruano recibirá las credenciales para ser la sede del X Congreso Mundial de la Papa que se realizará, por primera vez en Sudamérica, en agosto del 2018, y convocará a más de mil científicos, investigadores y empresarios de todo el mundo en la ciudad del Cusco.
Potato field in Spain (Jorquera). Courtesy:
juli 16, 2015

Alarming crisis in Spanish potato sector

Spain's potato sector is once again hampered by a price crisis, with producers failing even to cover their production costs.
One Third of Aussies can't name a single Potato Variety
juli 16, 2015

One Third of Aussies can't name a single Potato Variety

It appears that many Australians don’t know their King Edwards from their Kennebecs, with the latest wave of the Potato Tracker consumer research project indicating that some people can’t name a single variety of potato, despite being the most commonly purchased vegetable commodity.
Yum Tasmania Gourmet potatoes. Purple Bliss is the darkest coloured potato on the right
juli 15, 2015

Australia: Purple Bliss potato could become family favourite

The new ‘purple bliss’ potato (grown in Tasmania and bred in Idaho) could become a family favourite now that it has begun producing commercial quantities, and 20 tonnes are making their way to supermarket shelves.
French Fry Industry Canada
juli 15, 2015

Signs of recovery in the Canadian french-fry business

While the rest of the agriculture sector nervously eyes the oil melt-down, the french fry industry in Canada might actually be poised for a comeback
Equipment manufacturer Gillenkirch offers solution to detect metal in potatoes
juli 14, 2015

Equipment manufacturer Gillenkirch offers solution to detect metal in potatoes

Equipment manufacturer GIllenkirch offers an innovative solution to the Prince Edward Island potato industry after the recent scare involving needles inserted in potatoes
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The New Nedato Website
juli 13, 2015

Nedato launches a new website and corporate identity

Dutch potato company Nedato - specialized in handling and sales of ware potatoes and potatoes for the European processing industry - has launched a new website and corporate identity.
Papas andinas contra la malnutrición del mundo
juli 10, 2015

Papas andinas contra la malnutrición del mundo

La papa ha salvado al mundo de hambrunas. Ahora, papas andinas poco conocidas podrían acabar con la malnutrición. El Centro Internacional de la Papa presentó en Bruselas un proyecto regional con aspiraciones globales.
Venezuela: Escasez de insecticidas redujo producción de papa
juli 09, 2015

Venezuela: Escasez de insecticidas redujo producción de papa

El presidente de la Federación nacional de productores de papa y hortalizas de Venezuela, Plubio Paredes, indicó que los productores de papa han perdido producción por no tener los elementos para mantener las semillas.
Calyxt Launches Field Trials of its Cold Storable Potato
juli 09, 2015

Calyxt Launches Field Trials of its Cold Storable Potato

Calyxt, Inc., a Minnesota-based company focusing on developing healthier food products, today announced that it has started the field trials of its cold storable potato.
Don Ladhoff
juli 09, 2015

United States Potato Board Realigns Retail Marketing Program Staffing

United States Potato Board Chief Marketing Officer, John Toaspern, has issued the following statement regarding the recent news longtime USPB Retail Marketing Consultant, Don Ladhoff, has joined Black Gold Farms after the expiration of his contract with the USPB
MountainKing Steakhouse Roasters
juli 09, 2015

MountainKing Potatoes Promotes Outdoor Grilling Experiences

Texas-based MountainKing Potatoes has launched its 2015 summer merchandising program aimed at encouraging retailers to create eye-catching displays capturing the experience of summer grilling featuring the company’s Steakhouse Roasters.


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