AHDB Potatoes appoints a new chair and five new board members
april 17, 2017

AHDB Potatoes appoints new chair and five new board members

AHDB Potatoes has announced the appointment of a new chair and the addition of five new members to its board, replacing five members.
US Potato Growers offer Trump suggestions to improve NAFTA
april 17, 2017

US Potato Growers offer Trump suggestions to improve NAFTA

The National Potato Council (NPC) has sent a letter to President Trump with suggestions how the NAFTA agreement can be improved to benefit the potato trade.
First large-scale Solynta Hybrid seed potato trials highly successful
april 17, 2017

First large-scale Solynta Hybrid seed potato trials highly successful

Potato breeder Solynta started a potato revolution nearly ten years ago: to develop and apply new breeding technologies to convert potatoes into a hybrid crop. A 'large' trial of the first experimental hybrids took place last season.
Japan: Worst Potato Harvest in 34 years hits Calbee and other Japanese snack manufacturers
april 11, 2017

Japan: Worst Potato Harvest in 34 years hits Calbee and other Japanese snack manufacturers

Japan’s potato chip lovers, beware: Your favourite snacks may become harder to find. The country’s worst potato harvest in at least 34 years has prompted major snack makers to halt production of several types of snacks.
New Webcast helps Potato Growers avoid devastating Powdery Scab Outbreaks
april 11, 2017

New Webcast helps Potato Growers avoid devastating Powdery Scab Outbreaks

Powdery scab is a potato disease that is difficult to manage and under certain environmental conditions powdery scab can be potentially devastating to susceptible potato varieties.
Red-skinned potato varieties lead selections by breeders
april 11, 2017

Red-skinned potato varieties lead selections by breeders

Red-skinned potatoes are sure to be on the minds and menus of many after remarkable results shown by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s selections this year.
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Guarding against Dickeya
april 11, 2017

Guarding against Dickeya: testing your seed potatoes

With clean seed potatoes recognized as the best defense against this new blackleg-causing pathogen, the demand for Dickeya testing is growing fast.
Tasteful Selections adds a cheesy new flavor to the Take & Shake line of flavored potatoes
april 10, 2017

Tasteful Selections adds a cheesy new flavor to their Take & Shake line of flavored potatoes

Tasteful Selections™, a specialty potato brand from RPE Inc., adds a new flavor to their Tasteful Selections Take & Shake™ line: Cheddar Cheese.
LaJoie and Davenport Appointed to Lead Potatoes USA Industry Outreach Committee
april 10, 2017

LaJoie and Davenport Appointed to Lead Potatoes USA Industry Outreach Committee

Jay LaJoie of Van Buren, Maine and Jason Davenport of Arvin, California were appointed to the Potatoes USA Executive Committee on March 16, 2017 and will co-chair the Industry Outreach Committee.
Potato supplier HZPC and its distributor Wesgrow charged by South African Competition Commission
april 10, 2017

Potato supplier HZPC and its distributor Wesgrow Seed Potatoes are charged by the South African Competition Commission

South Africa’s competition watchdog (Competition Commission South Africa) has charged the Dutch seed potato breeder HZPC Holland B.V. and its exclusive South African distributor Wesgrow Potatoes for anti-competitve conduct for the exclusive supply of the variety Mondial.
Chile y Brasil unidos para potenciar el cultivo de la papa
april 06, 2017

Chile y Brasil unidos para potenciar el cultivo de la papa

El INIA firmó un convenio con su símil de Brasil, EMBRAPA para fomentar el cultivo de la papa en ambos países. Una delegación integrada por productores de papa, ... , visitaron la región de Los Lagos, en Chile, INIA Remehue, Centro Nacional de la Papa.
España: El Gobierno trabaja para que la papa canaria reingrese en la UE
april 05, 2017

España: El Gobierno trabaja para que la papa canaria reingrese en la UE

La ministra de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Isabel García Tejerina, ha asegurado que espera concluir las negociaciones con la Unión Europea para que esta acepte el protocolo desarrollado en Canarias para la eliminación de la polilla guatemalteca y permita de nuevo la exportación de la patata canaria fuera de las islas, incluido el resto del territorio nacional.
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Descartan que la bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter ataque a la papa española
april 04, 2017

Descartan que la bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter ataque a la papa española

Un estudio realizado por investigadores del Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) descarta que la enfermedad causada por la bacteria "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" (Lso) -que ya ha producido "importantes pérdidas económicas" en zanahoria y apio- pueda afectar a la papa.
Local mayor gets potato planting underway for PotatoEurope 2017
april 03, 2017

Local mayor gets potato planting underway for PotatoEurope 2017

The potatoes that will be used in the live demonstrations during the PotatoEurope trade show, which will take place on 13 and 14 September in Emmeloord, the Netherlands, have been planted.
Potatoes USA International Marketing Committee Meeting Overview
april 02, 2017

Potatoes USA International Marketing Committee reports on growing export opportunities

The Potatoes USA international marketing committee met prior to the Annual Meeting in Denver March 15 & 16. The committee heard how U.S. potato exports have grown 183% in the past 20 years and now account for close to 20% of production.
Neonicotinoid insecticides losing efficiency in potato psyllid control
april 02, 2017

Neonicotinoid insecticides losing efficiency in potato psyllid control

The potato industry may be losing a mainstay in the battle against psyllids, according to a recent Texas A&M AgriLife Research study.
Dutch Potato processing Industry approaches 4 million tons milestone
april 02, 2017

Dutch Potato processing Industry approaches 4 million tons milestone

Potato manufacturers in the Netherlands are approaching the 4 million tons of processed potatoes mark annually.
Experto internacional en sanidad de papas entrega su visión sobre el cultivo en Chile
maart 28, 2017

Experto internacional en sanidad de papas entrega su visión sobre el cultivo en Chile

Gary Secor, consultor internacional y reconocido experto en el cultivo de la papa, se presentó recientemente en el marco del PDT Papas apoyado por CORFO en la Región de Los Lagos, y ejecutado por el Consorcio Papa Chile.


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