European potato industry rejects Australian farmers' dumping fears
juni 12, 2020

European potato industry rejects Australian farmers' dumping fears

European potato farmers and processors have pushed back against Australian claims they are about to dump subsidized frozen chips from a coronavirus-caused glut into the Antipodean market.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar June 25, 2020 At 09:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time With Burkhard Kuhlmann Presenting: 'Mechanisation Levels For The Global Potato Industry'
juni 12, 2020

World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar: 'Mechanisation Levels For The Global Potato Industry'

The World Potato Congress continues its webinar series with a presentation by Burkhard Kuhlmann of Grimme, entitled 'Mechanisation Levels for the Global Potato Industry'.
Potato sales at retail soar in the US
juni 10, 2020

Potato sales at retail soar in the US

Retail potato sales soar, increasing 10.4% in dollar sales and 9.3% in volume sales between July 1, 2019, and May 19, 2020, according to IRI. All potato categories across the retail store, except deli-prepared sides, increased in dollar and volume sales, according to a report by Potatoes USA.
The World Potato Congress Inc. Announces Three New Directors to its Board
juni 10, 2020

World Potato Congress Inc. appoints Three New Directors to its Board

Romain Cools, President, and CEO of the World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC) announces the appointment of three new Directors to its Board effective July 1, 2020: Dr. Nigel Crump, Australia, and Mrs. Elven Huang, China, both former WPC International Advisors, and Mr. Bret Nedrow, USA.
Tasteful Selections focuses on diverse flavor and recipes for next 10-year-anniversary celebration theme
juni 09, 2020

Tasteful Selections focuses on diverse flavor and recipes for next 10-year-anniversary celebration theme

Tasteful Selections' new campaign theme celebrates flavor and versatility of bite-size potatoes.
España: Autorizan el Etoprofos 10% para el gusano del alambre también en Andalucía
juni 08, 2020

España: Autorizan el Etoprofos 10% para el gusano del alambre también en Andalucía

La Dirección General de Sanidad de la Producción Agraria del Ministerio de Agricultura ha autorizado provisionalmente el uso y la comercialización de productos fitosanitarios formulados a base de Etoprofos 10% [GR] P/P contra el gusano de alambre (Agriotes sp.) en el cultivo de la patata en Andalucía.
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juni 08, 2020

Potato Europe 2020 abgesagt

Aufgrund der unvorhersehbaren Lage durch die Covid-19 Pandemie, sehen wir uns leider dazu gezwungen, die Potato Europe 2020 abzusagen, um so Besucher und Aussteller zu schützen. Die nächste Potato Europe wird im September 2021 in den Niederlanden stattfinden.
Cosme Catalán pone en marcha Interagro para llevar al mercado patata nueva durante todo el año
juni 08, 2020

Cosme Catalán pone en marcha Interagro para llevar al mercado patata nueva durante todo el año

El sector de la patata puede funcionar sin grandes altibajos, con rentabilidad para todos los eslabones de la cadena, si trabaja de forma planificada y ordenada.
Malta's potato exports dry up
juni 02, 2020

Malta's potato exports dry up

Potato farmers are in 'utter despair' after learning they will not be able to export their crops this year because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Patatas Meléndez aumenta un 25% su plantilla en plena crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 y continúa incorporando nuevo talento
juni 01, 2020

Patatas Meléndez aumenta un 25% su plantilla en plena crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 y continúa incorporando nuevo talento

Patatas Meléndez ha ampliado su equipo de trabajo incorporando a 91 personas más a su plantilla, lo que supone un aumento del 25%. Garantía de abastecimiento y atención a la demanda han sido los objetivos de la compañía en estas semanas de crisis sanitaria.
Patatas Meléndez arranca una nueva campaña de recogida de patata
juni 01, 2020

Patatas Meléndez arranca una nueva campaña de recogida de patata marcada por la lluvia y el agua

'Llevamos varias semanas ofreciendo ya al consumidor patata nacional de esta campaña, hemos sido la primera empresa en dar ese paso' Juan Manuel Coello, Patatas Meléndez
Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas
juni 01, 2020

Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas

Europa: Autorregular el mercado de la patata podría generar perturbaciones negativas.
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Planting Update May 28, 2020
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Canadian Potato Crop Update May 28 2020

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Potatoes NZ request Emergency Measures to ban EU imports
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Potatoes NZ request Emergency Measures to ban EU imports

Potatoes New Zealand is asking the New Zealand government to give urgent consideration to imposing short-term measures limiting the importation into New Zealand of heavily discounted frozen potato chips to avoid a food security threat.
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INTERPOM 2020 op Aangepaste Openingsdagen

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Utkal Tubers appoints Food & Agri industry veteran Vinod Bhat as CEO
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Utkal Tubers appoints Food & Agri industry veteran Vinod Bhat as CEO

Zephyr Peacock backed potato seeds company, Utkal Tubers, has announced the appointment of Vinod Bhat, an industry veteran as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Starch Europe Welcomes the Publication of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy
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Starch Europe Welcomes the Publication of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy

Starch Europe today welcomed the much-anticipated publication of the European Commission’s EU Farm to Fork Strategy. Starch Europe and its members strongly support the Commission’s climate neutrality ambition and the important role a more sustainable food system plays to achieve that objective.
Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases
mei 26, 2020

Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases

HZPC is employing the services of a specialized robot in its fight against potato diseases and viruses within its breeding program.


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