
Hormel Foods to Partner with The Better Meat Co.
oktober 20, 2021

Hormel Foods partners with The Better Meat Co to use its meat-like mycoprotein Rhiza, produced via potato-based fermentation

Hormel Foods Corporation, a global branded food company, announced its venturing company, 199 Ventures, has entered into an exclusive partnership with The Better Meat Co. to bring new mycoprotein - produced by potato-based fermentation - and plant-based protein products to the marketplace.
augustus 19, 2021

Aardappelcampagne Royal Avebe van start

De aardappelcampagne van Royal Avebe in Nederland is begonnen. De eerste zetmeelaardappelen werden aangeleverd op de productielocatie in Gasselternijveen
Lihme Protein Solutions and Duynie Group partner in the creation of functional proteins from industrial co-products such as potato fruit waterxt generation functional proteins from plants
juli 12, 2021

Lihme Protein Solutions and Duynie Group partner in the creation of functional proteins from industrial co-products such as potato fruit water

Lihme Protein Solutions and Duynie Group agreed to join forces in the creation of a new business venture aimed at creating value from industrial coproducts, such functional protein from potato fruit water.
juni 05, 2021

Hoe duurzaam zijn de aardappeltelers van Royal Avebe? FSA gaf ze Status Goud

De leden van Royal Avebe die meedoen aan het teeltprogramma Optimeel ontvingen de status Goud volgens de norm van FSA 2.1 van het wereldwijde platform SAI voor duurzame landbouw.
Michel Hörster, Emsland Group (left), and Martin Neugebauer, GEA (right)
mei 23, 2021

GEA to build a potato protein process line for the Emsland Group in Wietzendorf

For the new construction and expansion of its potato protein production line at its Wietzendorf site, the Germany based Emsland Group is calling once more on the expertise of GEA, who in 2018 constructed a potato protein line at Emsland's Kyritz plant.
mei 19, 2021

Royal Avebe sluit aardappelcampagne met een positief gevoel af

Afgelopen weekend verwerkte Royal Avebe de laatste aardappelen van de campagne 2020/2021 op de productielocatie in Gasselternijveen. De campagne verliep volgens planning en Avebe is tevreden over de hoeveelheid en kwaliteit van de geleverde zetmeelaardappelen.
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Branston starts work on GBP 6m Potato Protein Extraction Facility
mei 03, 2021

Branston starts work on GBP 6m Potato Protein Extraction Facility

Work has started on a new GBP 6m facility, which will be used to extract high-grade plant protein from potatoes, at Branston's site in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. Branston is working alongside B-hive Innovations as part of a collaborative project to improve potato crop utilization.
Koch Separation Solutions Expands Global Presence in Plant-Based Protein Production
maart 18, 2021

Koch Separation Solutions help Royal Avebe to create high-value potato protein

Koch Separation Solutions (KSS) announced today that it will collaborate with Royal Avebe (Avebe), a leading international starch manufacturer, to implement a comprehensive separation solution for plant-based protein processing.
PepsiCo and Beyond Meat® Establish JV to develop Plant-Based Protein foods: The PLANeT Partnership, LLC
januari 30, 2021

PepsiCo and Beyond Meat® Establish JV to develop Plant-Based Protein Foods: The PLANeT Partnership, LLC

Partnership advances PepsiCo's commitments to expand its portfolio of positive choices for consumers and for the planet. The venture will allow Beyond Meat to reach more consumers by entering new product categories and distribution channels.
december 15, 2020

Royal Avebe wijzigt statutaire naam in ‘Coöperatie Koninklijke Avebe U.A.’

In honour of Avebe’s centenary in 2019, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander granted the company the Royal Warrant.
december 10, 2020

Royal Avebe publiceert geïntegreerd jaarverslag 2019/2020

Royal Avebe publiceert vandaag het geïntegreerd jaarverslag 2019/2020.
Scandi Standard partners with Veg of Lund in research project to develop potato based meat-substitute
november 17, 2020

Scandi Standard partners with Veg of Lund in research project to develop potato based meat-substitute

Scandi Standard, the leading producer of chicken products in the Nordic region, partners with Veg of Lund AB in a research project to develop a meat-substitute similar to chicken based on potato and rapeseed oil.
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Avebe sets a new standard with its integrated annual report
december 18, 2019

Potato Starch cooperative Avebe publishes integrated annual report for 2018 | 2019

For the first time, Avebe has combined its annual financial report with a detailed report on its strategy and sustainability policy. The result is an integrated annual report that sets a new standard in the potato starch sector.
november 22, 2019

Prestatieprijs Avebe naar 96,63 Euro

Avebe realiseerde in het boekjaar 2018/2019 dat afliep op 31 juli 2019, een prestatieprijs van 96,63 euro. Een boekjaar eerder was dat 85,81 euro.
november 16, 2019

Aardappelzetmeelcoöperatie Avebe nu 'koninklijk'

Ter ere van het 100-jarige bestaan van Avebe is door Zijne Majesteit Koning Willem-Alexander het Koninklijk predicaat toegekend.
European interest in starch potato protein
februari 26, 2019

European interest in Avebe's potato protein

A large delegation from the European Parliament paid a visit to Avebe's high-tech vegetable protein plant in Gasselternijveen.
Potato Starch company Avebe achieved record performance price for season 2017/2018
november 22, 2018

Potato Starch company Avebe achieved record performance price for season 2017/2018

In the 2017/2018 financial year, which ended on 31 July 2018, Starch company Avebe achieved a performance price of 85.81 Euros. That is more than 4% higher than the performance price of the previous financial year.
Avebe wins Most Novel Protein Ingredient Award for its potato based Perfectasol D520
november 01, 2018

Avebe wins Most Novel Protein Ingredient Award for its potato based Perfectasol D520

Potato Starch manufacturer AVEBE was awarded the Bridge2Food Protein Award 2018 in the category 'Most Novel Protein Ingredient' for its product Perfectasol D520.


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