
Colombia: Cultivadores de papa en Boyacá anuncian crisis por producción a pérdida
augustus 28, 2017

Colombia: Cultivadores de papa en Boyacá anuncian crisis por producción a pérdida

Los campesinos se solidarizaron con los arroceros en paro, y culparon de su crisis a las importaciones de producto dentro de otras razones.
Así operaba en cartel de la papa en los EU
augustus 09, 2017

Así operaba en cartel de la papa en los Estados Unidos

Un reciente estudio revela que los estadounidenses pagaron más por las papas que consumían debido a acuerdos establecidos entre cooperativas de productores. El cartel llegó a controlar el 60% de la producción en 2005.
Uttar Pradesh Farmers hand out Potatoes for Free in Delhi to protest low prices
juli 24, 2017

Uttar Pradesh Farmers hand out Potatoes for Free in Delhi to protest low prices

Last Wednesday in Delhi, potato farmers from Uttar Pradesh handed out free potatoes to the public in protest against the steeply falling prices of the vegetable in Agra.
Updated estimates NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased
juli 04, 2017

Updated estimate NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased

The total consumption potato area in North-Western Europe, has been estimated at 578.821 ha, which is 4.6% more than last year and 8.3% more than the 5 years average, according to the NEPG.
HZPC´s uitbetalingsprijs overstijgt verwachtingen
juni 15, 2017

HZPC´s uitbetalingsprijs overstijgt verwachtingen

HZPC Holland bv heeft de
definitieve uitbetalingsprijs voor zijn Nederlandse pootaardappel-pool over Oogst 2016
vastgesteld op € 34,40 per 100 kilo.
Potato growers Jalandhar threaten action if Indian government doesn't step in
juni 11, 2017

Potato growers Jalandhar threaten action if Indian government doesn't step in

With their product rotting, potato growers in Indian East Punjab are suffering huge losses and Jalandhar Potato Growers Association (JPGA) has demanded urgent export of potatoes to Pakistan and availability of express rail rakes for transporting their produce to southern states.
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United Kingdom: January Potato Stocks reach parity with 2016 levels
maart 17, 2017

United Kingdom: January Potato Stocks reach parity with 2016 levels

Potato stock levels in Great Britain at the end of January 2017 were at a similar level as at the same time in 2016, despite a four-year low yield, according an AHDB survey of grower stocks.
Brazil introduces anti-dumping duty for frozen potatoes from Germany, Belgium, France and The Netherlands
februari 19, 2017

Brazil imposes anti-dumping duty on frozen potato from Germany, Belgium, France and The Netherlands

Last week the Brazilian Government has decided to impose an anti-dumping duty on frozen potatoes (tariff code 2004.10.00; mostly frozen french fries) imported from Germany, Belgium, France and The Netherlands. The level and duration of the anti-dumping duties are not yet published.
Potato shortage never this bad: farmers in Australia say
januari 25, 2017

Australian potato farmers: Shortage never this bad

Heavy rain, particularly in New South Wales (Australia), combined with a cold winter have led to a tight potato supply and high prices.
Indian Government removes Minimum Export Price (MEP) of Potatoes
januari 03, 2017

Indian Government removes Minimum Export Price (MEP) of Potatoes

The government of India Tuesday removed the minimum export price (MEP) of potato, which was imposed in July, to boost shipments of the kitchen staple.
Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”
december 18, 2016

Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”

Jan van Luchene of Bruwier Potatoes, a Belgian company specialized in acquiring and delivering the potatoes you need offers his view of the current potato market in Belgium and Europe.
High Potato Prices in Mumbai are a great opportunity for Gujarat farmers.
november 10, 2016

High Potato Prices in Mumbai are a great opportunity for Gujarat farmers.

Despite a fresh crop arriving at the wholesale market in Vashi (Mumbai area), retail prices of potatoes show no decline
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Nedato: 'Tight potato market after busy harvesting period'
november 06, 2016

Nedato: 'Tight potato market after busy harvesting period'

Although the drought in the Netherlands resulted in very challenging harvesting circumstances, by now the potatoes have practically all been harvested. Heero Gramsma, Managing Director of Nedato reflects...
As Australia is facing a potato shortage, prices rise.
oktober 30, 2016

As Australia is facing a potato shortage, prices rise.

Australia is experiencing a potato shortage because of flood-effected potato crops in the southern states.
Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November
oktober 30, 2016

Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November

As a result of the late potato harvest in the North-western European countries (BE, DE, FR, NL, UK), the potato growers organisation NEPG has decided to postpone publication of its annual yield estimates till the third week of November.
Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November
oktober 27, 2016

Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November

Als gevolg van de late aardappeloogst in alle NEPG landen (BE, DE, FR, NL, UK) is besloten om de bekend making van de officiële NEPG oogstverwachting cijfers uit te stellen naar de derde week november.
Unusual market dynamics in Northern-European potato trade
oktober 26, 2016

Unusual market dynamics in Northern-European potato trade

Currency and supply dynamics are affecting the relative price of British processing potatoes compared to supplies from Belgium and the Netherlands.
Potato Prices in south Africa set to spike
oktober 25, 2016

Potato Prices in South Africa set to spike

The price of potatoes in South Africa is expected to increase in the next four weeks – and there is a chance of even more hikes in December.


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