
Patatas de Peru
mei 29, 2023

Perú produjo 6 millones de toneladas de papa en 2022, mostrando un aumento de 6% frente al año previo

La papa se ha convertido en un notable impulsor de la economía regional y local en las zonas productoras y ha generado en el 2022 más de 27 millones de jornales de trabajo y la creación de más de 1010 mil puestos de trabajo permanente.
CNH Industrial and ONE SMART SPRAY announce integration of precision spraying solution
mei 26, 2023

CNH Industrial and ONE SMART SPRAY announce integration of precision spraying solution

CNH Industrial and ONE SMART SPRAY, a joint venture between Bosch and BASF, have signed a collaboration agreement to integrate the latter’s advanced spraying system within CNH Industrial’s agricultural brand product portfolios.
Picketa Systems deploys new LENS™ tissue analysis system with CAD 1.4M Seed Round
mei 26, 2023

Picketa Systems deploys new LENS™ potato plant tissue analysis system with CAD 1.4M Seed Round

In a critical move towards advancing precision agriculture, AgTech startup Picketa Systems has successfully closed a CAD 1.445M (USD 1.059M) (Seed investment round. The funding will broaden the development and deployment of their real-time plant tissue analysis technology, called LENS™.
Potato display at Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heyn. The concept was developed in cooperation with both Nedato and Leo de Kock
mei 24, 2023

Ware potato growers Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces in new independent cooperative

The ware potato activities of Agrico and Nedato, along with Leo de Kock, shall be hived off to form a new independent cooperative of ware potato growers. The new organization will start its activities this autumn. Further integration will then take place in stages.
Extreme weather events (Heat and Drought Stress) pose a significant challenge to potato cultivation.
mei 24, 2023

Heat and Drought stress in potatoes: is it possible to prevent damage?

Extreme weather events pose a significant challenge to potato cultivation. Heat and drought stress reduces productivity, causes physiological defects in tubers, and damages crops.
Asociafruit impulsa el consumo de la patata nueva temprana andaluza
mei 23, 2023

Asociafruit impulsa el consumo de la patata nueva temprana andaluza

La campaña de recolección avanza con bajas productividades, altos precios y una alta demanda tanto en el mercado nacional, como en el mercado exterior, Alemania y Francia fundamentalmente.
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Scientists weed out harmful genes to breed better potatoes
mei 22, 2023

Scientists weed out harmful genes to breed better potatoes

A new predictive method has shown a way to better select parents for new potato varieties, offering a blueprint for better potatoes and a way to speed up the production of higher yield varieties.
The patchwork quilt of farm fields near Breadalbane on Prince Edward Island
mei 22, 2023

PEI Potato Board: Acreage of cover crops before potatoes has doubled

New numbers from the P.E.I. Potato Board show that on Prince Edward Island the acreage of cover crops grown before potatoes has doubled.
SAG intensifica controles carreteros
mei 19, 2023

Chile: SAG intensifica controles carreteros para mantener sanidad del cultivo de la papa en La Araucanía

En el marco del Programa Nacional de Sanidad de la Papa, el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, SAG, en La Araucanía ha intensificado las labores de control al transporte de la papa con el fin de mantener la sanidad de este cultivo en la región.
Are potatoes from Egypt a solution for the potato shortage in Europe?
mei 18, 2023

Are potatoes from Egypt a solution for the potato shortage in Europe?

This year is marked by strong demand and insufficient supply of potatoes, a situation that professionals of the industry and media go so far as to call 'the global potato shortage'.
Potato Days Türkiye new venue in 2023!
mei 18, 2023

Potato Days Türkiye moves to a new venue in 2023!

On August 25, 2023 the third edition of DLG’s 'Potato Days Türkiye', the only trade fair in Turkey dedicated to potato cultivation, will take place in Cappadocia, Nevsehir.
Nuevos mercados a los exportadores egipcios
mei 17, 2023

Las patatas egipcias obtienen buenos resultados en el mercado español

Este año se ha caracterizado por cambios en el clima mundial que han trastocado las producción de patatas y provocado alteraciones en los canales de aprovisionamiento.
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Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Deadline to Harvest the Crop Not Pragmatic
mei 16, 2023

Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Harvest Deadline on Sandy Soils Problematic

The government of the Netherlands wants farmers growing potatoes on sandy soil to harvest potatoes by October 1 and grow intermediary plants that catch nitrogen in the soil so nitrates can not leach out and contaminate groundwater.
Potato-LITE: Delivering novel, sustainable cultivation approaches to minimise tillage intensity throughout the UK
mei 15, 2023

Potato-LITE: Delivering novel, sustainable cultivation approaches to minimise tillage intensity throughout the UK

Defra and UKRI, as part of the Farming Innovation Programme, recently announced funding for 'Potato-LITE' – a multimillion pound project over four years
Patatas Colombia
mei 13, 2023

Colombia: Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño y Antioquia mayores productores de papa

Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño y Antioquia son líderes en este importante cultivo, representando el asombroso 90% de la producción nacional. Estas zonas geográficas han demostrado un compromiso indiscutible con la agricultura y han florecido gracias a su clima propicio y a la dedicación de los agricultores locales.
Royal HZPC Group maintains forecasts
mei 11, 2023

Potato breeder Royal HZPC Group maintains forecasts

Potato breeder HZPC expects turnover to grow 11% from last year (then EUR 352 million (USD 386 million)) with a gross margin of EUR 66,5 million (USD 73 million) (last financial year EUR 63.9 million (USD 70 million).
Early potato harvest
mei 10, 2023

Potato planting in Castilla y Leon reaches its final stretch and it's possible yields fall

The sowing campaign, which started on February 20 with the planting of the short-cycle varieties, has reached its final stretch in the later areas of Leon, Burgos, and Segovia.
Patata nueva andaluza
mei 10, 2023

La producción de patata nueva andaluza se reduce cerca del 35 porciento

La campaña de recolección de patata nueva temprana de Andalucía, principal comunidad productora y exportadora, comienza en estos días en las provincias de Sevilla, Córdoba y Cádiz con unas previsiones de producción de entre el 25 y 35 por ciento menos respecto a la campaña del año anterior.


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