
Demonstration on Agronomic practices to People of Concern at Juru land in Nakivale camp
december 09, 2024

Agro-Nutrition: The role of orange-fleshed sweet potato in building resilient refugee communities in South-Western Uganda 

As of 2024, the global refugee population has surged to 43.4 million, a significant increase from 41 million in 2010! Uganda, now hosting over 1.74 million refugees, has emerged as Africa’s largest and the world’s fifth-largest refugee host nation.
Why a new potato variety could be a game-changer for farmers in East Africa
december 17, 2020

Why a new potato variety could be a game-changer for farmers in East Africa

Imagine being a potato farmer in Ethiopia, Kenya, or Nigeria. On a small piece of land, which you depend on for food and income, you have spent months planting, weeding, and watering.


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