
Researchers from Aarhus University are comparing greenhouse gas emissions from a conventional potato crop rotation on drained peat soil with the cultivation of reed canary grass for biomass production on undrained or poorly drained peat soil.
juli 12, 2023

Peat soils in Denmark: Stop drainage and cultivate reed grass instead of potatoes, says agricultural emissions study

Drained peat soils in Denmark account for about one-third of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.
The potato late blight pathogen. (Courtesy: Jens Gronbech Hasen / EuroBlight)
mei 07, 2019

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2018 Results

EuroBlight is continuously examining the ongoing evolution of the European population of the potato late blight pathogen and now reports on the 2018 results. Approximately 1000 samples were genotyped from 22 countries.
Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results
april 14, 2018

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results

The EuroBlight project is examining the ongoing evolution of the potato late blight pathogen (Phytophthora infestans). In 2017, almost 1500 samples from 16 countries in Europe were genotyped. The results indicate that new clones continue to spread.
Research: Drones as delivery mechanism for biological control agents
juni 15, 2016

Research: Drones as delivery vehicle for biological control agents

The University of Southern Denmark is developing an ecodrone that will combat pests in completely new ways.
Germicopa parent Florimond Desprez acquires 49% stake in Danespo
februari 04, 2016

Germicopa parent Florimond Desprez acquires 49% stake in Danespo

The owner of Germicopa, Florimond Desprez has acquired 49% of the shares in Danespo from DLG, thus entering into an equal partnership with DLF who owns another 49% of the shares. The remaining 2% are owned by growers and employees.
 late blight affected potato plant
mei 08, 2012

Decision support system can help reduce the use of pesticides in Danish potato production

The decision support system “Blight Management” (“Skimmelstyring”) could in the future give Danish potato growers more effective control of potato late blight and reduce the use of fungicides.
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