Onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D)

juni 12, 2011

Wet weather delays potato planting in Eastern Canada

This story is no longer available
juni 12, 2011

Potatoes Make the Plate! New MyPlate Icon Recommends Half the Plate as Fruits and Vegetables

The recent unveiling of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) MyPlate icon heralded a bold, new visual reminder of the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption, filling half the plate with these two important food groups.
juni 10, 2011

Breeders Trust en Belgische aardappeltelers komen tot overeenstemming

Geert Staring, algemeen directeur van kwekersorganisatie Breeders Trust, laat weten dat ze een overeenkomst gesloten hebben omtrent betaling van kwekersrechten met 3 Belgische Boerenbonden
 Washington State University
juni 09, 2011

Pacific Northwest program works to create disease resistant potato varieties

juni 08, 2011

Potato Research Centre hopes to breed resistant potatoes

Scientists at the Potato Research Centre hope to crossbreed foreign and domestic potatoes to create a new spud that's resilient to disease and requires fewer pesticides.
juni 08, 2011

Ballarat Potato growers already struck new McCain price deal

Ballarat district potato growers have struck a new price deal with McCain Foods, months ahead of schedule. The growers will be paid an increase of $15 a tonne of potatoes for next year's crop.
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 Frank van Schaayk at PotatoExpo 2011
juni 08, 2011

Aginfo interview with Frank van Schaayk: Building a Strong Front

French fries and potatoes are not evil but they have been demonized. What will it take to get the buying consumer to realize that a potato is a very simple, healthy and wholesome food and not the primary culprit in rampant obesity?
Neiker-Tecnalia leads search for potatoes adapted to climate change
juni 08, 2011

Neiker-Tecnalia leads search for potatoes adapted to climate change

The Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development, Neiker-Tecnalia, is leading an international project with the goal of developing new potato varieties which are tolerant to the effects of climate change, as well as to identify already e...
 Andalusian early potatoes promoted in Spanish supermarkets
juni 08, 2011

Andalusian Early potatoes promoted in Spanish supermarkets

After several months of consumption of stored potatoes, it is time for new potatoes, the early potato, with all the flavor and freshness, because they are newly harvested. Under the slogan "A seasonal flavor"Amdalusian Early potatoes are pro...
juni 07, 2011

UPGA view on Potato Prices: Perched on a cliff

The Chief Operating Officer of the United Potato Growers of America offers his view of the potato prices this summer:
juni 05, 2011

Onderzoekers gaan verder met ggo-aardappelproef

Eén dag na de vernieling van het proefveld namen de onderzoekers van het Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO) de tijd om de schade op te meten.
juni 03, 2011

USDA revises standards for No. 1 potatoes

Revisions to the grading standards for No. 1 potatoes allow for mixed varieties of potatoes to be packaged together, as requested by grower/shippers and retailers.
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juni 03, 2011

Washington potato production among the most sustainable on the planet

Washington potatoes are not only good for you, their production is highly sustainable.
 University of Idaho Extension
juni 02, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission discusses research priorities

 Dennis Johnson
juni 01, 2011

New Focus on Potato webcast: White Mold of Potato, Epidemiology and Management

mei 31, 2011

Irrigate your potatoes now, says UK senior agronomist

Don’t save your water for later – use it now, Eric Anderson, senior agronomist at Scottish Agronomy urges potato growers.
 Universiteit Gent
mei 30, 2011

Universiteit Gent verontwaardigd over gewelddadige vernieling genetisch gewijzigde aardappelen

mei 29, 2011

Anti-GM potato protest leaves 18 injured in Belgium

Environmental activists stormed a field of genetically modified potatoes in Belgium Sunday, breaking through a security cordon in a raid that left police and protesters injured, authorities and organisers said.


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