Onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D)

Get ready to supercharge your potato business at Potato Expo 2025!
november 04, 2024

Get ready to supercharge your potato business at Potato Expo 2025!

Get ready as Potato Expo is all set to bring the heat this year! With over 190 exhibitors lined up, you’ll discover the latest products and services to supercharge your operations.
New study predicts two popular American foods surprisingly resilient to climate change.
oktober 27, 2021

Study: Potato supply chain resilient to climate change

A new study led by researchers at the University of Florida predicts that the supply chains for two of American’s most popular plant-based foods — French fries and pasta sauce — are surprisingly resilient to climate change.
The McDonald’s first global flagship Net Zero Energy-designed restaurant will serve as a learning hub to test sustainable solutions.
augustus 01, 2020

McDonald's new Global flagship Restaurant at Walt Disney World Resort is the First of its kind

McDonald’s first global flagship Net Zero Energy-designed restaurant will serve as a learning hub to test sustainable solutions. Modern architecture is combined with technology to create enough renewable energy on-site to cover its energy needs on a net annual basis.
Potato Expo 2018 Now Accepting Submissions For Sessions And Panels
juni 15, 2017

Potato Expo 2018 Now Accepting Submissions for new Innovation Hub

The new Potato Expo Innovation Hub is now open and accepting abstract submissions for the Potato Expo 2018, the largest convention and trade show for the potato industry in North America.
Continuous mixer makes slurries on demand
maart 30, 2015

Continuous mixer makes slurries on demand

Spray Dynamics’ new Slurry On Demand continuous mixer ends the waste and delay normally required to produce pumpable slurries of oil-based seasonings, chocolate, and other coatings.
Past Presidents National Potato Council Honored for WIC Accomplishment
januari 23, 2015

Past Presidents National Potato Council Honored for WIC Accomplishment

At the National Potato Council (NPC) Annual Meeting on January 9, 2015, in Orlando, Florida, seven NPC
past presidents were invited to come on stage.
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Impression of one of the many POTATO EXPO 2015 receptions
januari 20, 2015

Potato Expo 2015 over... time to start planning for Potato Expo 2016

POTATO EXPO 2015, held January 7-9, in Orlando, Florida, turned out to be the greatest event
yet for exhibitors and attendees.
US Potato Board Salad Bar challenge
januari 16, 2015

US Potato Industry challenged to put 3000 potato-friendly salad-bars in schools

United States Potato Board President & CEO Blair Richardson surprised attendees at the POTATO EXPO 2015 with an industry challenge to install 3,000 potato-friendly salad bars in school lunch programs across the United States.
Dan Lake
januari 15, 2015

US Potato Growers select 2015 National Potato Council leadership

At the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2015 Annual Meeting, held January 9-10, 2015, in Orlando, Florida, Dan Lake from Lake Seed, Inc. of Ronan, Montana, was elected to serve as NPC’s president for 2015 and to lead the council’s Executive Committee.
Potato and Tomato affected by late blight
juni 09, 2014

Univ. Florida Research: Late blight pathogen originates from Mexico

A University of Florida scientist has pinpointed Mexico as the origin of the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish Potato Famine, a finding that may help researchers solve the $6 billion-a-year disease that continues to evolve and torment potato and tomato growers around the world.
 Frank van Schaayk at PotatoExpo 2011
juni 08, 2011

Aginfo interview with Frank van Schaayk: Building a Strong Front

French fries and potatoes are not evil but they have been demonized. What will it take to get the buying consumer to realize that a potato is a very simple, healthy and wholesome food and not the primary culprit in rampant obesity?
maart 07, 2011

New SNAXPO exhibitor: Emsland Group

For the first time Emsland Group will be part of the well known SNAXPO exhibition in the United States.
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