Onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D)

juli 20, 2011

El Congreso Mundial de la Papa apoya económicamente la participación de delegados provenientes de países en desarrollo

Allan Parker, presidente del Congreso Mundial de la Papa, a realizarse en Edimburgo, Escocia, entre el 27-30 mayo de 2012, anunció hoy la intención de apoyar económicamente hasta cuatro delegados al evento. La organización proveerá 1,000.00 dólares ca...
 World Potato Congress 2012
juli 20, 2011

World Potato Congress offers support to Delegates from Developing Countries

Delegates to the 8th World Potato Congress, from developing and transitional countries, may qualify for financial support from World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC Inc). Allan Parker, President of WPC Inc, said today he is extremely pleased to announce WP...
 Potato vs Pasta salad (Courtesy: Shine.Yahoo)
juli 20, 2011

Potato Salad out-SHINES Pasta Salad

Yahoo’s “Shine” is one of the most popular women’s lifestyle websites, offering information and advice on everything from food to health and beauty to finances, as well as a community interaction. Potatoes are often featured in a bright spotlight, as t...
juli 19, 2011

Success Of US Potato Board's Retail Outreach Spurs Program Expansion

With the beginning of the USPB’s new 2012 fiscal year (FY12) July 1, it is a good time to reflect back on the success achieved with our retail outreach program during FY11 and take a look ahead to our plans for FY12. As the industry recalls, the retail...
juli 16, 2011

El último número del Boletín de la Papa ya está disponible

Utilizando el formato que ofrece Storify, el último número del Boletín de la Papa reune el material audiovisual y periodístico de varios temas de actualidad relacionados con el cultivo de la papa a nivel regional. Entre estos se destacan la realización...
juli 16, 2011

El fortalecimiento de las cadenas de valor de la papa: Alternativas técnicas y políticas para los países en desarrollo

Esta publicación está basada en el taller "Fortalecimiento de las Cadenas de Valor de papa en los países en desarrollo", realizado en noviembre de 2008, en Roma, Italia, y auspiciado por la Organización para la Alimentación y la Agricultura d...
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juli 14, 2011

Council of Better Business Bureaus Announces Groundbreaking Agreement on Child-Directed Food Advertising

The Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI), a program of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, today announced a groundbreaking agreement that will change the landscape of what is advertised to kids by the nation’s largest food a...
 Genoma de la papa
juli 07, 2011

El hallazgo del código genético de la papa permitirá crear más variedades

Los investigadores, agrupados en el Consorcio de la secuenciación del genoma de la patata, han determinado que esta planta, el tercer alimento básico más importante tras el trigo y el arroz, tiene al menos 39.000 genes, casi el doble de los que posee e...
 Canadian Horticultural Council
juli 06, 2011

Canadian potato industry responds to study depicting potatoes as unhealthy

The Canadian Potato Council (CPC) is challenging the conclusions of a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on potatoes and potato consumption, which wrongly depicts potatoes as a hindrance to weight loss and maintaining a healt...
 The right portion size?
juli 06, 2011

Obesity & Weight Gain: US adults eating more and more often

Over the past 30 years U.S. adults have been eating larger portions and eating more often, according to a new study.
 "Bóveda del Juicio Final" en Spitsbergen
juli 04, 2011

Conservación y protección de la papa

David Tay abre la puerta metálica que lo lleva a una sala a prueba de terremotos y que se encuentra bajo una temperatura de 5ºC. Allí, bajo el resplandor de luces con un tinte azuloso, hay miles de tubos de ensayo, cada uno con pequeños brotes verdes ...
juli 03, 2011

Trece trabajos presentados en el IV Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa

La Iniciativa Papa Andina ha incluido en su sección de publicaciones, trece trabajos presentados en el IV Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa, realizado entre el 28-30 de junio de 2011. Pueden consultarse en esta página.
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juni 27, 2011

USPB responds to Harvard Study on weight gain in NEJM

The United States Potato Board believes a study released in Thursday’s New England Journal of Medicine perpetuates unfortunate myths and misconceptions about the potato.
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 "Doomsday Seed Vault" in Norway
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The potato preserve

In the arctic, behind a metal door that leads into an earthquake-proof room chilled to 42 degrees 7,000 potato varieties are stored..
juni 20, 2011

Weather could put dent in 2011 US potato crop

Summer potato supplies will be short, but they should be sufficient to fill retail shelves until fall harvests begin.
 Northern Plains Potato Growers Associatiion
juni 19, 2011

Big increase in potato acreage in the United States

United Potato Growers of America sponsored a conference last week in Bloomington, MN to discuss the transition from the summer to fall crop.  The meeting was open to all growers and shippers including non-United members.
 Idaho Potatoes love at first bite
juni 16, 2011

Potandon Produce Announces Winners Potato Lover's Month Display Contest

Potandon Produce has announced the winner of its Idaho Potato Lovers Month Display Contest


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