Onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D)

SNAC International Names Elizabeth Avery as New President
november 22, 2016

SNAC International Names Elizabeth Avery as New President

Elizabeth Avery was appointed President of SNAC International during the International Board of Directors meeting on September 29. She will begin as President on January 16, 2017 and take over the roll of CEO on July 1, 2017 from outgoing-CEO Tom Dempsey after the six-month transition period.
Mark Klompien new CEO of United Potato Growers of America
november 16, 2016

Mark Klompien new CEO of United Potato Growers of America

United Potato Growers of America announced today that its executive board has unanimously chosen Mark Klompien as the organization’s next president and chief executive officer, replacing Jerry Wright.
Rastrean la evolución del cultivo de la patata en los Andes precolombinos
november 15, 2016

Rastrean la evolución del cultivo de la patata en los Andes precolombinos

Un grupo de investigadores han descubierto a través de restos de almidones las pruebas botánicas que muestran cómo fue la evolución del cultivo de la patata en los Andes en la época precolombina, según un estudio publicado en el número de esta semana de la revista PNAS.
Red River Valley Potatoes launches New Website
november 14, 2016

Red River Valley Potatoes launches New Website

Northern Plains Potato Growers Association (NPPGA) has launched a new website, one entirely dedicated to promoting potatoes grown for the fresh market and branded as Red River Valley Potatoes. Fittingly, the new web address is RedRiverValleyPotatoes.com.
Method developed to predict root mass of shrubs may be helpful for potato crop as well
november 10, 2016

Method developed to predict root mass of willow shrubs may be helpful for potato crop as well

Scientists at Cornell University have developed an electric capacitance measurement that is able to predict the root mass of shrubs and trees. What's more, they hint it may helpful for tubers and root crops as well
World Potato Congress in Peru will be held in combination with the ALAP congress
oktober 28, 2016

World Potato Congress in Peru will be held in combination with the ALAP congress

The 10th World Potato Congress will be held in Cusco Peru in combination with the 28th Congress of the Latin America Potato Association, ALAP from May 27-31, 2018
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Jamaica is expanding its potato programme to new areas
oktober 25, 2016

Jamaica is expanding its potato programme to new areas

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica announced they will be expanding the Irish potato programme to new planting areas for the 2016/17 crop year.
Cornell University receives state grant to upgrade Golden Nematode Lab
oktober 20, 2016

Cornell University receives state grant to upgrade Golden Nematode Lab

Cornell University receives $1.2 million of new state funding to upgrade the Federal Golden Nematode Lab
Potatoes USA highlights US seed at ALAP field day in Panama
oktober 05, 2016

Potatoes USA highlights US seed at ALAP field day in Panama

Potatoes USA sponsored a U.S. demonstration plot at the Panama-hosted Latin American Potato Congress (known as ALAP).
Record for largest potato display back to Prince Edward Island
oktober 02, 2016

Record for largest potato display back to Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island recaptured the unofficial record for the largest potato display, with a 140,000 pounds display at the Superstore in Charlottetown last Thursday.
Idaho Potato Commission Announces Changes in Leadership
september 15, 2016

Idaho Potato Commission Announces Changes in Leadership

The Idaho Potato Commission recently appointed Ritchey Toevs of Toevs Farm as Chairman and Lynn Wilcox of Wilcox, Floyd & Sons as Vice Chairman.
Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, umami, and... starchy?
september 08, 2016

Salty, Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Umami, and... Starchy?

Scientists have found evidence that humans can pick up a sixth taste associated with carbohydrate-rich foods. The findings might explain why we love such starchy foods so much.
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Jerry Wright Retires from United Potato Growers of America
september 07, 2016

Jerry Wright Retires from United Potato Growers of America

United Potato Growers of America President/CEO, Jerry Wright, announced his coming retirement at the August 23 Board of Directors meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
How McCain Foods Uses Big Data
september 06, 2016

How McCain Foods Uses Big Data

Big data was something McCain Foods discovered by chance. 'What happened really was we have some research projects and those projects appeared to be in the realm of big data,' says Leclerc, who will be speaking at the Big Data Congress in Saint John, New Brunswick next month.
Governments of Manitoba and Canada invest in new Potato, Sweet Potato and Carrot research site
september 04, 2016

Governments of Manitoba and Canada invest in new Potato, Sweet Potato and Carrot research site

The Governments of Canada and Manitoba have invested more than $210,000 in a new vegetable research site near Winkler, focused on improving yields, developing new varieties and creating opportunities for potato, sweet potato and carrot growers.
Big Idaho Potato Truck sets sail in New York City Harbor
september 02, 2016

Big Idaho Potato Truck sets sail in New York City Harbor

In New York City, the world’s largest potato on wheels traded its tires for buoys in celebration of the 2016 Idaho® Potato Harvest.
National Potato Council takes USDA staff on Potato Production Tour
september 01, 2016

National Potato Council takes USDA staff on Potato Production Tour

USDA staff from the AMS Plant Variety Protection Office and APHIS Biotech Regulatory Services on a tour of the Sterman Masser Potato Farm facilities in central Pennsylvania on August 23.
Dr. Potato Is Always On Call For Idaho Potato Questions
augustus 23, 2016

Dr. Potato Is Always On Call For Idaho Potato Questions

When reviewing the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) website analytics for the past year (August 2015-August 2016), IPC staff wasn’t surprised to find that Dr. Potato (alias Don Odiorne, Vice President-Foodservice) had garnered 959,328 page views, nearly 50% of all www.idahopotato.com views.


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