
Cómo preservar la calidad poscosecha de la papa
oktober 19, 2016

Cómo preservar la calidad poscosecha de la papa

Phillip Nolte, extensionista de la Universidad de Idaho, especializado en semilla de papa, explica la forma de influir en el estado de los cultivos al salir de las bodegas.
Ecuador: Semilleristas identifican ventajas al sembrar plántulas de papa
oktober 19, 2016

Ecuador: Semilleristas identifican ventajas al sembrar plántulas de papa

Cada plántula cuesta seis centavos de dolar y en una hectárea se puede sembrar unos 38 mil brotes.
Private Investor Metropoulos takes a significant interest in Utz Quality Foods
oktober 19, 2016

Private Investor Metropoulos takes a significant interest in Utz Quality Foods

Metropoulos & Co., a family-owned investment firm specializing in iconic American brands has made a significant investment in salty snack manufacturer Utz Quality Foods, LLC
Pulsed Electric Field for French Fries and Chips: Quantify your benefits with Solidus
oktober 19, 2016

Pulsed Electric Field for French Fries and Chips: Quantify your benefits with Solidus

Pulsemaster's new Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) system Solidus can be used for the assessment of the effects of PEF on intact whole potatoes for the production of French Fries, chips (crisps) and potato specialties
RPE launched Old Oak Farms’ Party Potatoes at PMA Fresh Summit
oktober 18, 2016

RPE launched Old Oak Farms’ Party Potatoes at PMA Fresh Summit

RPE Inc., has created Old Oak Farms Party Potatoes. Quick and easy to prepare, Party Potatoes are fingerling potatoes that transform ordinary dinners into extraordinary parties!
Bright future for New Zealand potato variety 'White Beauty'
oktober 18, 2016

Bright future for New Zealand potato variety 'White Beauty'

Potato Experts from New Zealand predict a bright future for a new potato variety, marketed as 'White Beauty' (cultivar name ‘Crop39’). White Beauty will be commercially available to growers through Morgan Laurenson Ltd from 2017.
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Spray Dynamics Slurry On Demand Continuous Mixer at Pack Expo International
oktober 18, 2016

Spray Dynamics Slurry On Demand Continuous Mixer at Pack Expo International

Heat and Control is showing the Slurry On Demand continuous mixer by Spray Dynamics in the Heat and Control booth (#N-4706) at Pack Expo International in Chicago, from Nov 4 - 6, 2016.
PepsiCo Launches 2025 Sustainability Agenda
oktober 18, 2016

PepsiCo Launches 2025 Sustainability Agenda

PepsiCo, Inc. has announced an ambitious global sustainability agenda designed to foster continued business growth in a way that responds to changing consumer and societal needs.
Pumpkin Pie And Turkey & Gravy Potato Chips From Boulder Canyon Authentic Foods To Return This Fall
oktober 18, 2016

Pumpkin Pie And Turkey & Gravy Potato Chips From Boulder Canyon Authentic Foods To Return This Fall

Let Boulder Canyon Authentic Foods do your holiday baking this year as the leading better-for-you snack brand brings back its popular Thanksgiving meal-flavored potato chips (United States): Turkey & Gravy and Pumpkin Pie kettle-cooked potato chips.
Pulsed Electric Field for French Fries and Chips: Quantify your benefits with Solidus
oktober 18, 2016

Pulsed Electric Field voor Friet en Chips: kwantificeer de voordelen met Solidus

Pulsemaster BV uit Bladel introduceert een opmerkelijk effectief nieuw Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) batch systeem op pilot schaal onder de merknaam Solidus. Dit systeem kan worden ingezet voor het bepalen van de effecten van PEF op hele aardappelen voor het maken van frites, chips en aardappelspecialiteiten.
Un responsable del banco de germoplasma, Ana Panta, muestra un par de envases con la variedad de patata
oktober 14, 2016

Un jardín de tubérculos para siempre

El clima cada vez más caliente conduce a sequías y plagas: en Perú, el banco de germoplasma in vitro más grande del mundo combate sus efectos.
TOMRA acquires new Zealand Sorting Machine Manufacturer Compac
oktober 12, 2016

TOMRA acquires New Zealand Sorting Machine Manufacturer Compac

TOMRA Systems ASA, has signed an agreement with the owners of Compac Holding Ltd for 100 per cent of the shares in the company.
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Conagra Foods announces new details for the spin-off of Lamb Weston
oktober 12, 2016

Conagra Foods announces new details for the spin-off of Lamb Weston

ConAgra Foods, Inc. today announced the record and distribution dates for the spin-off of its Lamb Weston business, which is expected to be effected through the distribution of 100 percent of the common shares of Lamb Weston to holders of ConAgra Foods’ common shares
Kolak and Europe Snacks merge to form leading European manufacturer of private label snacks
oktober 12, 2016

Kolak and Europe Snacks merge to form leading European manufacturer of private label snacks

Europe Snacks and Kolak Food Snacks Ltd. announced that they have joined forces.
Blackleg and Brexit under the Spotlight at AHDB Potatoes Seed Industry Event
oktober 11, 2016

Blackleg and Brexit under the Spotlight at AHDB Potatoes Seed Industry Event

AHDB Potatoes will use this year’s Seed Industry Event on 3 November to review the industry’s current approach to controlling blackleg. The biennial conference, held this year in St Andrews, will also provide growers with an insight into the potential impact of Brexit, and scope out the potato market, both at home and abroad.
Mooij Agro provides a breath of fresh air at Interpom | Primeurs with its EC Axial 1000 fan
oktober 11, 2016

Mooij Agro provides a breath of fresh air at Interpom | Primeurs with its EC Axial 1000 fan

Mooij Agro developed a new and larger axial flow EC fan in cooperation with Klima, especially suitable for onion and potato storage projects where low energy use is a priority.
Global Food Prices continue to go up in September
oktober 11, 2016

Global Food Prices continue to go up in September

In September 2016, the FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 170.9 points, up almost 5 points (2.9 percent) from August and 10 percent above the corresponding month last year.
Experto mundial en virología analiza situación de la papa en Chile (Entrevista)
oktober 10, 2016

Experto mundial en virología analiza situación de la papa en Chile (Entrevista)

El Dr. Luis Salazar visitó el país invitado por el Consorcio Papa Chile. Su visión de la situación actual de la papa frente a los virus que le atacan; las debilidades y fortalezas del rubro en Chile, y sus consejos, en esta entrevista exclusiva.


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