
november 16, 2023

50 jaar Agrico: met hart en ziel betrokken bij de volgende generatie

Op 9 en 10 november hield Agrico haar jaarlijkse Rassen- en Zaailingenshow bij Agrico Research in Bant. Dit jaar stond in het teken van het 50-jarig jubileum.
Key Technology's new Lubed for Life bearings for their Rotary Sizing and Grading Systems
november 15, 2023

Key Technology Introduces New Enhancements for Rotary Sizing and Grading Systems

Key Technology, a member of Duravant’s Food Sorting and Handling Solutions group, introduces new features for their Rotary Sizing and Grading Systems.
Germinación exitosa de la papa en secano con riego por goteo subterráneo. (Courtesy: Conci)
november 15, 2023

Argentina: Riego por goteo subterráneo, la última tendencia en irrigación

En la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, el grupo empresarial Conci se posiciona a la vanguardia de los sistemas de riego con su propuesta integral e innovadora de riego por goteo enterrado.
WPC President Peter VanderZaag, and Mr. Xiaoping Lu, WPC International Advisor and retired Director of the CIP-China Centre for Asia and Pacific (CCCAP).
november 15, 2023

World Potato Congress President Peter VanderZaag addresses the 13th Annual Chinese Potato Expo held in Shandong Province, China.

WPC President Peter VanderZaag was honoured to receive an invitation to deliver an address at the Chinese Potato Expo, held in Shandong Province
PepsiCo Names Emerging Snack Startup CHUZA as Winner of the 2023 Greenhouse Accelerator: Juntos Crecemos Edition
november 14, 2023

PepsiCo Names Emerging Snack Startup CHUZA as Winner of the 2023 Greenhouse Accelerator: Juntos Crecemos Edition

PepsiCo announced Mexican-inspired snack company, CHUZA as the winner of the eighth class of the Greenhouse Accelerator.
Primer variedad genéticamente modificada en América Latina
november 14, 2023

América Latina: el futuro de la edición genética

Cieníficos argentinos están muy próximos a presentar la primer variedad de papa genéticamente modificada en todo América Latina.
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Tecnología coreana fortalece la producción de papa a través de semillas certificadas. (Cortesía: Nicole Vargas)
november 14, 2023

Bolivia: desarrollos tecnológicos para el cultivo de papa

En Bolivia, dos organizaciones publico-privadas desarrollaron un proyecto de comunidades modelo de producción de papa con el fin de actualizar los métodos de trabajo en el país.
FAO Food Price Index continues to drop, but at a slower pace
november 13, 2023

FAO Food Price Index continues to drop, but at a slower pace

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 120.6 points in October 2023, down 0.7 points (0.5 percent) from September, continuing the downward trend and standing 14.8 points (10.9 percent) below its corresponding value a year ago.
november 13, 2023

State policy: Peru promotes law to stimulate the industrialization of potatoes

In Peru, a law promoting the industrialization of potatoes has been enacted to create favorable conditions for investment and stimulate agro-industrial developments.
Venezuela: en tres estados ya no se produce papa para industria
november 13, 2023

Venezuela: en tres estados ya no se produce papa para industria

En Venezuela, la producción de papa pierde terreno en por lo menos tres estados debido a disrupciones en la cadena de suministro de la semilla.
november 13, 2023

Agrico en SeedNL bieden een inspirerend Symposium over de Transformatie Van Voedselsystemen

Tijdens het internationale symposium Food Systems Transformation pleiten deskundigen voor een meer strategische en langetermijnvisie op het bieden van voedselzekerheid en de noodzaak van transformatie van de huidige voedselsystemen.
Douglas (Doug) Harley, Group Managing Director of Alexander Harley Seeds Ltd
november 13, 2023

World Potato Congress Inc. Welcomes New International Advisors

The World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC) is pleased to welcome Douglas Harley and Derek Roulston as International Advisors.
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Zsofia Szendrei, professor in MSU's Department of Entomology
november 13, 2023

Research team led by MSU scientist receives USD 6 million USDA grant to study pest-management strategies for potato systems

A research team has received a USD 6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to study insect pest management strategies for United States potato production systems.
With National Elections Barely Two Months Away, Bangladesh Government Is on a High Alert at Rising Potato Prices
november 13, 2023

With National Elections Barely Two Months Away, Bangladesh Government Is on a High Alert at Rising Potato Prices

Bangladesh Commerce Ministry, in a report, says high prices are the result of price manipulation by a syndicate of cold-storage owners.
november 09, 2023

Belgische maker van machines voor de aardappelteel AVR kondigt uitbreiding naar Duitsland aan

Een jaar voor zijn 175e verjaardag kondigt AVR, producent van een volledig gamma machines voor de aardappelteelt en wereldspeler in dat marktsegment, met trots een stevige uitbreiding aan: de opening van een nieuw filiaal in Duitsland.
LAY’S® and Matt James Celebrate Friendsgiving with Mashed Potatoes Made from Lay’s Potato Chips.
november 09, 2023

LAY'S® and Matt James Celebrate Friendsgiving with Mashed Potatoes Made from Lay's Potato Chips

Friendsgiving season is here and Lay's® – America's favorite potato chip – is central to the dinner table with the brand's spin on the viral cooking hack turning Lay's potato chips into a favorite side dish: mashed potatoes.
La pasada cosecha se distinguió por el buen rendimiento agrícola. (Cortesía:Escambray)
november 09, 2023

Cuba: la región de Sancti Spíritus se adelanta en su siembra de papa agroecológica

Cuba se encuentra próxima a la temporada de siembra de papas y por tercer año seguido la región de Santi Spíritu, en el centro de la isla, se incluye al programa de papa agroecologica del país.
 HZPC Research, Roptawei 4, Metslawier
november 08, 2023

HZPC celebrates Potato Days

The Dutch company that has carried the seal of the crown since 2023 and has been renamed HZPC Royal Group, will receive clients, partners and friends for an event that will be held for the first time at the Metslawier station.


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