
Dutch retail project examines supermarkets' role in propelling healthy and sustainable choices
september 30, 2019

Dutch retail project examines supermarkets' role in propelling healthy and sustainable choices

A four-year research project involving almost all major supermarkets in the Netherlands has been launched by Dutch-based researchers.
Complex potato genome further unveiled
september 21, 2019

Further potato genome details unveiled by Solynta and Wageningen University & Research

Scientists from Solynta and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) have published the most complete genome sequence for potatoes to date. A unique aspect is that both sequence and plant material are made available for research.
september 21, 2019

Avebe viert 100-jarig bestaan met verbindend jubileumfestival

Op 13, 14 en 15 september 2019 vond het jubileumfestival Beleef Avebe plaats. Een feest van verbinden voor leden en medewerkers van Avebe ter gelegenheid van het 100-jarig bestaan.
augustus 29, 2019

Aardappelcampagne Avebe van start

Na een grillig teeltseizoen starten de productielocaties van Avebe weer op. De eerste aardappelen worden vandaag aangeleverd op de locaties in Gasselternijveen en Dallmin (Duitsland).
augustus 15, 2019

Wereldwijd is men op zoek naar residuvrije alternatieven voor CIPC

De Europese Commissie heeft de kiemremmer CIPC vanaf 2020 verboden in aardappelen.
Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich focuses on Agritechnica and Agribex, skips Potato Europe
augustus 10, 2019

Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich focuses on Agritechnica and Agribex, skips Potato Europe

Potato Storage Specialist Tolsma-Grisnich has decided not to take part in the Potato Europe event in Kain, Belgium, this year, and will instead be focusing fully on the Agritechnica fair in Hanover (November) and the Agribex show in Brussels (December)
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Steaming (Blanching) and Cooling of Ready-To-Cook Potato Products
juli 31, 2019

Steaming (Blanching) and Cooling of Ready-To-Cook Potato Products

Processing Equipment Manufacturer FoodeQ has developed a system that first steams (blanches) the products very hygienically and then cools it.
Dutch potato market a bubble that’s about to burst
juli 26, 2019

Dutch potato market a bubble that's about to burst

According to Felix Molenaar of the eponymous potato company from Haarlem, the Netherlands, the table potato market is very calm.
European potato processor expands its production capacity for potato flakes
juli 22, 2019

European potato processor expands its production capacity for potato flakes

For a European potato processor, Idaho Steel and Kiremko have built four drum dryers with a total maximum capacity of 4.500 kg potato flakes per hour.
Países Bajos: 'El mercado de la patata es una burbuja a punto de estallar'
juli 18, 2019

Países Bajos: 'El mercado de la patata es una burbuja a punto de estallar'

Según Felix Molenaar, de la empresa homónima de la localidad holandesa de Haarlem, el mercado de la patata de mesa se encuentra bastante tranquilo.
Lamb Weston’s Hot2HomeTM claims Silver at the BFFF Awards!
juli 11, 2019

Lamb Weston's Hot2HomeTM claims Silver at the BFFF Awards!

Lamb Weston is excited to announce that their revolutionary Hot2HomeTM Fries has scooped a Silver Award in the British Frozen Food Federation’s (BFFF) Product Awards 2019.
juni 20, 2019

Avebe daagt studenten uit Ontwerp de fabriek van de toekomst en win een jaar collegegeld!

Avebe bestaat dit jaar 100 jaar. Dat betekent terugkijken, maar ook vooruitblikken.
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Potato company Schaap Holland acquires stake in Breeders Trust
mei 24, 2019

Potato company Schaap Holland acquires stake in Breeders Trust

Dutch family-run potato company Schaap Holland B.V. acquired 5% of the Brussels-based Breeders Trust shares. Breeders Trust supports its shareholders in issues relating to compliance with and enforcement of plant breeder’s rights.
Many European countries, not only the Netherlands, are running out of table potatoes. (Courtesy: FreshPlaza)
mei 17, 2019

Empty European table potato market is very unusual for the start of May

Wim van der Ree, the Director at Nedato, a Dutch potato cooperative, about early switch to import potatoes, after he visited his Spanish suppliers last week...
Farm Frites is proud to announce a new member of the Finest family!
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Farm Frites launches super thin (5mm) French Fries

Farm Frites is proud to announce a new member of the Finest family, a french fries of only 5 mm thick!
Aardappelzetmeelcooperatie Avebe sluit bijzondere campagne af
mei 11, 2019

Aardappelzetmeelcooperatie Avebe sluit bijzondere campagne af

Eind april werden de laatste aardappelen aangeleverd bij Avebe in Gasselternijveen. Extreme droogte en het warme weer zorgden voor een uitzonderlijke aardappelcampagne.
The H-flow is FoodeQ solution for transportation of delicate products
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The H-flow is the vibratory solution by FoodeQ for transportation of delicate products

The vibratory technology of FoodeQ is the ideal way to transport food products, but sensitive products require the FoodeQ H-Flow that ensures a far more gentle horizontal handling and conveying.
FPS Food Process Solutions Opens Manufacturing & Service Centre in the Netherlands (Courtesy: FPS Corp)
mei 07, 2019

Industrial Freezer Specialist FPS Expands to the Netherlands

Industrial Freezer Specialist FPS Food Process Solutions Opens Manufacturing & Service Centre in the Netherlands.


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