
Mike Barber, Sales Manager at Vanmark
augustus 23, 2023

Vanmark Names Mike Barber as Sales Manager

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, today announced it has named Mike Barber as Sales Manager. Barber is transitioning to this role after working as an applications specialist with Vanmark’s sister brand PFI.
Vanmark Announces New In-Plant Vine Remover Machine for Potato Processors
maart 23, 2023

Vanmark Announces New In-Plant Vine Remover Machine for Potato Processors

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, announced the launch of its vine remover machine. The new machine removes vines from potatoes as they come in from the field.
PFI Names Tom Vipond as Division General Manager
maart 09, 2023

PFI Names Tom Vipond as Division General Manager

PFI, a manufacturer of sanitary conveying equipment, announced it has named Tom Vipond as Division General Manager. Vipond will oversee all PFI locations and operations.
Vanmark and PFI Announce Two New Sales Partners
december 21, 2022

Vanmark and PFI Announce Two New Sales Partners

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, and sister company PFI, a manufacturer of sanitary conveying equipment, announced that they are working with two new sales partners.
Vanmark Adds Installation Services for Buyers
december 19, 2022

Vanmark Adds Installation Services for Buyers

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, announced today that it has added installation services to its offerings.
Precision Food Innovations Rebrands to PFI as Its Incorporated Into the Grote Company Family of Brands.
september 26, 2022

Precision Food Innovations Rebrands to PFI as Its Incorporated Into the Grote Company Family of Brands

Precision Food Innovations (PFI), a manufacturer of sanitary conveying and bulk material handling equipment for food processing operations, announced that it has rebranded and will now be known as PFI.
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Precision Food Innovations Names New General Manager
december 19, 2021

Precision Food Innovations Names New General Manager

Precision Food Innovations (PFI), a manufacturer of sanitary conveying equipment, announced the retirement of Gary Schiltz after serving 40 years with the company, most recently as general manager.
Rantizo: How to Optimize Fungicide Applications with Drones
juli 22, 2021

Rantizo: How to Optimize Fungicide Applications with Drones

With the rise of precision agriculture solutions, the farming industry has become increasingly tech savvy. Many growers and producers have embraced GPS-enabled tractors, variable-rate fertilizer applications, and smart platforms.
Jack Grote Promoted to Vanmark Sales Manager
maart 05, 2021

Jack Grote Promoted to Vanmark Sales Manager

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, announces the promotion of Jack Grote to Sales Manager.
Jason will lead the company’s three global locations
oktober 21, 2020

Jason Davis Promoted to Vice President of Vanmark

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, announces the promotion of Jason Davis to Vice President.
New CIP System cleans during operation and sanitation – dramatically reducing downtime
oktober 01, 2020

Vanmark introduces Clean-In-Place system for its Peeler/Scrubber/Washers

Vanmark has introduced a Clean-In-Place (CIP) system for its Peeler/Scrubber/Washers. This CIP System cleans during operation and sanitation – dramatically reducing downtime.
Vanmark Adds New Solutions to Address Peeler Water Usage and Treatment
februari 18, 2020

Vanmark Adds New Solutions to Address Potato Peeler Water Usage and Treatment

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, has introduced two new machines that significantly reduce water treatment costs and usage from our line of abrasive peelers.
Processing Equipment Manufacturer Vanmark Welcomes Jack Grote in Technical Sales Role
januari 30, 2020

Processing Equipment Manufacturer Vanmark Welcomes Jack Grote in Technical Sales Role

Vanmark, an industrial potato and produce processing equipment manufacturer, welcomes Jack Grote in a newly created Technical Sales role. In this role, Jack will manage and grow relationships with Vanmark’s customers, dealers, and prospects.
Sterzing's Potato Chips struggling with product reformulation
mei 16, 2018

Sterzing's Potato Chips struggling with product reformulation

Sterzing's Potato Chips reformulated its recipe to meet the deadline of the 2015 U.S. Food and Drug Administration mandate banning oils that contain trans fat. At first that didn't go too well...
Estudio evidencia que los consumidores americanos pagarían más por papa transgénica más saludable
maart 30, 2015

Estudio evidencia que los consumidores americanos pagarían más por papa transgénica más saludable

La investigación ha medido las actitudes de los consumidores hacia productos potenciales con menores niveles de acrilamida.
Wallace Huffman
maart 23, 2015

Research: Consumers willing to spend more for biotech potato products

New research from an Iowa State University economist, Wallace Huffman, found consumers were willing to spend more for genetically modified potato products with reduced levels of a chemical compound linked to cancer.
 Vanmark Award Iowa
mei 08, 2013

Vanmark Equipment, LLC receives Annual Iowa International Trade Award

Vanmark Equipment, with its headquarters in Creston, Iowa has received the Annual Iowa International Trade Award.
No human required: driverless tractors now a reality
juli 29, 2011

No human required: driverless tractors now a reality

Kinze® Manufacturing, Inc. today unveiled an innovative solution to increase productivity on the farm—the Kinze Autonomy Project. The technology, which is the first of its kind in row crop production worldwide, utilizes autonomous agricultural equipmen...


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