
februari 03, 2022

NEPG: Zullen betere contractprijzen hoog genoeg zijn om in de toekomst de groeiende vraag naar aardappelen te dekken?

North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG): Alle inputs hebben de afgelopen maanden stijgende prijzen laten zien, gaande van energie tot meststoffen, gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en bouwprijzen, maar ook machines en reserveonderdelen!
januari 31, 2022

Royal Avebe investeert in innovatie

Royal Avebe wil verantwoord en duurzaam groeien. Om alles uit de aardappel te kunnen halen wat erin zit, investeren we volop in innovatie en het creëren van marktwaarde.
Newcold: Efficient Warehouse Automation for xxl freezer
januari 31, 2022

Newcold: Efficient Warehouse Automation for xxl freezer

The Dutch logistics service provider NewCold has constructed one of North America's largest freezer warehouses in Burley, Idaho. The global freezer logistics specialist had no choice but to automate the facility.
januari 28, 2022

Telers in Engeland en Wales mogen Nederlands pootgoed importeren

Op verzoek van de Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO) heeft de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) de mogelijkheden voor export van Nederlands pootgoed naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk (VK) nagegaan.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - 'Potato Variety Development in Ireland, Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges' presented by Dr. Denis Griffin.
januari 28, 2022

World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - 'Potato Variety Development in Ireland, Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges' presented by Dr. Denis Griffin

The World Potato Congress is very pleased to present its second 2022 webinar on February 25 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard time (USA/Canada). Potato is often considered synonymous with Ireland due to the great Irish Famine and still remains the most important food crop in Ireland.
Tolochin Cannery launched a line for the production of frozen fries
januari 27, 2022

Tolochin Cannery launched a line for the production of frozen fries

In Belarus, the Tolochin Cannery has launched a line for the production of frozen semi-finished french fries. This is the first production of such products in the country.
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januari 25, 2022

McCain Foods agrees to pay 20 percent more to French potato growers

Potato Processor McCain Foods has reached an agreement with the French group of potato producers for industry (Groupement d'agriculteurs producteurs de pommes de terre pour l'industrie, Gappi) on the new potato contracts.
Interpom was a great success for Tummers.
januari 24, 2022

Interpom was a great success for Tummers

For Tummers Food Processing Solutions, the 20th edition of Interpom was accompanied by many uncertainties. However, as they consider personal customer contact very important.
Tong raises the bar for big bag filling with the new JetFill for 2022
januari 21, 2022

Tong raises the bar for big bag filling with the new JetFill for 2022

Tong is pleased to announce its first new product development for 2022 with the launch of the new edition JetFill big bag filler. The JetFill is Tong’s highest capacity big bag filler which offers automated and gentle big bag filling.
Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases
januari 21, 2022

Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases

An innovative method of controlling a range of damaging crop diseases using native, beneficial soil bacteria has emerged from a research-industry collaboration.
Südstärke GmbH have concluded their 2021 potato starch production campaign this week.
januari 21, 2022

Südstärke GmbH has concluded its 2021 potato starch production campaign

Sudstarke GmbH has concluded its 2021 potato starch production campaign. The 2021 production campaign was the most difficult in decades, even team members 40+ years with the company cannot remember anything close.
Agricultores de la Asociación de Cosecheros La Papa Bonita.
januari 20, 2022

España: Agricultores de la Asociación de Cosecheros La Papa Bonita realizan tradicional preparación para la siembra de patata

Desgrelar o sacarle el brote a este cultivo es un trabajo manual sencillo que lleva mucho tiempo, pero según los agricultores de Icod el Alto, garantiza un crecimiento parejo.
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España: El sector augura una caída de la superficie de patata del 20 porciento por la subida de costes.
januari 19, 2022

España: El sector augura una caída de la superficie de patata del 20 porciento por la subida de costes

Sembrar una hectárea de este cultivo supone invertir alrededor de 800 euros más que en la campaña de hace un año. Al sector de la patata le asaltan las dudas y a los productores no les salen las cuentas.
januari 17, 2022

APH Group neemt Agri 2.0 over en groeit verder in Rusland en Oekraïne

APH Group, distributeur van landbouwmachines, heeft per 1 januari 2022 de activiteiten van Agri 2.0 CIS B.V. (hierna: Agri 2.0) overgenomen in Rusland en Oekraïne.
Hybricol Food Technologies last concept
januari 17, 2022

Hybricol Food Technologies presents new product concept: baked potato sausages

Hybricol, a Dutch company active in the food ingredients business, shared a concept shaped potato product with PotatoPro: baked potato sausages.
Antarctic Foods Relies on VERYX Digital Sorters to Maximize Production Efficiency and Vegetable Product Quality
januari 16, 2022

Antarctic Foods Relies on VERYX Digital Sorters to Maximize Production Efficiency and Vegetable Product Quality

Antarctic Foods takes product quality seriously. Selling frozen vegetables to baby food processors and others throughout Europe, Antarctic has grown 25 percent annually over the last few years.
La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón del Sabor del Año 2022.
januari 12, 2022

La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón del Sabor del Año 2022

Los consumidores españoles han tardado solo dos años en
valorar y reconocer el sabor cremoso y sabroso de la patata Princesa Amandine, que ha sido
recientemente premiada con el sello Sabor del Año 2022 para productos de retail.
España: Menor superficie de Patata en Sevilla.
januari 12, 2022

España: Menor superficie de Patata en Sevilla, aunque con buena Campaña de Siembra

Ya ha comenzado la siembra de patatas en Sevilla, principal provincia productora de Andalucía. Se prevé una caída productiva de aquellas variedades destinadas a la industria.


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