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maart 08, 2023
ADAPT news: Upcoming round of phenotyping potato stress acclimation in focus lines

december 08, 2018
Ishida helps Czech Republic snack manufacturer realize high speed packaging in small bags
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augustus 30, 2016
La nueva papa checo-latinoamericana será más sabrosa y resistente

februari 28, 2013
Europatat and the Czech Potato Association announce Europatat Congress 2013

juni 18, 2010
Breeders Trust sluit overeenkomst voor pootgoed licenties in Tsjechië

mei 26, 2010
Papas pobres en azúcar, un nuevo experimento de la ciencia checa

november 25, 2008
Burger King Opens first restaurant in Czech republic

mei 16, 2008
The Czech snack market: Internack vs Pepsico

mei 06, 2008
Germany's Intersnack buys Czech firms Canto Hradec Kralove and Perri Crisps & Snacks Tremosna

maart 03, 2008