
UNIKA/DKHV technical committees visit AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0 at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Courtesy: UNIKA/DKHV)
januari 08, 2024

Practice meets science - UNIKA/DKHV technology committees visit the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

The Technology Commission of the UNIKA and the Technology Committee of the German Potato Trade Association served as discussion partners and sources of inspiration. V. (DKHV) was invited to the geoecology working group at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in December.
november 09, 2023

Belgische maker van machines voor de aardappelteel AVR kondigt uitbreiding naar Duitsland aan

Een jaar voor zijn 175e verjaardag kondigt AVR, producent van een volledig gamma machines voor de aardappelteelt en wereldspeler in dat marktsegment, met trots een stevige uitbreiding aan: de opening van een nieuw filiaal in Duitsland.
German potato prices set to spike due to drought
augustus 19, 2019

German potato prices set to spike due to drought

Two summers in a row of drought are causing Germany’s potato supply to dwindle - and prices to rise.
German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought
juli 27, 2018

German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought

The German Association of Fruit, Vegetables and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) expects that the potato harvest in Germany and Europe will be significantly reduced in quantity, as well as quality compared to the previous year due to the long ongoing drought and heat wave.
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