juni 20, 2019

Avebe daagt studenten uit Ontwerp de fabriek van de toekomst en win een jaar collegegeld!

Avebe bestaat dit jaar 100 jaar. Dat betekent terugkijken, maar ook vooruitblikken.
Aardappelzetmeelcooperatie Avebe sluit bijzondere campagne af
mei 11, 2019

Aardappelzetmeelcooperatie Avebe sluit bijzondere campagne af

Eind april werden de laatste aardappelen aangeleverd bij Avebe in Gasselternijveen. Extreme droogte en het warme weer zorgden voor een uitzonderlijke aardappelcampagne.
European interest in starch potato protein
februari 26, 2019

European interest in Avebe's potato protein

A large delegation from the European Parliament paid a visit to Avebe's high-tech vegetable protein plant in Gasselternijveen.
Fire at Avebe Foxhol temporarily shuts down production
december 15, 2018

Fire at Avebe Foxhol temporarily shuts down production

On Friday Evening December 14 around 9.30 pm, a large fire broke out at the Foxhol site of Starch Manufacturer Avebe in a storage shed containing a.o. wooden pallets.
Potato Starch company Avebe achieved record performance price for season 2017/2018
november 22, 2018

Potato Starch company Avebe achieved record performance price for season 2017/2018

In the 2017/2018 financial year, which ended on 31 July 2018, Starch company Avebe achieved a performance price of 85.81 Euros. That is more than 4% higher than the performance price of the previous financial year.
Marijke Folkers-in ’t Hout appointed as Chair of the Avebe Supervisory Board
november 02, 2018

Marijke Folkers-in ’t Hout appointed as Chair of the Avebe Supervisory Board

In the last meeting of the Supervisory Board of potato starch manufacturer Avebe on November 1, Marijke Folkers-in ’t Hout (35) was appointed as Chair of this board.
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Avebe wins Most Novel Protein Ingredient Award for its potato based Perfectasol D520
november 01, 2018

Avebe wins Most Novel Protein Ingredient Award for its potato based Perfectasol D520

Potato Starch manufacturer AVEBE was awarded the Bridge2Food Protein Award 2018 in the category 'Most Novel Protein Ingredient' for its product Perfectasol D520.
New Innovation Centre Avebe to combine knowledge and stimulate cooperation
september 30, 2018

Innovation Centre Potato Starch cooperative Avebe to combine knowledge and stimulate cooperation

After a construction period of more than a year, the new Avebe Innovation Centre at the Zernike Campus in Groningen was inaugurated Friday by René Paas, Commissioner of the King for the province of Groningen
AVEBE pays out full result to its starch potato growers and increases advance
september 23, 2018

AVEBE pays out full result to its starch potato growers and increases advance

Dutch potato starch manufacterer Avebe has announced that the advance payment for potatoes delivered is being increased to 67 euros a tonne and that the full result of the cooperative will go to the members.
Avebe appoints new members to its Supervisory Board
juli 10, 2018

Avebe appoints new members to its Supervisory Board

Dutch Potato Starch Cooperative Avebe has appointed two new members to its Supervisory Board: Dirk Kloosterboer and Robert Smith.
Free-from foods: a global trend and its headache for food manufacturers
mei 21, 2018

Free-from foods: a global trend and its headache for food manufacturers

More and more consumers demand 'free-from' foods. The trend has been steadily rising over the past decade, following a global call for more natural ingredients.
Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe scrambles to produce enough Potato Protein
maart 12, 2018

Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe scrambles to produce enough Solanic Potato Protein

Dutch Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe is planning to extend the potato starch production in its Gasselternijveen plant in order to be able produce more potato protein.
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Avebe's Etenia potato starch derivate gets its own factory
februari 25, 2018

Avebe's Etenia potato starch derivate gets its own factory

Due to strong demand for Etenia, Dutch potato starch manufacturer Avebe is setting up a dedicated production line for this enzymatically modified potato starch in Ter Apelkanaal.
Avebe Innovation Centre leads to New Partnership
januari 18, 2018

Avebe Innovation Centre leads to New Partnership

Avebe's Innovation Centre reached its highest point early December. The new premises will be housing the Innovations, Sales and Marketing departments. Space will also be made for start-ups in the agrofood sector under the name: Innolab Biobased Economy.
Potato Starch Company Novidon launches new logo
december 05, 2017

Potato Starch Company Novidon launches a new logo and tag line

Novidon - a company that adds value to potato starch isolated from side streams of potato processing companies - introduces new branding.
Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe sets record performance price: 82 euros
november 21, 2017

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe sets record performance price: 82 euros

Coöperatie Avebe achieved a performance price of more than 82 euros. This is almost 7% higher than last year, and a new record: the performance price has never exceeded the 80 euros threshold before.
Avebe zet goede lijn door met record prestatieprijs: ruim 82 euro
november 21, 2017

Avebe zet goede lijn door met record prestatieprijs: ruim 82 euro

Coöperatie Avebe realiseerde een prestatieprijs van ruim 82 euro. Dit is bijna 7% hoger dan vorig jaar,en een nieuw record: nog niet eerder kwam de prestatieprijs boven de grens van de 80 euro.
Avebe has started up its potato starch plants for another season
augustus 21, 2017

Avebe has started up its potato starch plants for another season

The potato season of cooperative Avebe got under way. The first loads of members’ potatoes have been delivered to its starch production plants in Ter Apelkanaal and Gasselternijveen


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