GM Aardappelen

januari 27, 2012

Ensayan con éxito papas transgénicas resistentes a virus

La papa es el cuarto cultivo alimenticio más importante en el mundo, con una producción anual de 300 millones de toneladas. En Argentina se producen 2 a 2,5 millones, las que se comercializan principalmente en el mercado interno. Las infecciones viral...
januari 16, 2012

BASF moves unit to US after Europe rebuffs scientific potato

BASF SE, the maker of the Amflora scientific potato, is moving the plant-science unit that genetically modifies crops to the U.S. from Germany after European consumers resisted the technology.
januari 16, 2012

BASF stops development of GM Potatoes

BASF announced today that it is concentrating its plant biotechnology activities on the main markets in North and South America. Development and commercialization of all products targeted solely at cultivation in the European market (potatoes!) will be...
november 10, 2011

Idaho growers eye BASF's new GM potato

More than a decade has passed since Jim Tiede was among the growers caught up in a debacle over the first U.S. genetically modified potato variety. Even today, the American Falls, Idaho, farmer copes with the fallout of planting Monsanto's GM potato N...
 Fortuna (BASF)
oktober 31, 2011

BASF expects market introduction of GM table potato Fortuna in 2014/15

BASF Plant Science applied today for EU approval for Fortuna, a genetically optimized table potato.Fortuna has a wild potato’s natural protection to late blight, a disease causing severe problems in agriculture.
Protest against GM Potatoes in Norwich
juli 25, 2011

Protest against GM Potatoes in Norwich

Dozens of campaigners against genetically modified food have staged a protest in Norwich city centre. Passers-by were offered chips made from non-genetically modified potatoes before the protest moved on to the John Innes Institute on the outskirts of...
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 "Innate" Technology
juli 13, 2011

Simplot announces 'Innate' Technology to improve potatoes

The J. R. Simplot Company's Plant Sciences business announces Innate™ Technology, the all-native biotechnology platform for improving crops, leading to new, better and healthier foods.
mei 29, 2011

Anti-GM potato protest leaves 18 injured in Belgium

Environmental activists stormed a field of genetically modified potatoes in Belgium Sunday, breaking through a security cordon in a raid that left police and protesters injured, authorities and organisers said.
 Neiker Tecnalia
april 04, 2011

Producing high quality potato starches with new genetic tools

Neiker-Tecnalia (the Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development) is realising a project for obtaining high quality starch in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum) using new molecular and genetic tools.
 Rosetta Green
maart 13, 2011

Rosetta Green's Candidate MicroRNA Gene for Drought Tolerance & Abiotic Stress Successful in Potato trial

The Israeli Biotech company Rosetta Green Ltd. recently listed at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE:RSTG), demonstrated improved tolerance and survival of RGN-131 potato plants to drought stress.
 Universiteit Gent
maart 06, 2011

Belgie geeft toestemming voor veldproef met phytophthora resistente ggo-aardappelen

UGent, ILVO, VIB en HoGent hebben van de federale ministers Paul Magnette en Laurette Onkelinx (PS) toelating gekregen om een tweejarige veldproef uit te voeren met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelen die bestand zijn tegen phytophthora.
maart 01, 2011

GM Potato trial in Punjab causes controversy

A controversy on field trials/multiplication of GM potato at the Central Potato Research Station (CPRS), Jalandhar, has started with activists, farmers unions and medical experts demanding from the Punjab government for immediate ban on these.
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 Commissie Genetische Modificatie (COGEM)
februari 04, 2011

Cogem adviseert over kleinschalige veldproef met Phytophthora-resistente aardappelen

De COGEM is verzocht te adviseren over de milieurisico’s van een kleinschalige (categorie 1) veldproef met genetisch gemodificeerde aardappelen (Solanum tuberosum) met een verhoogde resistentie tegen Phytophthora infestans, de veroorzaker van de aardappelziekte.
januari 31, 2011

BASF Plant Science set to cultivate Amflora potatoes in Germany and Sweden in 2011

BASF Plant Science has concluded its Amflora cultivation plans for the 2011 season. Amflora, the genetically enhanced potato for use in the starch industry, will this year be cultivated on two hectares of land in Üplingen (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany).
december 15, 2010

AVEBE en BASF Plant Science ontwikkelen Phytophthora resistente Amylopectine zetmeelaardappel

De aardappelzetmeel producent AVEBE en het plantenbiotechnologie bedrijf BASF Plant Science hebben vandaag een Research & Development samenwerking aangekondigd op het gebied van plantenbiotechnologie.
Wageningen University identifies tools to modify potato starch granules
december 07, 2010

Wageningen University identifies tools to modify potato starch granules

It is possible to breed potatoes in such a way that they produce new types of starch for use as a new and improved plant-based raw material in the construction, paper, glue, fodder and food industries.
Universidad de Wageningen
december 07, 2010

La Universidad de Wageningen identifica herramientas para modificar los gránulos de almidón de la papa

Ya es posible cultivar papas cuyo almidón es la materia prima para la producción de papel, pegamento, forraje y alimentos.
Wageningen University
november 29, 2010

Aardappels met nieuw soorten zetmeelkorrels ontwikkeld door Wageningen University

Het is mogelijk om zetmeelaardappels zó te veredelen dat ze nieuwe soorten zetmeel maken, als nieuwe, betere groene grondstof voor nieuwe toepassingen, zoals in de bouw en in de papier-, lijm-, diervoeder- en voedingsmiddelenindustrie.


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