Gezondheid en voeding

 Kids LiveWell logo
juli 13, 2011

“Kids LiveWell” Initiative Highlights Restaurants’ Healthful Menu Options for Children

The National Restaurant Association today unveiled a new nationwide initiative that provides parents and children with a growing selection of healthful menu options when dining out. “Kids LiveWell,” a program the Association launched today in collabora...
 "Innate" Technology
juli 13, 2011

Simplot announces 'Innate' Technology to improve potatoes

The J. R. Simplot Company's Plant Sciences business announces Innate™ Technology, the all-native biotechnology platform for improving crops, leading to new, better and healthier foods.
FAVV (Federaal Agentschap voor de veiligheid van de voedselketen)
juli 07, 2011

FAVV: Recall Spaanse Nicola aardappelen LIDL

Het Belgische Voedselagentschap (FAVV) beveelt het uit de markt nemen en van bij de consument terugroepen van Spaanse aardappelen NICOLA verkocht door LIDL. Deze aardappelen bevatten een te hoog gehalte aan fosthiazate dat gebruikt wordt om aardappela...
 Canadian Horticultural Council
juli 06, 2011

Canadian potato industry responds to study depicting potatoes as unhealthy

The Canadian Potato Council (CPC) is challenging the conclusions of a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on potatoes and potato consumption, which wrongly depicts potatoes as a hindrance to weight loss and maintaining a healt...
 The right portion size?
juli 06, 2011

Obesity & Weight Gain: US adults eating more and more often

Over the past 30 years U.S. adults have been eating larger portions and eating more often, according to a new study.
 Potato Goodness Unearthed
juni 27, 2011

USPB responds to Harvard Study on weight gain in NEJM

The United States Potato Board believes a study released in Thursday’s New England Journal of Medicine perpetuates unfortunate myths and misconceptions about the potato.
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juni 27, 2011

Harvard Study suggests potatoes and potato products have a significant role in long term weight gain

In a series of three separate studies looking at how changes in multiple dietary and other lifestyle factors relate to long-term weight gain, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers found that modest changes in specific foods and beverages, physical activity, TV-watching, and sleep duration were strongly linked with long-term weight gain.
 International Potato Processing & Storage Convention 2011
juni 26, 2011

International Potato Processing & Storage Convention 2011 sees high quality speakers

Infra-red heating and blanching, meeting today's food safety regulatory demands, innovative sorting solutions, enzymes against acrylamide and working out the real cost of ownership kept delegates busy at the final day of the 2011 International Potato Processing and Storage Convention in Denver, Colorado.
 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
juni 26, 2011

EFSA sets up European task force to help investigate French E.coli outbreak

Scientists from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are setting up a task force to coordinate investigations to track down the source of any contaminated sprouted seeds in the European Union
juni 24, 2011

¿Kilos de más? Las papas fritas son el problema

"Son muy sabrosas y tienen una textura muy buena. Las personas no suelen comer una o dos papas. Se comen un paquete entero", dijo el médico experto en obesidad F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, del hospital St. Luke's-Roosevelt de Nueva York. Lo que come...
juni 20, 2011

PepsiCo strikt topkok Ferran Adria

Topkok Ferran Adria gaat voor PepsiCo innovaties bedenken.
juni 16, 2011

Un producto natural elimina dos compuestos cancerígenos de los alimentos horneados y fritos

Un equipo de investigadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha patentado un producto que reduce en un 80% la formación de acrilamida en algunos alimentos y en un 98% la de hidroximetilfurfural, dos compuestos potencialmente c...
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 IFT 2011
juni 15, 2011

White House, USDA and IFT Address MyPlate Initiative at Annual Meeting and Food Expo

Officials and Scientists discussed the new public rollout of the MyPlate initiative during a Monday press conference at the IFT 2011 Annual Meeting and Food Expo.
 Omega-9 oils
juni 14, 2011

Dow AgroSciences Announces the First Saturated Fat Free Oil Product

Dow AgroSciences achieved an industry first with the unveiling of saturated fat free Omega-9 Sunflower Oil at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting and Food Expo in New Orleans.
juni 13, 2011

FlakeSelect™ sodium reduction tool for food manufacturers introduced by Cargill at IFT

Today at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Food Expo, Cargill introduced FlakeSelect™, a portfolio of products that enables food manufacturers to reduce sodium in snacks, baked goods and processed foods, or reformulate with sea salt, while main...
juni 12, 2011

Potatoes Make the Plate! New MyPlate Icon Recommends Half the Plate as Fruits and Vegetables

The recent unveiling of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) MyPlate icon heralded a bold, new visual reminder of the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption, filling half the plate with these two important food groups.
juni 10, 2011

Low acrylamide potato lines created by University of Wisconsin scientists

What do Americans love more than French fries and potato chips? The answer: Not much...
juni 10, 2011

La Universidad de Wisconsin crea líneas de papa con bajos niveles de acrilamida

Existe algo que los estadounidenses amen más que las papas fritas y las papas a la francesa? No hay muchas cosas... pero tal vez las estén amando más de lo que deberían hacerlo. Haciendo a un lado las grasas y las calorías, ambos alimentos contienen al...


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