
The plant on the left is untreated and the fungi are clearly visible. The right plant was treated with the acid, the fungus could not cause any damage.
september 25, 2020

Researchers find new way to protect plants from fungal infection

Widespread fungal disease in plants can be controlled with a commercially available chemical that has been primarily used in medicine until now. This discovery was made by scientists from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the University of the State of Paraná in Brazil.
All Hail the Rise of the Climate - Smart Potato
september 08, 2020

Potato Potential - in all climates

The potential of the potato has only just begun to be realized. Some 368 million metric tons of potatoes were harvested globally in 2019, as people from Vietnam to Kenya, the Peruvian Andes to Rwanda produced a wide variety of the root vegetable, helping feed an estimated 1.3 billion people who rely on them as a staple food.
La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola
september 07, 2020

La Rioja estudia ayudas al sector de la patata, entre ellas una línea para inversión en maquinaria agrícola

La consejera de Agricultura, Ganadería, Mundo Rural, Territorio y Población, Eva Hita; la directora general de Agricultura y Ganadería, María Jesús Miñana y la directora general de Desarrollo Rural y Reto Demográfico, Nuria Bazo, se han reunido en la Cooperativa de Rioja Alta en Santo Domingo de la Calzada con su presidente, Emilio García, y su Consejo rector para analizar la campaña de la patata y la situación del sector en La Rioja.
As Idaho's potato harvest gets underway, a look back at how it got started
september 04, 2020

As Idaho's potato harvest gets underway, a look back at how it got started

Farmers all across Idaho will be in their fields from now through most of October collecting the state's signature crop.
Across China: Hi-tech Potato Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation
augustus 19, 2020

Across China: Hi-tech Potato Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation

The potato industry in Ulanqab, dubbed the 'potato city' of China, has become one of the main industries to help farmers shake off poverty.
Restrain sprout suppressor approved in Germany
juli 09, 2020

Restrain sprout suppressor approved in Germany

The German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) has approved the ethylene-based sprout suppressor Restrain as a safe crop protection product with immediate effect. The approval applies to the treatment of potatoes (for both domestic consumption and starch production), onions, garlic, shallots, propagating material, and tomatoes.
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Low-tech tool helps fight potato late blight
juni 29, 2020

Low-tech tool helps fight potato late blight

The International Potato Center (CIP), in partnership with research and development institutions in Ecuador and Peru, has developed a low-tech tool to help farmers optimize fungicide's use.
Patatas de Santa Margalida, España
juni 15, 2020

Patatas de Santa Margalida, España

La zona noreste de Mallorca es conocida por la producción de patata. Aunque es más conocida la de sa Pobla y Muro, a pocos kilómetros del mar, en la finca de Santa Eulàlia, en Can Picafort, hay una considerable extensión de éste cultivo, terreno que gestiona desde hace cuatro años la empresa Agrime (socia de Agroilla).
mei 28, 2020

INTERPOM 2020 op Aangepaste Openingsdagen

Beursthema: 'Let's connect the potato chain in the post-coronavirus world'. 2020 wordt in de geschiedenisboeken ingeschreven als 'het corona-jaar'.
Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases
mei 26, 2020

Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases

HZPC is employing the services of a specialized robot in its fight against potato diseases and viruses within its breeding program.
The Potato Sustainability Alliance Announces Yara North America as Newest Member
april 22, 2020

The Potato Sustainability Alliance Announces Yara North America as Newest Member

Yara North America, a market leader in crop nutrition, has joined the Potato Sustainability Alliance. As a member, Yara will work with processors, packers, buyers, grower organizations, conservation groups, academia, and other stakeholders.
MSU study focuses on controlling volunteer potatoes
april 16, 2020

MSU study focuses on controlling volunteer potatoes

Volunteer potatoes are difficult to control. Currently, there are no herbicides available that will completely control volunteer potatoes and significantly reduce the number of daughter tubers produced per plant.
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Fertilización de precisión en maíz y patata con el nitrógeno estabilizado de ENTEC
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Fertilización de precisión en maíz y patata con el nitrógeno estabilizado de ENTEC

Entre las actividades de gestión de los cultivos de maíz y patata, la planificación de la fertilización se encuentra entre las principales para lograr altos rendimientos y productividad.
Large research project looks to combat major potato disease
maart 23, 2020

Large research project looks to combat major potato disease

More than $3 million is being invested in studying a major cause of potato yield reduction in Prince Edward Island and other spud-growing areas in Canada.
Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía
maart 09, 2020

Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía

La mezcla del agua agrícola del CAAF con la procedente de la desaladora propia es la forma de ahuyentar tres años de sequía que practican Marisa Díaz Armas y Ramón Torres Martín, el matrimonio que desde hace doce años planta papas en Toto.
Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks
februari 26, 2020

Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks

Potato virus Y is the most economically important and devastating aphid-transmitted virus, affecting both tuber yield and quality. The virus is also a major cause of seed potato degeneration, which leads to regular flushing out of seed potatoes.
Kenya: Government approves high yield potato seeds
februari 25, 2020

Kenya: 'high input' approach potato cultivation pays off

In Kenya, potatoes are a key staple food, second only to maize. Yet its potato value chain has been underdeveloped for decades also. This has been acknowledged by the Kenyan government.
Esplet aplica en Sa Pobla el primer cultivo de patatas experimental usando ozono
februari 24, 2020

Esplet aplica en Sa Pobla el primer cultivo de patatas experimental usando ozono

5 hectáreas de campo de Sa Pobla sirven para que Esplet experimente por primera vez en España un innovador método para tratar el suelo aplicando ozono en los cultivos de patata, regenerándolos posteriormente para mejorar sus cualidades.


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