Trends in landbouw en voedsel

tna acquires Dutch food processing specialist Florigo. From left to right: Rene Verbruggen, director, Florigo, Bob Fritz, Alf Taylor, CEO, tna, Peter Calopedis, group finance manager, tna, Michiel Hendrikse, director, Florigo.
maart 06, 2015

tna acquires Dutch food processing specialist Florigo

Supplier of food packaging and processing solutions tna has announced the acquisition of leading food processing specialist Florigo International B.V., adding Florigo’s range of continuous snack and french fry lines to tna's equipment line-up.
Distribution Agreement AVEBE and Ingredion Terminated
februari 26, 2015

Distribution Agreement AVEBE and Ingredion Terminated

The distribution agreement between AVEBE and Ingredion will be terminated as of March 31 2015 for North America and Japan.
Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium
februari 05, 2015

Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium

Een nieuwe, revolutionaire methode om nieuwe aardappelrassen te kweken kan een flinke impuls geven aan fotosynthese-onderzoek. Daarom treedt Solynta, de ontwikkelaar van de kweekmethode, toe tot BioSolar Cells
Diamond Foods Acquires Majority Interest in Yellow Chips
februari 05, 2015

Diamond Foods Acquires Majority Interest in Yellow Chips

Diamond Foods, Inc. announced that it has acquired a 51% stake of Yellow Chips, a manufacturer of high quality vegetable and organic potato chips based in the Netherlands.
2015, International Year of Soils
februari 01, 2015

International Year of Soils sprouts numerous activities in Wageningen

The soil expertise found at Wageningen enjoys international recognition. So it is only fitting that numerous activities in 2015, the International Year of Soils, are to take place in Wageningen.
Het aardappelras Carolus
januari 25, 2015

Agrico-ras Carolus smaakmaker tijdens Biobeurs

Vorige week nam Agrico deel aan de vernieuwde Biobeurs die plaats vond in het IJsselhallencomplex te Zwolle. Tijdens deze beurs zette Agrico haar bijzonder resistente en zeer smaakvolle biologische aardappelras Carolus in de spotlight
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Wageningen UR en TNO bundelen onderzoekscapaciteit
november 30, 2014

Wageningen UR en TNO bundelen onderzoekscapaciteit

TNO en Wageningen UR bundelen vanaf 1 januari 2015 hun kennis en expertise op het gebied van voedsel-, voedings- en biobased-onderzoek. Zij doen dat om meer waarde voor marktpartijen en overheid te kunnen bieden en gebruik te maken van hun complementaire expertises.
Erwin and Fons Tummers proudly present the new logo
november 18, 2014

Tummers to display equipment and new branding at Interpom | Primeurs 2014

Tummers is expanding and renewing. For the Interpom | Primeurs Tummers likes to update you on 4 themes: cutting systems, washing/destoning, complete potato flakes lines and the Tummers rebranding
Solynta "Hybrid Potatoes fromTrue Seeds" Technology named Dutch National Icon
november 18, 2014

Solynta 'Hybrid Potatoes from True Seeds' Technology named Dutch National Icon

In the presence of HRH King Willem Alexander, the Dutch Government through Minister Kamp honored Solynta as Dutch National Icon for its breakthrough discovery ”Hybrid Potatoes from True seeds'.
Dewulf / Miedema, Partners in Agriculture
november 12, 2014

Miedema and Dewulf to form single team

The intended fusion between Dewulf and Miedema, made public in early September, is to be completed this year.
Dewulf-Miedema, partners in agricultural equipment
november 12, 2014

Miedema en Dewulf verder als één team

De voorgenomen fusie tussen Dewulf en Miedema, die begin september bekend werd, wordt nog dit jaar voltooid.
Kiremko Highflo Potato chips (crisps) blancher
november 12, 2014

Potato Processing Innovations by Kiremko

The potato processing industry is always in motion and so is Kiremko. An ongoing process of innovating and developing of processing lines and machines.
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HZPC assigns Rungis as exclusive distributor for Perupas in the Netherlands
september 10, 2014

HZPC assigns Rungis as exclusive distributor for Perupas in the Netherlands

HZPC has entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with Rungis for its Perupas specialty potatoes.
HZPC beëindigt deelneming in HZPC Sverige ab
augustus 27, 2014

HZPC beëindigt deelneming in HZPC Sverige ab

HZPC heeft besloten om zijn deelneming in HZPC Sverige ab (Zweden, Billdal) te beëindigen. Reden is de onvoldoende rendabiliteit, die wordt veroorzaakt door de trage modernisering van de Zweedse pootaardappelmarkt
Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector
augustus 03, 2014

Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector

The Potato Demo Day is an easily accessible event for the Potato Sector. The programme is implemented at limited costs and in cooperation with participating companies from the sector.
VION Food Group
maart 11, 2014

VION to sell Oerlemans Foods to H2 Equity Partners

VION and H2 Equity Partners have announced that they have entered into an agreement for the intended sale of Oerlemans Foods to investment company H2 Equity Partners.
VION Food Group
maart 11, 2014

VION verkoopt Oerlemans Foods aan H2 Equity Partners

VION en H2 Equity Partners hebben bekend gemaakt dat ze een overeenkomst zijn aangegaan voor de voorgenomen verkoop van Oerlemans Foods aan investeringsmaatschappij H2 Equity Partners.
Lamb Weston Introduces Sweet 'n Savour Fries range
februari 26, 2014

Lamb Weston Introduces Sweet 'n Savour Fries range

Lamb Weston has introduced a new Sweet Potato Fries range: Sweet ‘n Savour. With this new range Lamb Weston continues to bring restaurant owners innovative and profitable solutions that fulfill the growing consumer demand trend for Sweet Potato products across markets.


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