Drones en andere sensoren in de landbouw

Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
november 16, 2021

Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

Interpom 2021 is fast approaching – we are now on the home stretch! After a whole year of postponement, Interpom will finally be held on Sunday 28, Monday 29, and Tuesday 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo (B).
An overview of the Belgian agricultural landscape.
september 18, 2020

Cropmap Belgium 2020 now available

An overview of the Belgian agricultural landscape. The cropmap shows the main crop type on each individual field cultivated in the 2020 growing season and is openly available via an interactive online viewer.
augustus 29, 2020

Slim aardappels telen: AVR en Dacom brengen veld- en machinedata bij elkaar

AVR, leverancier van aardappelrooiers en aanbieder van systemen voor precisielandbouw Dacom brengen veld- en machinedata bij elkaar. Voordeel voor de aardappelteler is dat hij niet alleen een beter, én real time inzicht krijgt over wat er met de machine gebeurt, maar de informatie ook kan koppelen aan perceelsdata.
oktober 25, 2019

Nieuwe AVR Puma 4.0 connecteert machinedata met de landbouwer

Op de komende Agritechnica stelt AVR voor de allereerste keer zijn nieuwe Puma 4.0 voor. De vierrijige aardappelrooier is de opvolger van de bekende Puma 3, maar is nu volledig cloud geconnecteerd.
Belgian potato supply chain commits to digital data platform WatchITgrow
februari 28, 2019

Belgian potato supply chain commits to digital data platform WatchITgrow

Three Belgian organisations, Boerenbond, Belgapom and VITO are teaming up to strengthen the future of the Belgian potato chain by jointly investing in the online data platform WatchITgrow.
Marc Van Herreweghe new chairman of Belgapom, the Belgian association representing potato processing and trade
juli 07, 2018

Marc Van Herreweghe new chairman of Belgapom, the Belgian association representing potato processing and trade

Belgapom, the Belgian potato trade and processing industry association, has appointed Marc Van Herreweghe as its new chairman.
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AVR launches trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter
april 24, 2017

AVR launches trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter

Now that the potato planting season is upon us, we have a newcomer in the field. Potato machine manufacturer AVR is launching the trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter.
WatchITgrow: Belgium launches a country-wide geo-information system to strengthen the Potato (processing) industry
maart 18, 2017

WatchITgrow: Potato (Processing) sector in Belgium launches geo-information system

WatchITgrow is a new geo-information platform developed for the potato sector in Belgium with the purpose to better estimate and increase the potato yield in a sustainable way.
Display of a wide range of potato products
juli 06, 2016

Potato Trade show Interpom | Primeurs 2016 focuses on Precision Technology

Interpom | Primeurs 2016 promises to be the biggest edition of this potato event ever and the 2016 theme is: 'Growing through precision technology'.
iPot participants (Courtesy VILT)
augustus 25, 2014

Belgian Potato Industry launches industrial potato monitoring platform 'iPot'

Belgapom is partnering with research institutions to developed a platform to increase the efficiency of potato production, combining data from drones and satellites.
november 12, 2012

Agrometius highlights solutions for precision agriculture at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012

Agrometius highlights solutions for precision agriculture at the Interpom | Primeurs 2012
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