Diepvriesfrites en aardappelspecialiteiten

Lamb Weston / Meijer expands its production of potato flakes
mei 28, 2020

Lamb Weston / Meijer expands its production of potato flakes

Recently the international manufacturer of processed potato products Lamb Weston / Meijer announced to expand its business in order to meet the worldwide increased demand for potato flakes.
Belgians urged to eat fries twice a week as coronavirus creates massive potato surplus
april 28, 2020

Belgians urged to eat fries twice a week as coronavirus creates massive potato surplus

Belgians are being called upon to eat fries at least twice a week as more than 750,000 tons of potatoes are at risk of being thrown away.
Frozen chips maker McCain Foods to furlough staff at Whittlesey factory as demand falls
april 14, 2020

Frozen chips maker McCain Foods to furlough staff at Whittlesey factory as demand falls

A leading food maker in Whittlesey is to furlough some staff after a slump in demand from restaurants and pubs forced to close by COVID-19 pandemic.
april 13, 2020

Belgische aardappelsector opnieuw gegroeid in 2019

De Belgische aardappelverwerkende industrie heeft vorig jaar, ondanks de moeilijke groeiomstandigheden als gevolg van extreme hitte en droogte en dit zowel in het seizoen 2018-2019 als 2019-2020.
Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer
april 08, 2020

Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has dealt a blow to a, particularly Belgian market, as the country begins to see declining sales of the humble fries.
COVID-19 crashes European potato processing
april 07, 2020

COVID-19 crashes European potato processing

In mainland Europe the widespread closure of restaurants and other food service outlets has meant that demand for processed potato products has fallen significantly.
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Vrije markt voor aardappelen ingestort door coronavirus
maart 24, 2020

Vrije markt voor aardappelen ingestort door coronavirus

De coronacrisis heeft de vrije markt voor de aardappelen volledig doen instorten. Zowel de PCA/Fiwap- als de Belgapom-prijsnotering werd geschorst omdat er een gebrek aan transacties was op de vrije aardappelmarkt.
McDonald's UK and Ireland close all restaurants - including Drive Thru and takeout
maart 23, 2020

McDonald's UK and Ireland have closed all restaurants - including Drive Thru and takeout

While in response to COVID-19 risks restaurants in many regions are offering Drive Thru, takeout and/or delivery only, fast food Chain McDonald'sUK and Ireland has closed its restaurants altogether - including Drive Thru and take-away.
Cosun potato processing subsidiary Aviko posts highest operating profit ever
februari 13, 2020

Cosun potato processing subsidiary Aviko posts highest operating profit ever

Cosun booked a considerably better group result in 2019 than in 2018. Cosun's potato processing subsidiary Aviko contributed strongly to this result as the manufacturer of fries and potato products achieved its highest operating profit ever
Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren
februari 11, 2020

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren. Een aardappelteler die tot week 30 bewaart en alle premies kan verzilveren, ontvangt € 220,- per ton.
Los 30 años de Mcdonald's en Rusia: aquel primer bocado de capitalismo en la URSS
februari 03, 2020

Los 30 años de Mcdonald's en Rusia: aquel primer bocado de capitalismo en la URSS

30 años después, frente al ruido de la globalización, muchos moscovitas han de recordar estos días aquella tarde remota en la que la Perestroika los llevó a conocer el Big Mac.
Lamb Weston launches 'The DUKES', a Proper British Chip that is a cut above the average!
januari 08, 2020

Lamb Weston launches 'The DUKES', a Proper British Chip that is a cut above the average!

It’s the moment the entire country has been waiting for – discerning citizens rise up and prepare to rejoice in this great British occasion as Lamb Weston launches ‘The DUKES’,elegantly exciting, perfect pub chips.
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25th Anniversary of Farm Frites Poland
december 20, 2019

25th Anniversary of Farm Frites Poland

The 25th anniversary of the establishment of the company was a great opportunity for celebration. On October 30, a jubilee gala took place in Gdańsk with the participation of the company's employees and a wide range of business partners.
Chris Deen new CEO at potato processor Aviko
december 10, 2019

Chris Deen new CEO at potato processor Aviko

Royal Cosun will appoint Chris Deen (52) as CEO of the Aviko Group with effect from January 15th, 2020. Chris will succeed Ton Christiaanse who holds this position on an interim basis.
Albert Bartlett Buys Stake in Frozen Food Brand
december 03, 2019

Albert Bartlett Buys 40% Stake in Frozen Food Brand Kiddyum

Manchester-based frozen food brand for children Kiddyum has sold a 40% stake to Albert Bartlett, a grower and packer of potatoes reports BusinessLive.
Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row
december 02, 2019

Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row

Potato processors in the United Kingdom and their growers express again extreme concern about the potato supply, due to wet weather and potato varieties grown for processing in particular affected.
McCain Foods (GB) proposes to cut 230 jobs in the United Kingdom at its PAS Grantham plant
november 25, 2019

McCain Foods (GB) proposes to cut 230 jobs in the United Kingdom at its PAS Grantham plant

McCain Foods (GB) Ltd announced today it is proposing, subject to consultation, to reduce the employee numbers at its subsidiary PAS Grantham in the United Kingdom. It says the proposal puts 230 McCain employees at risk of redundancy.
New Lamb Weston / Meijer headquarters in Breda almost ready
november 23, 2019

New Lamb Weston / Meijer headquarters in Breda almost ready

Early this year potato processor Lamb Weston / Meijer announced it would move its corporate headquarters to a new office location in Breda, The Netherlands. Now it is only weeks before this new Corporate Center will be ready.


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