Ziektes en gebreken

januari 07, 2011

Late blight attacks potato crop in Punjab

Late blight, a fungal disease, has attacked the potato crop in Punjab, which is a major producer of tuber crop in the country, raising fear of damage to the crop.
november 26, 2010

Blight ravages potato crop in Karnataka region, India

Potato farmers have lost lakhs of rupees due to destruction of potato crop by a bout of blight, yet, they are yet to receive any relief money from the Agricultural Department.
juni 14, 2009

Karnataka farmers shy away from potatoes in fear of blight

Owing to the fear of blight, many farmers are shying away from cultivating potato. Last year, potato was grown on 50,000 hectares of land in the district, but the crop on 35,000 hectares was affected by blight, and farmers lost Rs. 300 crore as a res...


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