Imported seed potatoes being stored in Kuppilan Jaffna. They were found to be infected with fungi.
januari 15, 2024

Spoiled imported seed potatoes leave Sri Lanka farmers with a rotten deal

Sri Lanka Potato Farmers alleged that a consignment of 20 metric tonnes (MT) of imported seed potatoes turned out to be rotten due to poor storage facilities in the region and import irregularities, leaving them with empty land.
How to improve the seed potato industry in Sri Lanka.
juli 23, 2019

How to improve the seed potato industry in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankans consume 228,000MT of potatoes annually, and the per capita consumption of potato has increased by more than five kilogrammes in the last 14 years. However, only 35 percent of the requirement is produced locally.
Sri Lanka increases import taxes of potatoes as local prices drop.
mei 06, 2018

Sri Lanka increases import duties on potatoes as local prices drop

Sri Lanka's Ministry of Finance has announced that the special commodity levy on imported big onions and potatoes had been increased with effect from midnight Wednesday, May 2nd.
Sri Lanka raises tax on imported potatoes and big onions
april 27, 2015

Sri Lanka raises tax on imported potatoes and big onions

Sri Lanka's Ministry of Finance announced April 25, 2015 that the import taxes on big onions and potatoes have been increased with immediate effect.
Sri Lanka Minister Rajapaksa visiting potato market
september 07, 2014

Sri Lanka suspends potato import

The Sri Lanka Government has decided to suspend the import of potatoes as of last night, according to the Colombo Gazette
A potato farmer in Meepitima, Nuwara Eliya collecting the potato harvest (Susantha Wijegunasekera; Sunday Observer)
maart 31, 2014

Sri Lanka Government introduces guaranteed price for potatoes

The Sri Lanka government introduces guaranteed price for potatoes, onions and dried chili to stimulate growth of the agricultural sector, achieving national food security.
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augustus 10, 2013

Sri Lanka increases taxes on imported potatoes to protect local farmers

Sri Lanka has increased the tax on imported potatoes from Rs 15 to Rs 25 per kilo (from USD 0.11 to USD 0.19) to protect the interests of local potato farmers.
augustus 14, 2012

Sri Lanka increases import duties on potatoes and onions to benefit local farmers

The Sri Lankan government announced today that the import taxes on big onions and potatoes have been increased with effect from midnight Monday. The import taxes have been increased under a directive from the President to maintain a reasonable price t...
maart 07, 2012

Sri Lanka imposes special levy on imported potatoes

The Sri Lankan government has decided to impose a special tax on imported potatoes.
september 16, 2011

Sri Lanka takes measures to increase potato cultivation

In Sri Lanka, the Seetha Eliya Agriculture Research Station has taken measures to increase the local potato seed production to increase the local potato crop, said research officer in charge M.M. Nugaliyadda. She said that most farmers refuse to culti...
augustus 19, 2011

Sri Lanka increases import taxes on potato

The Cooperatives and Internal Trade Ministry of Sri Lanka said today that import taxes on several food items have been increased. The Ministry has said the taxes on big onions, potatoes and garlic have been increased. Taxes on a kilo of potatoes have ...
juli 06, 2011

Sri Lanka increases taxes on imported potatoes to save the local farmer

The Sri Lankan government has decided to increase the import tax on potatoes from Rs 20 to 30, International Monetary Cooperation Minister Dr. Sarath Amunugama has said. The price of potatoes has gone down in local markets and the farmers complain tha...
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februari 20, 2011

Sri Lanka imposes taxes on imported potatoes to save the local farmer

Sri Lanka Minister of Cooperatives and Internal Trade Johnston Fernando says that the local potato farmers will be guaranteed a reasonable price for their product.
juli 22, 2010

Sri Lankan potato producers pleased with US cultivars

The United States Potato Board (USPB) Team Seed conducted a market visit to farms and growing regions in Sri Lanka during May 2010. Sri Lankan producers growing US varieties are unanimous in their approval of cultivars and selections sourced from the U...


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